

Jan 01

“The High Price of Homeland Security”

In the immediate wake of Hurricane Katrina, oil companies around the world responded immediately with unprecedented gasoline price increases.  Three days later, Texas oil millionaire and part time (when he is not on vacation) President of the U.S. decides to cut his vacation short by two days, to rush to neighbouring Louisiana via Washington D.C. Five days later, federal relief starts to roll into the affected areas at gunpoint apparently to protect their homeland from the an unruly and hungry mob.

In a related story: A spokesman for the President declines a suggestion that the Bush Ranch could be used to handle the overflow of flood refugees saying, “Haven’t we already got enough problems what with Mad Cows in Texas, I don’t think we can cover-up the Mad Crowds too.  Okay, I admit, I am making this one up, but since the news media is unusually silent on this latest Mad Cow scare (the one they couldn’t blame on Canada), I needed to put it somewhere.