Tag Archive: Song of the Year

Jan 01

Song of the Year 2003

Fingernails on a chalkboard

Honorable mention: The Great North-Eastern blackout (because, in a year of noise, a day or two of radio silence was pure gold).

Jan 01

Song of the Year – 2002

Again, nothing stands out but, whatever it was, I’m pretty sure it was sung by a “fat lady” what with the departure, or imminent departure, of so many world and/or corporate leaders including all Canadian Political Party leaders, Sadaam Insane, et al.

Honorable mention:  “Dreamer” by Ozzy Osbourne.  An exceptionally good melody with oh so appropriate lyrics that lead me to believe that the man just might be a pretty astute individual despite his stage persona.  Warning! One good song does not an album make, so don’t run out and buy the album because I’m pretty sure that there is more on his album that could offend even the hard of hearing.

Jan 01

Song of the Year – 2001

Only Time by Enya.

This song echoes back to the golden age of the Celts (i.e. the copper age – circa 300BC).  I may be showing the bias of my Celtic heritage; but, then again, as I gaze into my mirror at a person that is now more apt to be mistaken for Santa Clause than guys named Achmed or Franco; coupled with what I see and hear in the Music stores of today, I am thinking that older is definitely better.

Jan 01

Song of the Year 2000

Do it like the Discovery Channel”  – sorry, I don’t know the actual name of the song or the band that sings it. It might even have even been released in 1999 (Did I mention that the Beatles were the best band in 2000?)

Runner up:  Celine Dion’s ultrasound recordings.

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