Tag Archive: Statistic of the Year

Jan 01

Statistic of the Year 2024

According to the Gun Violence Archive there were 501 mass shootings in America over the course of 2024 (which is over 100 fewer than in each of the previous 4 years).

Related Revelation: Given that the American Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) seems to be the official scorekeeper for the above-mentioned statistics, regardless of what the lawmakers say about the right to bare arms, they have already admitted that gun ownership is rightly classified a disease.



Jan 01

Statistic of the Year 2020

More Americans died in the first 9 months of Covid-19 than America’s combined body-counts from WW I 116, 516, Vietnam 58,209 and Korea 36,516.



American Deaths


Civil War


4 yrs & 1mo 1861-1865

Spanish Flu


2 yrs & 3mo 1918-1920

World War II


3 yrs & 9mo 1941-1945

Covid-19 (so far)


9mo 2020-2020

World War I


1 yr & 9mo 1917-1918

Vietnam War


10 yrs & 9mo 1964-1975

Korean War


3 yrs & 1mo 1950-1953


Current Cases and Deaths by Country: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/


Jan 01

Statistic of the Year 2019

In 2017, the most recent year with available data, nearly 40,000 people in the U.S. died from firearm injuries, more than eight times the number of U.S. military members who died overseas during Operation Iraqi Freedom between 2003 and 2010.

 – Time Magazine, How Likely Is the Risk of Being Shot in America?

Scary Ways to Die Suddenly

Most Recent Totals

Odds of being killed this way

Murders in America

  17,284 2017

  1 in 18,275 2017

Ebola in DR of the Congo

    2,227  2019 

1 in 38,971 2019

Animal Attacks in Australia

 189 2008-2017

1 in 402,750 2017


Jan 01

Statistic of the Year 2018

High Cost of Canadian Interprovincial Trade Barriers

“The self-inflicted cost is staggering. Economists Trevor Tombe and Lukas Albrecht have estimated that full free trade within Canada would add between $50 billion and $130 billion to our GDP each year, or $7,500 per household. To put that number in perspective, $50 billion is twice what the federal government spends on defense. By comparison, a free-trade agreement with China has been projected by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce to increase Canada’s GDP by only $7.8 billion by 2030.”

Source: A 150-year-old lesson Trudeau should heed in dealing with Trump’s tariffs  by Howard Anglin for CBC News

Jan 01

Statistic of the Year 2017

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) levels in our atmosphere are sky high and climbing.

Even as The Dodder struggles to turn back time and recreate old markets to keep the American Coal Mining industry on life support, studies emanating from labs in 51 countries encircling the planet indicate that CO2 levels in the atmosphere encircling same planet are surging upwards.

Numbers released for the previous year 2016 marked the “the largest increase we have ever seen in the 30 years” of WHO global atmosphere watch measurements.  Only time (and an American 5th Grader) will tell whether 2017’s devastating forest fire records and the tremendous influx of hot air emanating from the Woeful Office will fuel a new record high.

Jan 01

Statistic of the Year 2016

Statistic of the Year:    “The United States is home to 5% of the world’s population but 25% of the world’s prisoners… African Americans make up 6.5% of the American population but 40.2% of the prison populace… While a white male has a 1 in 17 chance of ending up behind bars, for black males it is 1 in 3… The American prison population rose from 196,441 in 1970 to nearly 2.3 million today?”

— a 2016 film documentary entitled. “13th” by Ava DuVernay


Runner Up:  Canadians owe $1.68 in household debt for every $1 they make after tax. In September, Statistics Canada reported household liabilities rose to 100.5 per cent of GDP, exceeding the size of its economy for the first time. This means Canadians now owe more than they produce with a higher household debt ratio than any other G-7 country.

Jan 01

Statistic of the Year 2015

State of the Workers’ State in China         


China’s communist capital is concerned that their communist Workers’ State is making a statement re the State’s treatment of the labour movement.  Only time will tell who is going to capitalize on this new twist.

State of the Worker's State

Related Statistic: With 190 billionaires and more than two million millionaires, China tags just behind the US in number of high-net-worth individuals.  — Forbes magazine and Boston Consulting Group.


Jan 01

Statistic of the Year 2014

Ebola is not the first or the worst epidemic out of  Africa.


According to the latest data from the World Health Organization, more than 20,000 people have been diagnosed with Ebola virus and more than 7,800 have died of it; however, the following chart from 2012 castes some perspective on what that means relative to some of Africa’s other killers.



Related Statistic:  The worldwide death toll for the SARS virus was 770.  The H5N1 bird flu claimed 390 lives. As at December 31 there have been over 10,000 homicides in the USA.

Jan 01

Statistic of the Year 2013

Just how bad are our national debt levels?

  2012 Debt as a % of GDP by IMF

For a more in depth discussion see the BBC article, How bad are US debt levels?






Jan 01

Statistic of the Year 2012

The World Meteorological Organization reported that despite an early cooling La Niña for half the year, 2012 will be one of the top ten hottest years since records started to be kept more than 160 years ago. Nearly half the population in the world has never experienced a month that was colder than normal globally. According to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, September 2012 was the 16th month since 2000 that the Earth has tied or broken a monthly warm temperature record.


Runner up: A study conducted by the American Food and Drug Administration found that 90% of more than 100 different prescription and non-prescription drugs were still safe and effective to use even 15 years after their printed date of expiration.

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