Tag Archive: Story of the Year

Jan 01

Story of the Year 2024

“Hail to the Cling”

Still desperately seeking someone, anyone to support his cling to power, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu continued to cling to the hope that he could deftly navigate his way through politics at home enroute to dragging out what can only be described as the longest one-sided military expedition in the history of war.  Meanwhile, in America, Joe Biden’s bid to cling to power for just one more term dragged on until even his staunchest supporters could no longer forget all his gaffs and apparent symptoms of cognitive decline. Alas, he clung on too long, allowing Donald “By the Grace of God, Divinely Right” Trump to make America a Kingdom again. The list goes on with India’s PM Narendra Modi white knuckling (despite knuckling down on opposition) his way to a 3rd term.  Vladimir Putin beheading all legitimate opposition parties and cruising to an unpresidented[sic] 6th term and his 25th year as Russia’s Head of State. Not so bad when you consider only the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible ruled the Rus longer than that.   And then there was Canada. Oh Canada!


Jan 01

Story of the Year 2023

“Palestinian terrorists save Israel’s embattled President Netanyahu.”

While Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was droning on, Hamas and a loose federation of other terror groups answerable only to “someone”  inexplicably attack Israel even as their hawkish archenemy, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government are reeling on the ropes from ongoing popular “Israeli” protests in  the street demanding he and his far right government stand down on judicial reforms linked to the expansion of Israeli settlements and further annexation of Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories.  Brilliant! Netanyahu’s government dodged a bullet as the ten-month protest ended and now everyone in Palestine is dodging bullets and bombs.

In a related story:  Shortly after“someone” gave Hamas terrorists from Palestine the green light to invade Israel, the President of Iran (and de facto Puppeteer in Chief of Hamas) travelled to Moscow where he was congratulated by Putin for his country’s role in ensuring that relations between their countries “are developing very well” and “Thanks to his support, we have gained good momentum over the past year.”

Jan 01

Story of the Year 2022

 “Putin pulls a Hitler”

The world’s most dangerous psychopathic narcissist tears a page from Hitler’s playbook and invades the free state of Ukraine perhaps believing, like Hitler, that the rest of Europe (and the world) would sit back and tut.  Might have worked too but for the facts that: 1) Putin’s army was not nearly as formidable as Hitler’s; and 2) the Ukrainians kicked their ass. So far, most of Europe and the rest of the world (that is not also run by authoritarian megalomaniacs) chose to align with the right side of history and/or Winston Churchill’s dictate, “those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” On the other hand, Putin, all those old school Russian patriots, his state controlled news agencies, and a host of Fox News pundits who are continuing to enable him seem to have forgotten what happened when Hitler, yesteryear’s most dangerous psychopathic narcissist, invaded mother Russia with an army that was vastly more powerful than Putin’s.

So that happened. A megalomaniac’s attempt to turn back time and make the USSR great again (or rather to make his Russian speaking neighbors not so great again) blows up in everyone’s face. Not the least being his own and those of his own people. The good news: when Russia is called upon to pay reparations, its people will be for the most part unaffected given that all their money has always been in Putin’s pockets anyway.

Jan 01

Story of the Year 2021

Republican Mob Storms the US Capitol

Having failed in all attempts to convince the courts or any Federal or State Republican politicians to throw out the vote, the Dodder encourages a crowd of his (perhaps extremely) right minded zealots to storm congress to defend their, if not democratic, then republican right to ignore law and order in order to “patriotically” defend his divine right to dictate what is right, real, and good for everyone.

Jan 01

Story of the Year 2020


I could say more (and I’m sure I eventually will) but for now let’s just agree that we’ve had enough of that crap to last a lifetime (and not enough of this to last another month).

Jan 01

Story of the Year 2019

Story of the Year 2019: The Hong Kong Protests

In a year that saw widespread protests all over the planet, Hong Kong was their king. There was more than HongKing in the streets as the world watched tensions climb in KingHong, the skyscraper capital of the world.  Despite 6 months of protests and defiance, the bigger story may be the fact that 30 years after their crackdown at Tiananmen Square, there have been no tanks in the streets and the Chinese government has shown the kind of restraint the world (if not their media) wants to see from a bona fide global superpower.

Jan 01

Story of the Year 2018

“We’ve got to wake up & smell reality!”

No, it wasn’t any of those stinking news stories about walls, borders,  blockheads, rocket heads, or heads of state that we were being bludgeoned with day in and day out. It was the environmental elephant in the room that was absent for most of the year until the news feeds of the world warmed up to the idea and granted it a brief Stan Lee-like cameo appearance one day in October (before continuing their contrived assaults on our space with more of the same old bluster and hot air emissions).

Related Story: According to a WWF report, global wildlife populations have fallen by 58% since 1970 with African elephants being especially vulnerable after having “suffered huge declines in recent years.”  Genius! As long as the climate naysayers continue to do nothing about anything, the environmental elephant in the room (and by extension climate change) could disappear in our lifetime (if not in time for the next election).

Jan 01

Story of the Year 2017

Snakes on a Plane

This story from Newsweek magazine best summed up the state of their nation after American voters entrusted Donald Trump to “drain the swamp” in Washington of corruption and cronyism. It may also explain why so many other stories were bumped from the front pages of the world and my ensuing flights of fancy. Rich!

Jan 01

Story of the Year 2016

Story of the Year 2016:  “Donald Trump Madoff with the American Election after borrowing a page adolph Der Führer’s, ‘Make [your country’s name here] Great Again’ playbook”

Nobody but the National Inquirer, it’s enlightened readers, and pre-WWII Germany would have predicted the outcome of what was probably one of history’s most bizarre election campaigns.

Here is an excerpt from the page that was borrowed adolph the above-mentioned playbook:

“… with a population suffering from poverty, misery, and uncertainty, amid increasing political instability… In his speeches, Hitler offered the Germans what they needed most, encouragement. He gave them heaps of vague promises while avoiding the details. He used simple catchphrases, repeated over and over.  His campaign appearances were carefully staged events. Audiences were always kept waiting, deliberately letting the tension increase…Hitler began each speech in low, hesitating tones, gradually raising the pitch and volume of his voice then exploding in a climax of frenzied indignation. He combined this with carefully rehearsed hand gestures for maximum effect. He skillfully played on the emotions of the audience bringing the level of excitement higher and higher until the people wound up a wide-eyed, screaming, frenzied mass that surrendered to his will and looked upon him with pseudo-religious adoration.

Hitler offered something to everyone: work to the unemployed; prosperity to failed business people; profits to industry; expansion to the Army; social harmony and an end of class distinctions to idealistic young students; and restoration of German glory to those in despair. He promised to bring order amid chaos; a feeling of unity to all and the chance to belong. He would make Germany strong again; end payment of war reparations to the Allies; tear up the treaty of Versailles; stamp out corruption; keep down Marxism; and deal harshly with the Jews.”

source: www.historyplace.com

That’s right folks, Melania was not the only Trump that was prone to recycling the ideas of others.

Jan 01

Story of the Year 2015

“ISIS[pect] Jihad a Different Outcome in Mind.”

In a move that has both Napoleon and Hitler rolling in their graves, ISIS opens a second front with Russia by blowing up a Russian airliner in Egypt. In so doing they defuse a potentially explosive impasse between Russian and American forces over Syria.

But wait, there’s more! Not only do they inadvertently mediate irreconcilable Russo-American differences, they follow up with another cowardly attack in Paris that results in the French eventually fighting back. Even Anonymous, an anti-establishment group of hackers, has joined the fray on the side of their enemies in the establishment.

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