Ma will remember 2015 as the year she got zero home renovations (and survived Pa’s cooking).
Pa will remember 2015 as the year he retired, found a doctor and was deserted by his right mind (ergo the left side of his body).
Thing 1 remembers 2015 as the year he ditched his braces and attended not one but two Japanese rock concerts.
Most Memorable News Event: Terrorist Attacks & Random Shootings
Favourite Pastime: Anything Japanese
Favourite Game: League of Legends
Favourite TV Show: Grimm
Favourite Movie: Kingsman: The Secret Service
Favourite Song: Gone by Coldrain
Thing 2 remembers 2015 as the year he graduated high school, travelled to Mexico and started his 1st year at college.
Most Memorable News Event: Falcon 9 Space Booster Landing
Favourite Pastime: Pushing his mother’s buttons
Favourite Game: Stepping over stacks of cloths at his bedroom door.
Favourite TV Show: Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Favourite Movie: Ant-Man
Favourite Song: Cha-Ching by the Bank Accounts