Canadian’s, many of them without jobs, underwrite the costs of a state funeral to mourn the passing of a politician who was not a head of state and who never did much for many. That same week, the world mourns the passing of a guy named Jobs who convinced them they needed to blindly update their suite of distractions that allowed them to achieve next to nothing.
Tag Archive: Headlines
Jan 01
“Osama bin Layin’ with the fishes for about 7 months now”
Osama bin Hiden’ was killed in Pakistan on May 2, 2011 by Navy SEAL Team Six with support from CIA operatives on the ground. After the raid, U.S. forces took bin Hiden’s body to Afghanistan for identification, then buried it at sea within 24 hours of his death.
Jan 01
“Kim Jong, ill no more”
Another one bites the dust in North Korea. North Korea’s crackpot dictator will join some dear friends for drinks at some nut-bar in the great beyond.
Jan 01
“If the end of the world doesn’t happen in 2012, Mayan surely will in 2014”
According to some sources, the world’s chocolate supply could run out as early 2014.
Jan 01
Headlines you won’t see in those mainstream Year-end Reviews 2010
(Hurting) Headitor’s note: Its late, its New Years Eve, and I’SATIREd, sauced please accept that some (or all) of my wreckollections of the year gone by might be a bit scotchy. You should double-check my fracts with some more staid and reputable news sources before using any of the stories that I have dismembered from last year in a serious conversation.
Jan 01
“In the State of Lexus, Bigger is Apparently Not Better”
Now sporting a hammerlock on the title world’s largest automaker, Toyota learns that quality and quantity do not always mix. Rocked by recalls on their recalls, Toyota’s fortunes spiral out of control as their cars accelerate the same way (out of control).
Jan 01
“Bleeding by the Numbers”
Long the dull, stodgy and most overlooked department in newsrooms, the Business News finds itself catapulted to the front pages based upon their new mantra, “If you can work the word trillion into the story, it leads.”
Jan 01
“Come Muppet and See Me Some Time”
Not satisfied with her own following, pop sensation Katy Perry does her breast to cleave a segment of Justin Bieber’s fan base away from him when she shows up for a bit part on Sesame Street.
Jan 01
“The bigger they are the harder they fill”`
At 2,717 feet tall, the 164 story Burj Khalifa tower in Dubai became the tallest skyscraper in the world when it opened in January. Ten months later, out of 900 apartments in the tower, 825 were still empty.
Jan 01
“Smoking Mad – Mother Nature grounds Europe”
Mother Nature blows her top and grounds – well, everyone in Western Europe. Iceland’s “E who cannot be pronounced” volcano erupts and shuts West European airports down for two days (at which time the kids slip out the back window to continue their legacies of sloth and abuse at Mom’s expense).