Tag Archive: Headlines

Jan 01

“Yesterday’s Problem becomes Today’s Solution but… wait a minute… Politicians Wanted: Should be able to connect the dots”

A report released by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) in November 2007 warned of the growing size and severity of Canada’s looming infrastructure crisis. Authors of the report estimated the national municipal infrastructure deficit to be $123 billion. This does not include new infrastructure needs, which authors of the report estimated to be an additional $115 billion.  In her recent article on disaster capitalism, Naomi Klein wrote, “The American Society of Civil Engineers has warned that the United States has fallen so far behind in maintaining its public infrastructure – roads, bridges, schools, dams – that it would take more than a trillion and a half dollars over five years to bring it back up to standard.”  Other reports have estimated that the U.S. would have to spend as much as $500 billion over the next 20 years in order to overcome this crisis.

One year later, in November 2008, analysts, politicians and experts everywhere are at a loss for how anyone anywhere is ever going to be able to come up with a plan to combat a tanking global economy.  Suddenly the light comes on and they … 1) give trillions of dollars to the banks in order to stimulate a housing and automotive industry so they can continue to build and sell their products to a populace that has neither the jobs nor the money to pay for them.

Jan 01

“What was that George? Did you say Bail Out?”

Canadian PM Stephen Harper, translates all of the bailout messages from south of the border as one might expect an economist cum political opportunist would.  He shovels gobs of money that is not his over to bankers who don’t really need it, attempts to pass a law that would bankrupt his political opposition parties and having failed in that bid he grabs his paroguechute in order to bail himself out by sending parliament home for an extended GM autoworker kind of holiday.  He then proceeds to load the Canadian Senate with a record (for one day) number of patronage appointments.  This is why he makes the big bucks. Who else could have come up with such a simple solution to a crisis that seems to have stymied so many other experts the world over?

Jan 01

“The New Deal (2008): Don’t diversify, buy investments that no-one else wants.”

White House Spokesman Tony Fratto insisted that “it is not a bailout for wall street” and urged reporters to drop the b-word from their vocabulary.  His argument was that taxpayers were getting an ownership stake in the ailing investment banks and assets in return for their money.  Sadly those assets the taxpayers are buying represent investments that no-one else wants and the ones that our investment-banker buddies would not touch with a “700 billion” foot pole.  One MacLeans reporter summed this up best when he compared the bankers (and now the Auto Industry and every other business who wants to muscle in on a piece of the action) to someone putting a gun to your head and saying, “Don’t think of this as a mugging think of it as an investment in safety. By giving me your wallet you are reducing the murder rate.

Jan 01

“Pirates, Pirates, everywhere”

Avast! number of pirates took to the waters around Somalia in 2008.  Among their long and growing list of victims were a Ukrainian ship laden with arms (including 33 Russian battle tanks) and a Saudi Oil tanker containing two million barrels of oil worth $100 million.   The pirates were demanding the bargain basement prices (when compared to the billion dollar demands we have come to expect from their more polished North American cousins) of $20 million and $25 million, respectively, for their safe returns. Prince Saud of Saudi Arabia told reporters, “Like terrorism, it [piracy] is an evil that has to be eradicated“.  Imagine an OPEC or Oil Company representative blaming someone else for partaking in some honest to Robin Hoodness extortion. Regardless, I am sure all the bad guys will eventually sort things out among themselves and pass the costs along to the consumers/tax payers.  Already there is an unprecedented number of military warships patrolling the Gulf of Aden with even the Russians cooperating in an effort to protect the interests of big business (at the taxpayers’ expense).

Jan 01

Headlines you won’t see in those mainstream Year-end Reviews 2007

(Hurting) Headitor’s note:  Its late, its New Years Eve, and I’SATIREd, sauced please accept that some (or all) of my wreckollections of the year gone by might be a bit scotchy.  You should double-check my fracts with some more staid and reputable news sources before using any of the stories that I have dismembered from last year in a serious conversation.

Jan 01

“Oooh Britannia, Britannia rues the waves”

The once proud British Navy’s single most defining moment in the new millennium would appear to be the capture of their dinghy crew by the mighty Iranian navy.  After several weeks of hand wringing, oh yeahs, and skyrocketing prices at the gas pumps of the world, the crew is released unharmed upon admitting to piracy, sodomy and substandard international soccer skills. The proud sailors then hit the talk show circuit to make as much money as they can from their recent ordeal.

Jan 01

“World Wars, Star Wars, Price Wars – it all comes down to profiteering”

A fire at an Esso refinery causes a 10 cent hike in gasoline prices at the pumps (for all oil companies) and many Esso stations are required to close their pumps from time to time.  As opposed to taking advantage of their competition while they are down, the competition seems content to raise their prices by 10 cents too?

Jan 01

“Digging up the Di(rt)”

In a year that was essentially devoid of any real news, the English press makes Lady Di (now ten years dead their Newsmaker of theYear).  Across the pond Anna Nicole and Paris Hilton provide the hard news stories that our press needs to meet the lofty demands of their owners.

Jan 01

“Dizzy blond and the company she keeps prove “what goes around comes around – and round and round and…”

In the wake of the sudden death of Anna Nicole Smith, (so far) three men, including her lawyer and Eva Gabor’s 8th husband, are claiming to have sired her only living heir (Her other son by a different marriage died mysteriously 6 months before Anna). Anna Nicole was a playboy bunny who became famous at age 26 by divorcing her first husband and quitting her job as a topless dancer to marry a wheelchair-bound 89 year old billionaire 63 years her senior just before he died.

Jan 01

“Pet Peeves become Big Business”

Phizer Inc has dedicated 600 researchers and an annual budget of $270 million to develop new drugs for pets.  To date some of the drugs currently marketed by Phizer and their equally concerned (as long as you can afford their concern) competitors include drugs for motion sickness, appetite suppressants, antidepressants for separation anxiety, and doggie dementia blockers.

Related Statistic:  In 2007 North Americans spent close to $50 billion on their pets which is roughly twice as much as the combined foreign aid budgets of Canada and the United States.

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