Despite supporting the above-mentioned ouster in Venezuela and, more recently, taking an active (lead) role in the actual ouster cum kidnapping of Haitian President Aristide (March 1, 2004), the Bush Administration and “their” newspapers play down the significance of a mass anti-Bush demonstration in Chicago numbering by CBC and BBC estimates at between 120,000 to 400,000 people. Lest we forget, the CIA was authorized to orchestrate the 2002 Venezuelan coup based a reported anti-Chavez demonstration by roughly 10,000 Venezuelans. Note: In fairness to Bush, it should be noted that the Fox News network estimated only about 10,000 persons took part in the Chicago march (but then they were one of the U.S. networks that neglected to report that just across town from the anti-Chavez march more than 100,000 Venezuelans were taking part in pro-Chavez rallies – and wasn’t it Fox News that declared Bush won the U.S. Presidency before the final votes were counted in Florida? That’s right and Baby Bush’s cousin John Ellis was one of the executives in charge at Fox News wasn’t he.)
Jan 01