Tag Archive: Vital Stats

Jan 01

Vital Statistics 2024


Vital Statistics 2024 2023 2022 2014
a Canadian dollar is worth $0.70US $0.75US $0.73US $0.86US
an ounce of Gold is worth $ 2,625US $ 2,066US $1,824US $1,199US
a Bitcoin is worth $93,674US $42,550US $16,520US $319US
S&P/TSX Composite Index 24,728 20,958 19,384 14,632
your share of the National Debt $29,723 $30,604 $33,802  $17,528
the average Housing Price in Ottawa $667,098 $633,138 $656,023 $361,707
a domestic Postage Stamp costs $1.15 $1.07 $1.07 $1.00
a local call on a Bell pay phone $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50
a liter of Pepsi costs $4.19 $3.79 $3.79 $2.49
a liter of water costs $2.79 $2.79 $2.59 $2.49
a liter of milk costs (purchased in a 4 liter bag) $1.52 $1.47 $1.42 $1.00
a liter of gasoline costs $1.50 $1.35 $1.47 $0.94
a loaf of bread costs $4.39 $4.39 $3.99 $3.49
a paperback novel costs $14.99 $13.99 $12.99 $11.99
a weekly (Time) magazine costs $10.99 $10.99 $8.99 $6.99
a comic book costs $6.20 $5.85 $5.50 $3.99
a daily newspaper costs $3.33 $3.05 $3.00 $1.52
a regular bus ride costs $3.85 $3.75 $3.75 $3.45
a medium cup of coffee costs $1.85 $1.83 $1.83 $1.57
a basic cable television package $29.99 $24.99 $24.99 $39.48
a first run movie rental costs $6.99 $7.90 $6.99 $5.99
an adult’s movie theatre ticket costs $13.50 $14.25 $12.99 $10.99
a children’s movie theatre ticket costs $9.25 $10.00 $8.50 $7.99
Minimum wage (Ontario) $17.20/hr $16.55/hr $15.50/hr $11.00/hr
an adult men’s haircut $25.00 $25.00 $24.00 $19.00
a medium combination pizza $24.90 $24.00 $22.00 $15.75
a roll of toilet paper (based on a pack of 8) $1.75 $1.75 $1.48

2024 2023 2022
Births this year 132,769,810 134,280,255 133,990,136
Deaths (Covid-19 Deaths) this year   62,561,757   60,760,395 237,357   7,095,983(1,225,106)
Net Annual population growth   70,208,052   73,519,859   66,894,154
Current World Population 8,197,308,387     8,082,415,468 8,008,590,852

Bonus – Other Vital Stat Meters at a Glance:   https://www.worldometers.info/

Jan 01

Vital Statistics 2023

Vital Statistics 2023 2022 2021 2012
a Canadian dollar is worth $0.75US $0.73US $0.79US $ 0.94US
an ounce of Gold is worth $ 2,066US $1,824US $1,899US $1,204US
a Bitcoin is worth $42,550US $16,520US $29,259US $757US
S&P/TSX Composite Index 20,958 19,384 17,433 13,621
your share of the National Debt $30,604 $33,802 $17,433  $  18,133
the average Housing Price in Ottawa $633,138 $656,023 $540,500 $357,348
a domestic Postage Stamp costs $1.07 $1.07 $1.07 $0.63
a local call on a Bell pay phone $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50
a liter of Pepsi costs $3.79 $3.79 $2.79 $2.49
a liter of water costs $2.79 $2.59 $2.39 $2.39
a liter of milk costs (purchased in a 4 liter bag) $1.47 $1.42 $1.13 $1.35
a liter of gasoline costs $1.35 $1.47 $1.04 $1.27
a loaf of bread costs $4.39 $3.99 $3.49 $3.49
a paperback novel costs $13.99 $12.99 $12.99 $10.99
a weekly (Time) magazine costs $10.99 $8.99 $8.99 $6.99
a comic book costs $5.85 $5.50 $5.25 $2.99
a daily newspaper costs $3.05 $3.00 $2.38 $1.43
a regular bus ride costs $3.75 $3.75 $3.60 $3.40
a medium cup of coffee costs $1.83 $1.83 $1.79 $1.52
a basic cable television package $24.99 $24.99 $24.99 $38.67
a first run movie rental costs $7.90 $6.99 $4.99 $4.99
an adult’s movie theatre ticket costs $14.25 $12.99 $12.99 $10.99
a children’s movie theatre ticket costs $10.00 $8.50 $9.50 $7.99
Minimum wage (Ontario) $16.55/hr $15.50/hr $14.25/hr $10.25/hr
an adult men’s haircut $25.00 $24.00 $21.00 $18.00
a medium combination pizza $24.00 $22.00 $19.95 $16.25
a roll of toilet paper (based on a pack of 8) $1.75 $1.48 $1.13

2023 2022 2021
Births this year 134,280,255 133,990,136 140,086,055
Deaths (Covid-19 Deaths) this year   60,760,395 237,357   67,095,983(1,225,106)  58,811,482(3,511,231)
Net Annual population growth   73,519,859   66,894,154   81,274,573
Current World Population 8,082,415,468 8,008,590,852 7,917,257,610

Bonus – Other Vital Stat Meters at a Glance:   https://www.worldometers.info/

Jan 01

Vital Statistics 2022


 Vital Statistics 2022 2021 2020 2012
a Canadian dollar is worth $0.73US $0.79US $0.79US $  1.00US
an ounce of Gold is worth $1,824US $1.830US $1,899US $1,664US
a Bitcoin is worth $16,520US $46,820US $29,259US $13.51US
S&P/TSX Composite Index 19,384 21,223 17,433 12,433
your share of the National Debt $33,802 $31,423 $17,433  $18,056
the average Housing Price in Ottawa is $656,023 $682,096 $540,500 $351,792
a domestic Postage Stamp costs $1.07 $1.07 $1.07 $0.59
a local call on a Bell pay phone $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50
a liter of Pepsi costs $3.79 $2.79 $2.79 $2.49
a liter of water costs $2.59 $2.49 $2.39 $2.29
a liter of milk costs (purchased in a four liter bag) $1.42 $1.17 $1.13 $1.25
a liter of gasoline costs $1.46 $1.33 $1.04 $1.14
a loaf of bread costs $3.99 $3.59 $3.49 $3.39
a paperback novel costs $12.99 $12.99 $12.99 $10.99
a weekly (Time) magazine costs $8.99 $8.99 $8.99 $6.99
a comic book costs $5.50 $5.50 $5.25 $2.99
a daily newspaper costs $3.00 $2.38 $2.38 $1.19
a regular bus ride costs $3.75 $3.65 $3.60 $3.30
a medium cup of coffee costs $1.83 $1.83 $1.79 $1.52
a basic cable television package $24.99 $24.99 $24.99 $37.81
a first run movie rental costs $6.99 $4.99 $4.99 $5.99
an adult’s movie theatre ticket costs $12.99 $13.50 $12.99 $10.99
a children’s movie theatre ticket costs $8.50 $9.25 $9.50 $7.99
Minimum wage (Ontario) $15.50/hr $14.35/hr $14.25/hr $10.25/hr
an adult men’s haircut $24.00 $21.00 $21.00 $18.00
a medium combination pizza $22.00 $21.75 $19.95 $17.25
a roll of toilet paper (based on price of a pack of 8) $1.48 $1.33 $1.13 $  1.00US

2022 2021 2020
Births this year 133,990,136 140,086,055 140,469,885
Deaths (Covid-19 Deaths) this year  67,095,983(1,225,106)   58,811,482(3,511,231) 58,972,622(1,941,761)
Net Annual population growth 66,894,154 81,274,573 81,497,263
Current World Population 8,008,590,852 7,917,257,610 7,835,983,035

Bonus – Other Vital Stat Meters at a Glance:   https://www.worldometers.info/

Jan 01

Vital Statistics 2021

 Vital Statistics 2021 2020 2019 2011
a Canadian dollar is worth $0.79US $0.79US $0.77 US $  0.98US
an ounce of Gold is worth $1.830US $1,899US $1,517US $1,574US
a Bitcoin is worth $46,820US $29,259US $7,190US $2.00US
S&P/TSX Composite Index 21,223 17,433 17,063 11,504
your share of the National Debt $31,423 $17,433 $18,792  $ 15,733
the average Housing Price in Ottawa is $644,158 $540,500 $501,201 $ 343,284
a domestic Postage Stamp costs $1.07 $1.07 $1.05 $  0.59
a local call on a Bell pay phone $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $  0.50
a liter of Pepsi costs $2.79 $2.79 $2.79 $  1.99
a liter of water costs $2.49 $2.39 $2.39 $  1.99
a liter of milk costs (purchased in four liter bag) $1.17 $1.13 $1.10 $  1.25
a liter of gasoline costs $1.33 $1.04 $1.15 $  1.20
a loaf of bread costs $3.59 $3.49 $3.39 $  3.39
a paperback novel costs $12.99 $12.99 $12.99 $11.99
a weekly (Time) magazine costs $8.99 $8.99 $7.99 $  6.99
a comic book costs $5.50 $5.25 $4.99 $  2.99
a daily newspaper costs $2.38 $2.38 $2.38 $  1.19
a regular bus ride costs $3.65 $3.60 $3.60 $  3.25
a medium cup of coffee costs $1.83 $1.79 $1.76 $  1.40
a basic cable television package $24.99 $24.99 $24.99 $36.01
a first run movie rental costs $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $  4.99
an adult’s movie theatre ticket costs $13.50 $12.99 $11.99 $10.99
a children’s movie theatre ticket costs $9.25 $9.50 $8.50 $  7.99
Minimum wage (Ontario) $14.35/hr $14.25/hr $14.00/hr $10.25/hr
an adult men’s haircut $21.00 $21.00 $20.00 $17.00
a medium combination pizza $21.75 $19.95 $17.50 $17.00
a roll of toilet paper (based on price of a pack of 8) $1.33 $1.13

2021 2020
Births this year 140,086,055 140,469,885
Deaths (Covid-19 Deaths) this year 58,811,482 (3,511,231) 58,972,622(1,941,761)
Net population growth this year  81,274,573 81,497,263
Current World Population 7,917,257,610 7,835,983,035

Bonus – Other Vital Stat Meters at a Glance:   https://www.worldometers.info/

Jan 01

Vital Statistics 2020

 Vital Statistics 2020 2019 2018 2010
a Canadian dollar is worth $0.79US $0.77 US $0.74 US $  1.00US
an ounce of Gold is worth $1,899US $1,517US $1,283 US $1,406US
a Bitcoin is worth $29,259US $7,190US $3,687 US $0.30US
S&P/TSX Composite Index 17,433 17,063 14,323 13,443
your share of the National Debt $17,433 $18,792 $17,994  $15,771
the average Housing Price in Ottawa is $540,500 $501,201 $429,039 $327,225
a domestic Postage Stamp costs $1.07 $1.05 $1.00 $0.57
a local call on a Bell pay phone $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50
a liter of Pepsi costs $2.79 $2.79 $2.49 $2.29
a liter of water costs $2.39 $2.39 $2.39 $1.99
a liter of milk costs (purchased in a four liter bag) $1.13 $1.10 $1.14 $1.32
a liter of gasoline costs $1.04 $1.15 $1.15 $1.13
a loaf of bread costs $3.49 $3.39 $3.29 $2.99
a paperback novel costs $12.99 $12.99 $12.99 $10.99
a weekly (Time) magazine costs $8.99 $7.99 $7.99 $6.99
a comic book costs $5.25 $4.99 $4.99 $2.99
a daily newspaper costs $2.38 $2.38 $2.38 $1.19
a regular bus ride costs $3.60 $3.60 $3.50 $3.25
a medium cup of coffee costs $1.79 $1.76 $1.71 $1.27
a basic cable television package $24.99 $24.99 $24.99 $31.49
a first run movie rental costs $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99
an adult’s movie theatre ticket costs $12.99 $11.99 $11.99 $10.75
a children’s movie theatre ticket costs $9.50 $8.50 $8.50 $7.99
Minimum wage (Ontario) $14.25/hr $14.00/hr $14.00/hr $10.25/hr
an adult men’s haircut $21.00 $20.00 $20.00 $17.00
a medium combination pizza $19.95 $17.50 $17.00 $15.50
a roll of toilet paper (based on price of a pack of 8) $1.13

Births this year    140,469,885
Deaths this year      58,972,622
Net population growth this year       81,497,263
Current World Population 7,835,983,035


Bonus – Other Vital Stat Meters at a Glance:   https://www.worldometers.info/


Jan 01

Vital Statistics 2019

Vital Statistics





a Canadian dollar is worth $0.77 US $0.74 US $0.79 US $  0.95US
an ounce of Gold is worth $1,517US $1,283 US $1,302 US $1,088US
a Bitcoin is worth $7,190US $3,687 US $13,810US (2010 debut 8¢)
S&P/TSX Composite Index 17,063 14,323 16,209 11,746
your share of the National Debt $18,792 $17,994 $17,508  $   14,981
the average Housing Price in Ottawa is $501,201 $429,039 $392,474 $303,888
a domestic Postage Stamp costs $1.05 $1.00 $1.00 $0.54
a local call on a Bell pay phone $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50
a liter of Pepsi costs $2.79 $2.49 $2.49 $2.29
a liter of water costs $2.39 $2.39 $2.49 $1.89
a liter of milk costs (purchased in a four liter bag) $1.10 $1.14 $1.07 $1.25
a liter of gasoline costs $1.15 $1.15 $1.09 $0.95
a loaf of bread costs $3.39 $3.29 $3.29 $1.99
a paperback novel costs $12.99 $12.99 $12.99 $12.99
a weekly (Time) magazine costs $7.99 $7.99 $7.99 $6.99
a comic book costs $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $2.99
a daily newspaper costs $2.38 $2.38 $1.52 $1.19
a regular bus ride costs $3.60 $3.50 $3.40 $2.30
a medium cup of coffee costs $1.76 $1.71 $1.62 $1.27
a basic cable television package $24.99 $24.99 $24.99 $29.99
a first run movie rental costs $4.99 $4.99 $5.99 $5.99
an adult’s movie theatre ticket costs $11.99 $11.99 $11.99 $10.50
a children’s movie theatre ticket costs $8.50 $8.50 $8.50 $7.99
Minimum wage (Ontario) $14.00/hr $14.00/hr $11.60/hr $  9.50/hr
an adult men’s haircut $20.00 $20.00 $19.00 $15.75
a medium combination pizza $17.50 $17.00 $16.75 $15.50

Current World Population 7,754,485,784
Births this year    140,086,071
Deaths this year      58,811,489
Net population growth this year  81,274,582


Bonus – Other Vital Stat Meters at a Glance:   http://www.worldometers.info/


Jan 01

Vital Statistics 2018

Vital Statistics 2018 2017 2016 2008
a Canadian dollar is worth $0.74 US $0.79 US $0.74 US $0.82US
an ounce of Gold is worth $1,283 US $1,302 US $1,152US $870US
a Bitcoin is worth $3,687US $13,810US $951US (2010 debut 8¢)
S&P/TSX Composite Index 14,323 16,209 15,287 8,987
your share of the National Debt $17,994 $17,508  $ 17,508  $14,951
the average Housing Price in Ottawa is $429,039 $392,474 $371,901 $290,366
a domestic Postage Stamp costs $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1
a local call on a Bell pay phone $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50
a liter of Pepsi costs $2.49 $2.49 $2.49 $1.99
a liter of water costs $2.39 $2.49 $2.49 $1.79
a liter of milk costs $1.14 $1.07 $1.07 $1.29
a liter of gasoline costs $0.97 $1.09 $1.06 $0.66
a loaf of bread costs $3.29 $3.29 $3.29 $2.69
a paperback novel costs $12.99 $12.99 $12.99 $11.99
a weekly (Time) magazine costs $7.99 $7.99 $6.99 $4.95
a comic book costs $4.99 $4.99 $3.99 $2.99
a daily newspaper costs $2.38 $1.52 $1.52 $0.94
a regular bus ride costs $3.50 $3.40 $3.65 $2.00
a medium cup of coffee costs $1.71 $1.62 $1.62 $1.22
a basic cable television package $24.99 $24.99 $40.48 $28.49
a first run movie rental costs $4.99 $5.99 $5.99 $4.79
an adult’s movie theatre ticket costs $11.99 $11.99 $11.50 $9.95
a children’s movie theatre ticket costs $8.50 $8.50 $8.50 $7.95
Minimum wage (Ontario) $14.00/hr $11.60/hr $11.40/hr $  8.75/hr
an adult men’s haircut $20.00 $19.00 $19.00 $15.50
a medium combination pizza $17.00 $16.75 $16.75 $15.45

Current World Population


Births this year         140,757,753
Deaths this year           59,057,455
Net population growth this year 


Bonus – Other Vital Stat Meters at a Glance:   http://www.worldometers.info/


Jan 01

Vital Statistics 2017

Vital Statistics 2017 2016 2015 2007
a Canadian dollar is worth $  0.79 US $  0.74 US $  0.72US $  0.96US
an ounce of Gold is worth $  1,302 US $  1,152US $1,060US $836US
a Bitcoin is worth $ 13,810 us $  951US $430US
S&P/TSX Composite Index 16,209 15,287 13,010 13,833
your share of the National Debt $17,643  $ 17,508 $18,207  $  15,499
a domestic Postage Stamp costs $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $0.51
a local call on a Bell pay phone $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50
a liter of Pepsi costs $2.49 $2.49 $2.49 $1.79
a liter of water costs $2.39 $2.39 $2.39 $1.69
a liter of milk costs (purchased in a four liter bag) $1.07 $1.07 $1.00 $1.19
a liter of gasoline costs $1.09 $1.06 $0.81 $1.04
a loaf of bread costs $3.69 $3.29 $3.19 $1.67
a paperback novel costs $12.99 $12.99 $11.99 $12.99
a weekly (Time) magazine costs $7.99 $6.99 $6.99 $5.95
a comic book costs $4.99 $3.99 $3.99 $3.99
a daily newspaper costs $2.00 $1.52 $1.52 $0.94
a regular bus ride costs $3.40 $3.65 $3.55 $1.90
a medium cup of coffee costs $1.69 $1.62 $1.57 $1.17
a basic cable television package $24.99 $40.48 $40.48 $27.49
a first run movie rental costs $6.99 $5.99 $5.99 $4.39
an adult’s movie theatre ticket costs $11.99 $11.50 $10.99 $9.95
a children’s movie theatre ticket is $8.50 $8.50 $8.50 $7.95
Minimum wage (Ontario) $11.60/hr $11.40/hr $11.25/hr $  8.00/hr
an adult men’s haircut $19.00 $19.00 $19.00 $14.25
a medium combination pizza $16.75 $16.75 $16.75 $14.35


Current World Population 7,550,262,101
Births this year  142,193,455
Deaths this year  58,895,634
Net population growth this year  83,297,821

Bonus – Other Vital Stat Meters at a Glance:   http://www.worldometers.info/




Jan 01

Vital Statistics 2016


Vital Statistics

2016 2015 2014 2013
a Canadian dollar is worth $  0.74 US $  0.72US $  0.86US $  0.94US
an ounce of Gold is worth $  1,152 US $  1,060 US $  1,199US $  1,204US
a Bitcoin is worth $  969US $  430US $ 319.70US $ 757.50US
S&P/TSX Composite Index 15,287 13,009 14,632 13,621
a domestic postage stamp costs $  1.00 $  1.00 $  1.00 $  0.63
a local Bell pay phone call(if u can find one) $  0.50 $  0.50 $  0.50 $  0.50
a liter of Pepsi costs $  2.49 $  2.49 $  2.49 $  2.49
a liter of water costs $  2.49 $  2.49 $  2.49 $  2.39
a liter of milk costs (purchased in a four liter bag)  $  1.07 $  1.00 $  1.00 $  1.35
a liter of gasoline costs $  1.04 $  0.81 $  0.94 $  1.27
a loaf of bread costs $  3.29 $  3.19 $  3.49 $  3.49
a paperback novel costs $12.99 $11.99 $11.99 $10.99
a weekly (Time) magazine costs $  7.99 $  6.99 $  6.99 $  6.99
a comic book costs $  3.99 $  3.99 $  3.99 $  2.99
a daily newspaper costs $  1.52 $  1.52 $  1.52 $  1.43
a regular bus ride costs $  3.65 $  3.55 $  3.45 $  3.40
a medium cup of coffee costs $  1.62 $  1.57 $  1.57 $  1.52
a basic cable television package $40.48 $40.48 $39.48 $38.67
a first run movie rental costs $  5.99 $  5.99 $  5.99 $  4.99
an adult movie theatre ticket costs $11.50 $10.99 $10.99 $10.99
a children’s movie theatre ticket costs $  8.50 $  8.50 $  7.99 $  7.99
Minimum wage (Ontario) $11.40/hr $11.25/hr $11.00/hr $10.25/hr
an adult men’s haircut $19.00 $19.00 $19.00 $18.00
a medium combination pizza $16.75 $16.75 $15.75 $16.25


Current World Population 7,475,142,566
Births this year 143,518,237
Deaths this year 60,101,523
Net population growth this year 83,416,714


Bonus – Other Vital Stat Meters at a Glance:   http://www.worldometers.info/

Jan 01

Vital Statistics 2015


Vital Statistics





a Canadian dollar is worth $  0.72US $  0.86US $  0.94US $  1.00US
a domestic postage stamp costs $  1.00 $  1.00 $  0.63 $  0.59
a local Bell pay phone call(if u can find one) $  0.50 $  0.50 $  0.50 $  0.50
a liter of Pepsi costs $  2.49 $  2.49 $  2.49 $  2.49
a liter of water costs $  2.49 $  2.49 $  2.39 $  2.29
a liter of milk costs (purchased in a four liter bag) $  1.00 $  1.00 $  1.35 $  1.25
a liter of gasoline costs $  0.81 $  0.94 $  1.27 $  1.14
a loaf of bread costs $  3.19 $  3.49 $  3.49 $  3.39
a paperback novel costs $11.99 $11.99 $10.99 $10.99
a weekly (Time) magazine costs $  6.99 $  6.99 $  6.99 $  6.99
a comic book costs $  3.99 $  3.99 $  2.99 $  2.99
a daily newspaper costs $  1.52 $  1.52 $  1.43 $  1.19
a regular bus ride costs $  3.55 $  3.45 $  3.40 $  3.30
a medium cup of coffee costs $  1.57 $  1.57 $  1.52 $  1.52
a basic cable television package $40.48 $39.48 $38.67 $37.81
a first run movie rental costs $  5.99 $  5.99 $  4.99 $  5.99
an adult movie theatre ticket costs $10.99 $10.99 $10.99 $10.99
a children’s movie theatre ticket costs $  8.50 $  7.99 $  7.99 $  7.99
Minimum wage (Ontario) $11.25/hr $11.00/hr $10.25/hr $10.25/hr
an adult men’s haircut $19.00 $19.00 $18.00 $18.00
a medium combination pizza $16.75 $15.75 $16.25 $17.25

Bonus – Other Vital Stat Meters at a Glance:   http://www.worldometers.info/


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