Tag Archive: Predictions

Jan 01

Predictions for the Year 2015

The Good News: In the fall of 2015, Canadians will no longer be worrying about ISIS, ebola, global warming, bedbugs, the boogie man, or when the next Apple iPhone will be released and how far up our butt it will go before we get all bent out of shape. The Bad News:  We will be too busy being terrified of what will happen if we vote for “anyone” courtesy of attack ad campaigns that will fill every media headline, sound bite and/or advertisement with vitriol and “anti- other guy” hate mongering.


Denmark wins their claim over the North Pole when post offices around the world  send the United Nations Law of the Sea Tribunal almost a billion letters to Santa Clause that are asking him to bring Lego blocks for Christmas.


The Canadian government saves the day (and money) by scavenging parts from the recently discovered Franklin Expedition ship-wreck to fit out the Canadian navy’s new Arctic Command destroyer.


The Canadian Armed Forces file for divorce from Canada on the grounds that they can no longer live with the irreconcilable differences between what their country’s Prime Minister claims he will provide and the actual facts.


Little Green men of unknown origin spill over the North Pole into Northern Saskatchewan and Alberta in an attempt to protect the Russian-Ukranian minorities there (and their oil).  Canada responds by changing the name of its signature french fry recipe from poutine to “Putin-Getoutski”.


Russian President Putin is awarded a Nobel Peace Prize (and a contract for armed icebreakers from France) for his selfless devotion to land reclamation and the green movement.


Canadian rebels disguised as green men dump a shipload of tim-bits in Boston Harbour.  Meanwhile, dough-eyed politicians everywhere are russian to waggle fingers and levy trade sanctions after what headlines have dubbed the “Boston Cream Party.”  


Samsung engineers win Noble Peace Prize for their Robutt and the idea that those ubiquitous bi-social dumb-asses can now safely shove their annoying smart phones where they belong.

Jan 01

Predictions for the Year 2014

Those unemployed script writers from Breaking Bad suddenly become richer than Bill Gates after a bidding war erupts between rich liar-politicians around the globe who would pay anything to come across as more sympathetic in the eyes of their voters.


America becomes a defacto one-party dictatorship when it’s Republican Party is placed on Interpol’s Terrorism Watch List.  It’s members become so tea-ed off when their accounts are frozen and their wages garnished that they threaten: 1) to destroy the world some other way; and/or 2) to shoot themselves in the other foot.


A new reality TV show out of Montreal, Quebec that is entitled,Who Wants to be Mayor There?”  steals top spot for reality TV shows everywhere.  Other politicians who have senate can’t get enough.


Last year’s conservative downsizing strategy evolves into a major embarrassment.  After randomly selecting and laying off every scientist that does not wear a cowboy hat, Revenue Canada needs to hire twice as many new accountants to audit their special asses.


The surviving Boston Marathon bomber is freed on a technicality when his liars convince the jury that, because he was located via his body’s heat signature, he could not possibly have been the cold blooded killer everyone was looking for.  He immediately emigrates to Canada and sues their government for a terrorillion dollars on the grounds that they did not try hard enough to convince his refugee parents that they should have run to Canada as opposed to the US.


Hip-Hop music niggasps its last deep lyric when hip-hop artists, who are nothing without their bling, can no longer bling it after bitcoin (which cannot be worn) becomes both more expensive, and way cooler than gold.


Jan 01

Predictions for the Year 2013

Face Book becomes the darling of the stock exchange when investors realize that there is a fine line between shirtless and topless. Abreast of this revelation its stock prices bounce back.


Conservatives celebrate as Canadians wake up penniless in February.   Later that month the Finance Minister rounds GST up to 10ȼ and declares Canada will be debt free by year end.


Nomophobes rejoice as Google releases it’s “Apocalypse” family of smart phones.  The “Zombie” actually screens all of your calls, organizes,  thinks and speaks for you. It also operates on brain candy (yours) as opposed to batteries.  A sleeker, compact model called the “Cockroach” is also available.


In a face saving about-face designed to focus on weapons of mass destruction as opposed to women and mistress deception,  American counter-terrorist agencies require that all female agents, stenographers, contacts, and family friends wear full body burkas.


India shows it can still stink outside the box(car) when it opts for a cheaper low tech solution to its phew! phew! train problems.  It installs giant pooper scoopers in loo of cow catchers.

In a related prediction:  The s**t does not hit the fan(ancials) when the U.S hires disgruntled Indian railway workers to catch the money as it falls through the cracks of their fickle cliff.

Holy Smoke!  Shortly after his release from house arrest, the Pope’s butler gets burnt at a high stakes poker game in Monaco.  Unable to cover his losses, he is disappeared by some Italians of questionable integrity.

Jan 01

Predictions for the Year 2012

I win the Nobel Prize in Economics with my cure for the European Debt Crisis.  The plan hires the Spanish to build a giant debtors’ prison wall around Italy and Greece. The Portuguese are hired to police the wall while the Italians and the Greeks are ordered to fight a war (using swords and spears made in Ireland) with the winner allowed to enslave the loser and thereby continue their lavish lifestyle.


Experts discover a typo in the text book used by the world’s most prestigious business schools responsible for turning out bankers and politicians everywhere.  Apparently the typesetters had inadvertently switched the letters f and b.  Their “fooks” were improperly instructing their “binancial” graduates to “bail” instead of “fail” institutions who lose their shirts in “fad” investments.


The western world collapses as a result of the (not so sudden) onset of an epidemic of Infrastructure Deficit Disorder (IDD) which was previously just referred to as politics. This marks the first time in the history of the world that a new mental disorder is discovered before the drug companies can patent a drug that allegedly combats it.  In the absence of any available treatment, the public is told to stay at home and call 3 Asian help desks in the morning.


Deposed Italian PM Burlesgue-aroni surfaces in Canada where he convinces the Liberals and NDP to merge under his leadership.  He names his new political juggernaut the Bunga, Bunga Party.


Charlie Sheen is elected the new Prime Minister of Italy.


In a bold stroke of genius, governments everywhere introduce a new lottery (a.k.a. a dating service) that subsidizes hot young chicks who are willing to marry doddering old boomers. Productivity (of the biblical kind) falls but not as significantly as the number of old guys on pension whose hearts can’t make it to the next Valentine Day. Meanwhile a massive influx of inheritance taxes allows governments to cut income tax to “beget” productivity (of the economical kind) which was already booming because the young working guys had no chicks to chase.


The cure to everything is discovered prompting what is left of western economies to collapse with the sudden influx of millions of non-profit charity foundation employees onto the unemployment role.


America pays down its deficit by charging $100,000 per year for the above-mentioned pill.


Jan 01

Predictions for the Year 2011

Warning!  Before you stop reading and turn to a more reliable source for those predictions you hope to hang your future stock portfolios on, first ponder the following:

“In 2000, Fortune magazine boasted that it had consulted with, “some of the best stock pickers in the country” to come up with a list of “ten stocks for ten years.” These stocks may have some short-term volatility, Fortune said. But they were sure fire winners if you hang on to them until 2010. They were right about one stock. The other nine were losers. Two of Fortune’s favourites? Nortel and Enron.”

… source: Ottawa Citizen December 30, 2010


Bowing to the pressure of special interest groups everywhere, Parliament outlaws all but the instrumental version of O Canada.


On the heels of their successful spin cycles of 2010,  Industrial public relations officials pull the plug on any pretense of environmental concern when they roll out their lessons learned from past failures.  In short, they announce that no future environmental fail-safes are deemed necessary as, in their words, it is impossible to destroy the planet before we destroy ourselves at which time when all the people are gone the world will return to its lush green roots.


Time Magazine votes that knob (or knobbette) who needs to inform the alleged person at the other end of their cell-phone (and everyone else who is trapped in their immediate proximity on buses, checkout lines and any other public venue) of the pointless minutiae of their pathetic day, their location, their likes & dislikes, their location now, what they are planning tonight, and new location now, … as their 2011 Person of the Year.


The world trembles and the “ick-ter scale” goes through the roof when unknown hackers infiltrate Iranian state television computers and cause all references to “this word from your local Ayatollah to be followed by an X-rated out-take from Girls Gone Wild.


Tech Stocks go through the roof as everyone and every business everywhere needs to replace their pocket calculators, adding machines and computer business software packages with new models that can display and multiply trillions.    Accountants are suddenly the new cool as they are seen marching to work with their widescreen “Big Boom” box calculators perched conspicuously on their shoulders.


The U.S. and Canadian Dollar as well as every other currency around the world is replaced with a new universal currency.  This new coin is to be called the Trillion.


A BP whistle blower is accidentally run over by an American Coastguard cruiser at the foot of the court house steps where he was to have [allegedly] swore an affidavit to the effect that the well in the Gulf of Mexico was never successfully capped – it just ran out of gas.


BP (British Petroleum) conducts its final piece of damage control when it changes its name to MF (I will let you figure out the “Nature” of this abbreviation).


Big Oil and Toyota collaborate on salvaging their flagging reputations when they patent and release their answer to General Motors’ popular On Star system.  All new Toyota’s are released with an on board “spin doctor.”


The world is only slightly surprised at the revelation that Justin Bieber is actually the illegitimate love child of Katy Perry and Elmo.

In a related prediction: Perverted puppets everywhere are asking, “Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?”

Jan 01

Predictions for the Year 2010

The Lung Flute, my choice for Innovation of the Year 2009, is surreptitiously quashed by Big Drug when they realize that it will inevitably eat into their profitable ($3.5 billion per annum) common cold curing drug scams.


The doctor who agreed to a fertility treatment consisting of the in vitro implantation of 6 embryos in an unemployed, soon to be homeless, unmarried mother of 6 is agog when said mother sues him for child support.

In a related prediction:  In an attempt to bail out his struggling team of economic advisors through the implantation of some new blood and ideas, Obama hires Octomommy, Nadya Suleman, as his new Economic Advisor “at large“.  Her advice for this, that and everything else … [hooda thunk?] …make babies.  Oddly enough, in most if not all cases she is right. More proof that there is a thin line between a genius and a fool (and/or an investment banker and a welfare case).


The Iraqi reporter convicted of assaulting George W. Bush with a shoe is expunged of all charges when he wins his appeal on the grounds that the President was more likely to choke to death on his own shoes during an interview given his frequent tendency to wind up with his foot (or sometimes both feet) in his mouth.


In an attempt to avoid overreacting to the Port Hood shootings but still wanting to send a strong message that such an incident can never be allowed to happen again, US Government political strategists come up with a foolproof can’t lose solution: They inter all American psychiatrists in concentration camps until the war on terror is over.

In a related prediction:  California implodes when the bulk of its population can no longer get the therapy they need to survive life in California –  especially the part where they have to cope with waiting in long lines not knowing if they will ever get their coveted micro pig.


Canada’s conservation industry’s capture and release program cannot keep up with a deluge of unexpected orders placed from arms dealers and tin pot dictators for the new Canada Goose air to air anti-aircraft defense system.


Last year’s longer is better design from Ford inadvertently touches off a building boom as everyone needs to build an extension to their garage.  Sadly (or fortunately for the economy) all of those renovated car ports will have to be redone all over again because Ford decides to standard equip all of their 2011 vehicles with monster truck tires that require the garage ceilings to be raised.


Osama bin Hiden’s penchant for delivering his annual “the Armageddon is coming” message via home movies proves his undoing.  Now considered an international movie star, the Pentagon no longer needs to rely on their B-Team of Spy Satellites and Intelligence Agencies to hound him “to the edges of the earth”.  They call in the Paparazzi and voila… Osama bin Found!

In a related prediction:  Islamic Fundamentalists are crushed everywhere, not by the American War Machine, but by the Mattel Marketing Machine.  On the heels (can’t be seen under the) Burka Barbie, their “Osama Ken Have Anythin” doll turns future generations into the very image of their enemy – western greed and largess.


Peace on earth and good will is achieved.  Not through the hard work of Obama or any of the Religions du Jour, but due to a lot of failed media giants and news agencies.  Forced to cut back and lay off staff, they have only enough reporters left to cover “real” news as opposed to contrived, “if it bleeds it leads”, Hollywood headline news.


High” on the success of last year’s Totally Tattoo Barbie, Mattel takes the next logical step and releases Crack Ho Barbie.


Hounded by Parliament, the Media and the Canadian Public to explain why he felt it necessary to prorogue Parliament for 3 months until the Winter Olympics ended, Canadian PM Harper dodges the question and instead announces that he will prorogue Parliament until the upcoming Tim Horton’s Roll-up the Rim to Win event ends.

In a related prediction:  Canada’s Prime Minister Harper is ousted but lands on his feet when Russian Prime Minster Vladimir Putin immediately hires him as his Minister of Image, Communications and Democratic Reform.

In another related prediction:  Russian PM Putin is mortified when he realizes that his new Minister of Image, Communications and Democratic Reform turns out to be too hard line for even Putin’s ex-KGB tastes. Alas he cannot remove the guy because Harper refuses to accept his calls and prorogues the Russian Parliament until the upcoming “So You Think You Can Dance Like a Cossack” festival is completed.


Governments and Drug Companies everywhere collaborate on a universal inoculation program against the annihilation of mankind in 2012.  Cost:  countless trillions of dollars.  Benefits: An unqualified success (and/or peace of mind).

Jan 01

Predictions for the Year 2009

2008 is posthumously declared the International Year of the International Years.  Meanwhile, not to be outdone, 2009 is dubbed the International Year of 700 billion other things.


Legislators of the world “get smart” and order people who must use their cell phones to do so only within the confines of enclosed, lead-lined “cones of silence”  that will be erected on every street corner.


Alberta and Saskatchewan jointly discover that the remnants of last year’s meteor phenomena that fell on and around their border contains an extraterrestrial element, one grain of which can be used to convert an entire years supply of the worlds pollution into fresh air while giving off as a bi-product of that reaction an equal quantity of pre-refined smokeless gasoline and fresh drinking water that comes already enclosed in edible plastic bottles that possess a new enzyme that also cures cancer, malaria and the common cold.  Suddenly those two “Have” Provinces are upgraded to “Have all the Luck too” Provinces.


In a bid to bolster their sagging product lines with something completely different that will be more appealing to the market, General Motors uses the billions of new seed dollars that they extorted from taxpayers everywhere to acquire Caterpillar’s monster dump truck division.  The first 1000 trucks roll off the assembly line just in time to be driven (not flown) to Washington by the CEOs of the (now) Really, Really Big Three.  They are backed up to the doors of the Federal Reserve with orders that they be loaded with the 700 billion tons of gold required to fund their soon to be perfected electric (windshield wiper) motors.

In a related prediction:  The Big Three auto makers of America are renamed the “GMmeani Crime Cartel” in deference to the number of “wise guys” that are running those operations and their deft use of extortion.


In an attempt to get back into the black, countries all around the globe follow America’s lead and elect black leaders of their own.  China and Russia are notable exceptions insomuch as they prefer the color red.


The North American Record Industry unveils a new anti piracy business model that actually generates record profits while, at the same time, succeeding where every government and/or superpower in history has failed.  They eliminate the threat of piracy on the high seas by replacing ships foghorns with modern music ringtones.  Two or three blasts are all that any bucann ear (Somali or otherwise) can stomach before turning tail.


Those who can still afford the cars (that they had already purchased once before through their tax dollar bailout of the automotive industry and then a second time  through their tax dollar bailout of the banks so they will lend to car dealerships and the consumers who want to purchase said cars) start dying in droves as the bridges, tunnels and parking garages collapse around their ears leading to more bankruptcies and bailouts of financial institutions as the world’s insurance giants cannot keep up with the consequent life and damage claims.


When they realize that the taxpayers of the world can no longer support their habit, and in full anticipation that they might be asked to pay some of their globillion dollar bailouts back when they announce this year’s round of record profits, Bankers everywhere bypass the Cayman Islands and Switzerland to relocate their offices in Somalia, the only state on the planet where their brand of piracy and extortion are still considered virtues.

Jan 01

Predictions for the Year 2008

One week after the latest 10 cent price hike at the pumps was fueled by the discovery that an ESSO tanker truck in Tatamagouche Nova Scotia was driving for two days without it’s left rear turn-signal, all hope that the world oil prices would recover are lost when a PetroCanada station attendant breaks a nail while punching in a sale.

In a related prediction, more pressure on the price at the pumps when a Shell Oil employee is abducted by his counterparts across the street at Sunoco after he allegedly crossed to their side of the street to catch his bus.  Damaging though this “Intersectional Incident” would be on global prices, out and out chaos will arise when an inter-company memo is leaked to the press. The memo will cite the radical effects that the middle-east was having on tight oil profit margins and proposes that the companies need to by-pass the middle-men and introduce some more home-grown tension.  A company spokesperson says all efforts and a gargantuillian dollars will be invested to locate and contain said leak.  The portion of those costs that cannot be passed on at the pumps will be claimed under the Government’s new green subsidies on the grounds that this single voluntary Big Oil clean-up of one of their leaks eclipses all of their other cleanup bills combined.


In a pre-Olympic bid to embellish their otherwise tarnished environmental record, China upgrades the Yellow river from toxic to tasty.

In a related development: Not satisfied with their already hefty profits from selling western consumers tap water already paid for by their (the consumers) public tax dollars, the bottlers close their plants in North America in favor of cheaper operations in China.


More Chinese businessmen die in the line of duty, than the combined losses of all allied soldiers in all operating theatres combined.  By comparison, and closer to home, still no reports of any multinational company CEO’s, politicians, or pension managers who have committed suicide or who have been jailed or executed for their indiscretions.


Bouncing Baby boomers go hungry when their checks bounce because what they paid into the pension fund was lost in Chinese investments gone bad; and because an absence of investment in Canadian stock and the ongoing exodus of jobs to China and other third world sweat shops has led to even fewer working Canadians to top the fund up.  On the upside, those that don’t starve to death die a quicker more dignified death as result of their consumption of cheap (albeit toxic) Chinese dog and cat food; thereby, alleviating much of the burden on the pension fund.


No longer welcome in New York, the United Nations moves it headquarters to the North Pole.  Asked why such a remote location was chosen, the Secretary General indicated that, it was a cost saving measure based on global real-estate values and a “no-brainer” given that most of the world’s flags have already been planted there.

In a related prediction:  Scientists add the implied hot air, spinning wheels and imminent international friction into their prediction models and advance the expected disappearance of the Polar Ice cap by 2010 as opposed to last years predictions of as early as 2032.


Canadian Authorities can find no evidence that any of their illegal Mexican refugees are at risk of persecution, death or any other crimes against humanity at the hands of their previous U.S. employers; however, given that no less than 1.8 Canadian children are born per illegal couple over the 16 month investigation period they are all allowed to stay on compassionate terms.


The 2008 Summer Olympics are downgraded to Special Olympics on the grounds that all athletes are handicapped by the toxins in the air.

In a related prediction: Due in part to the overwhelming toxin levels in the air surrounding Beijing, China, the drug testing at the 2008 Summer Olympics has to be cancelled.  Despite this, those Chinese swimmers who practiced in the Yellow River are disqualified on the grounds that, although the rules committee was willing to overlook their extra set of eyes, their gills and webbed hands and feet were deemed to provide too much of an advantage over other swimmers.


Realizing the “old boys” had it wrong and there was little if any chance of separating based upon a constitutional referendum the Parti Québécois’ new Madam plays the gender card and declares that she wants to divorce Canada.  Quebec wins the case and gets ½ of everything.

Fast forward one week:  The PQ ousts their madam and attempts to reconcile their differences with Canada and the other provinces when they realize that having won half of Canada’s assets in the divorce settlement, they have actually taken a significant (transfer) pay cut.


The World Health organization (WHO) unveils a can’t miss funding strategy for their global green plan with the announcement that all networks everywhere must immediately lay off their weatherpersons and contribute their salaries to green sustainable energy research.

In a related prediction:  Unbeknownst to the WHO they also inadvertently fostered better job productivity and took a major bite out of depression when people everywhere are no longer spending time bitching about how the weather guys got it wrong for the Kyotillionth time this year.


Peace in our time “just  ‘cause” Islamic Fundamentalist Leaders everywhere agree that a new Grecian Formula in exchange for Oil Treaty with the West represents a fair trade for the commodity that all agree has been the root of western exploitation and holy jihad.  The few pockets of Islamic resistance quickly collapse as those hotheads who prefer to continue the fight, find their beards are spontaneously combusting because, in a vain attempt to keep up with the Bin Ladens, they substituted a more flammable crude oil extract for the safer western cosmetic.


The Canadian Loonie becomes the strongest currency in the world when Parliament outlaws snowbirds and cross border shopping in an incredibly successful bid to solve a number of nagging social woes that were further complicated by the loonie’s climb to par with the US dollar.  Unemployed manufacturing sector employees are hired by Canada Border Services to nab cross border shoppers returning to Canada.  All purchases are confiscated and redistributed to cloth and feed the homeless, while an additional surfeit of stiff fines are used to pay our new highly motivated border guards.  Any snowbirds or retirees who have actually spent the best part of their year spending the overworked minority of jaded young Canadians hard earned Loonie south of the border are offered the choice of summary execution or exile – either option leads to the discontinuance of their Pension benefits and a chance that there will be some money left in the Pension Fund if or when the young working stiffs are ever allowed to retire.


Countries around the world struggle to cope with a mass influx of millions of refugees from … the United States of America.  Having lost their homes to the great sub-prime mortgage collapse of 2007, millions of Americans claim refugee status and attempt to follow their jobs that were previously exported to all corners of the globe.

In a related prediction:  Mexico builds its own fence along the US border and underwrites a multi-million dollar advertising campaign across all media in the US that claims, “Canada promises free citizenship, health care and education for American Refugees”.


Sport Halls of Fame commence displaying photographs of inductees in two profiles.  Elsewhere, sports fans start asking for fingerprints in lieu of autographs.


Canada usurps North Korea and Iran as the most “clear and present danger” to US and therefore world peace. Insiders at the Pentagon claim that unlike the other nut-bars, half a world away, who only aspire to go ballistic on a nuclear scale, the Canadian Head of State next door who already has nuclear capability seems prone to flipping his reactors on and off with all of the care one might expect from a seven year old with a laser pointer. The fact that said leader, although from oil rich Alberta, was unable to curb that Province’s recent Oil Royalty hike or hold any sway over Newfoundland in their earlier game of chicken with Big Oil interests, has American Hawks demanding the democratization of Canada.  Ever the opportunist, America’s “War President” sees his Iraqi exit strategy from heaven and recalls all troops to support this new liberation of Canada.

In a related prediction:  The Canadian Loonie is supplanted by the US Dollar.


On the strength of the Canadian Loonie, Canada and the USA agree to unite as one North American country/empire.   The position of emperor-elect based upon overall performances in public debate is shaping up to be a two man race between Arnold Schwarzenegger and Marcel Marceau (the mime).  Insiders claim the latter has a burgeoning support base in the extinct notion of Quebec despite the fact that he died earlier last year.

Jan 01

Predictions for the Year 2007

The world is stunned when Canada sentences 17 young misunderstood “startlelists” to its harshest penalty under law – they are to be hung on a “Holiday Tree” until they are happy.


The Americans add the Canadian Bar Association (that’s the lawyers for you guys who drink too much to make the connection) to its list of terrorist organizations.  The bar association claims that it is “innocent” and asks the Canadian taxpayers to foot the bill to prove this before settling out of court with the promise that they will get out of the business of defending “startlelists” on the taxpayers dime as soon as the expected glut of same sex divorces kicks in to quaff their “excess” capacity.


Amnesty International charges Canada with human rights violations and torture when they learn that young Canadian Wahhabis wannabes of the explosive variety are being subjected to a steady diet of old Roadrunner vs. Coyote cartoons in a sadistic attempt to scare them straight with graphic depictions of the consequences of playing with explosives and/or to develop their senses of humor.


Lebanon becomes the Canada’s 11th province.  PEI is outraged that they will no longer be Canada’s premier destination for the majority of Canadians seeking a summer hot spot.


Canada replaces its long lost title as the Poster Peace Keeper for the Free World with a shiny new internationally recognized and undisputed reputation for being the World’s First and Only Free Travel Insurance Company.


The Canadian Government evacuates 200,000 nude Canadian snowbirds from Florida when an unusual absence of snow and clouds in December leads to a rash of sunburn and heat exhaustion that cannot be treated in the States using Canadian Medicare health insurance.  With no ships in the area that can react at light speed as is every Canadian citizen’s right to expect, the Princess Cruise Lines are chartered to whisk the poor wretches back to Canada by way of the Suez Canal and Fiji.


The Princess Cruise lines are written into the Canadian Charter of Rights as the Charter of choice for all future evacuations of Canadian citizens living outside of Canada.


After two years of token gains in the weight loss column, yours truly explodes from the closet in a bid to fashion a new career as the next great Spanish super model.

In a related prediction, body wax and depilatory cream futures rocket to all time highs.


In a last ditch attempt to save western civilization from itself, all North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) members outlaw hyphenation.  It is now illegal for anyone to hyphen off the American (or any other) dream by way of radical hyphenation (e.g. Muslim-American, Lebanese-Canadian, Roman-Catholic, etc…)


The FBI is charged with kidnapping under a class action lawsuit from movie watchers everywhere on the grounds that they have stolen as much as 2 days of the average viewers time over the course of any given year as they find themselves locked into the FBI warning screens of their rented and/or purchased DVD’s without the right to a speedy fast forward.


Finally, parents and student violence are no longer the leading cause of job related stress in Canadian schools.  A record number of teachers indicate their leading cause for being a little “spaced out” can be attributed to planets that have become planetoids and provinces that have becomes nationoids.  A spokesperson complains there is just not enough time in the day to keep up with these changes which include what appear to be optionally random changes in time zones all over North America.

Jan 01

Predictions for the Year 2006

General Predictions:


LED lights

Mini cars (the kind that can be carried home when they run out of gas)



Sport Utility Vehicles

Short-term memory retention

On the Horizon:

Amish Fundamentalism


Specific Predictions:

Millions of viewers worldwide enter a class action suit stating that they are all getting sick of Reality TV shows.


Canadians everywhere trade their SUV’s in for a dairy cow.

Top 10 Reasons Why Canadians are trading their SUV’s in for Dairy Cows

10.  They don’t need gasoline.

  9.  The kids want a pet.

  8.  They are not as dangerous as chickens.

  7.  Got Milk (and natural gas – but we won’t go there).

  6.  A Minivan can’t mow (and fertilize) your lawn.

  5.  They don’t rust (and are, in fact, biodegradable).

  4.  They are harder to tip over than the new fuel efficient pocket cars.

  3.  The Americans aren’t mad at them anymore.

  2.  No Lost jobs (oil patch and autoworkers retrained as cowboys).

  1.  You can’t eat an SUV when it’s no longer roadworthy.

Pope John-Paul II is declared saint by popular demand four years before the usual five year waiting period expires.  Proponent’s claim that it was a well deserved appointment listing many as opposed to just one documented miracle that was attributable to him during his life, including his ability to appoint 482 saints which is more than were appointed (264), by all of his papal predecessors combined (and eclipsing the patronage appointments of both Jean Cretien and Brian Mulroney combined).  The required post mortem miracle will be attributed to the record time of his declaration in a church not known for its quick resolution of anything.  In a related prediction, there are now more saints in the catholic faith than Nuns (whose numbers have been declining rapidly through old age in the America’s and sexual harassment in Africa).


Embarrassed Canadian officials announce plan to close all of our laboratories.  A government spokesperson explains that this move is in the interests of foreign affairs and national security because: 1) they were actually testing beef and publishing honest reports at a time when honest reports were not in our best interests when dealing with our trade neighbors to the south;  2) they had publicly embarrassed our neighbors to the south by uncovering and reporting the only serious threat to global well-being as having emanated from American labs rather than North Korea, Iran and/or a cave in Afghanistan; and 3) on strength of a sound business case whereby the funds could be better spent supporting our Olympic athletes’ ability to travel to all the posh resorts around the world in pursuit of the off chance they might be able to win a medal (and make Canadians proud).


The Canadian scientists who saved so many lives when they sounded the alarm over the accidental distribution of a deadly H2N2 virus to laboratories around the world still do not get an invitation to the Governor General’s Mansion, the White House or the UN for any kind of award ceremony.


17 tropical storms, 10 cloudy days, and 2 baby showers in the Gulf Coast area of the United Sates are upgraded to Category 5 hurricanes by the chief meteorologist of the U.S. Weather Bureau, each prompting a 25 cent price spike at the gas pumps.


Several Texas Oil barons and the Chief Meteorologist of U.S. Weather Bureau surpass Bill Gates’ as the wealthiest persons in the world.


Federal courts indict Oil companies, the Chief Meteorologist of the U.S. Weather Bureau and the Media on allegations of bribes, collusion and conspiracy resulting in this year’s sudden spike in severe weather anomalies (of the category 5 Hurricane kind). Defense attorneys suffer a setback when the report that a “whistle blower” for the prosecution will be flown in to testify at a Texas district court is upgraded and widely reported as a Category 5 hurricane.


In a show of appreciation and compromise for the Church’s ongoing support and campaign contributions, Western leaders promise to recognize the Church’s right to censure and burn opposing voter ballots, in lieu of any heretics that would dare to caste them.


Thinking they have purchased the only cure for an as yet to be mutated strain of the avian flu, millions die after ingesting anthrax tablets that were advertised and purchased over the internet from OsamabinLaughin.com


The U.S. Office of Homeland Security adds hurricanes to their list of terrorist organizations and confiscates all relief funds collected.  When asked why, President Bush replies, “Terrorist front, weather front – what’s the difference?”


Boston Legal, arguably the best TV show since Get Smart is discontinued after it’s second season because it has “pissed off” every potential commercial sponsor on the planet over the course of its first two years.


Investigative reporters break the conspiracy story of the decade when they discover “Get Smart” (the only TV show since Pontius Pilate was an air cadet that has yet to be released in a DVD box set), was purchased and destroyed by the Telecom Industry in order to suppress the idea that shoe phones and other irritating forms of telephone interruptions in public are fundamentally stupid.  The discovery of their plot prompts the industry to postpone its plans for a new advertising blitz to convince Fido enthusiasts (a.k.a. the sheep) that its time to ditch their stodgy old cellular dinosaurs that only take pictures, download favourite tunes and launch nuclear missile strikes on neighbouring countries in favour of the latest “must have” model that is housed in a glow in the dark neon plastic helmet that doubles as a cone of silence and blow dries your hair while you multitask dial all your friends telephone, cell-phone, blackberry, e-mail, fax and Swiss bank accounts just to tell them where you are and how long you were waiting for that bus tonight.


A retired electrician in Nova Scotia becomes world’s latest hi-tech billionaire and Nobel Peace Prize winner when he designs a wallet sized jamming device that subjects cell phone users within hearing distance to a high frequency squeal and a low voltage shock that causes them to drop their “radio callers” and quack like a duck.


Apple introduces its latest “must have” MP3 music spin-off. Dubbed the I-potty, spokespersons for Apple claim they were inspired by the musical potty introduced last year in Japan.  The Apple I-potty will take whatever crap the music industry continues to release but an improved 2-way interface with the musical potty is expected to serve up a wealth of new material that just might improve what the industry has to offer.


Canada’s Supreme Court magistrates quit in order to get in line for the more lucrative (and more frequently used) higher court of Canadian appeals known affectionately in patronage circles as Public Inquiries.


Only North America is singled out and devastated by an Avian Flu epidemic.  Experts from the rest of the world believe it was due to the fact that, although the disease did not manage to mutate to a strain that could jump species from bird to human, North American Drug Company and Media hype vis a vis the inevitability of such a mutation created a continent of “chickens” (the perfect host for said virus).

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