Tag Archive: Feel Good Story

Jan 01

Feelgood Story of the Year 2024

“Assad story with a happy ending”

A year whose headlines were dominated by the antics of authoritarian dictators and dictator wannabees ended with the dick in Syria, Bashar al-Assad, seeing his repressive 50 year regime toppled because his authoritarian allies were too busy spreading chaos elsewhere to come russian to his aid. The only sad note here was the fact that Assad was able to escape to live happily bitterly(?) ever after in [you guessed it] Russia.

Jan 01

Feelgood Story of the Year 2023

“Now he’s not just morally bankrupt.”

Rudy Giuliani, defamous ex-mayor of NYC, Borat porn extra, and mini-me to defamous Repugnican Liar-in-Chief, had to declare bankruptcy when ordered to pay damages of $148 million after being found guilty of defamation for his false allegations that the 2020 election was rigged.

In a related story: “Fox finally pays for fake news fraudcasts.”

Fox News paid $787.5m to settle out of court and avoid a verdict in their defamation lawsuit brought by Dominion Voting Systems.  It was the largest known media settlement for defamation in U.S. history.  Less than a week later Fox unceremoniously kicked Tucker Carlson, one of the network’s loudest shock-jockeys, to the curb.

Jan 01

Feelgood Story of the Year 2022

“Doh!mocrazy in the USA”

Despite the fact that everyone was predicting that any person (or primate) with a pulse on the Republican ticket was going to crush their Democratic rival in last year’s midterm elections, many of the  Republican wingnuts that were endorsed, if not handpicked by The Doh!nald were rejected by voters. Although the Republicans still managed to capture a majority in Congress, and re-stock their “swamp” with no less than 126 election deniers across Senate, Congress, and some Governor’s mansions; the good news lies in the fact that “Nobody who denied the legitimacy of the 2020 election has won a 2022 race to run future elections in a swing state.” In short, although he failed in his bid to “drain the swamp” (and might have even polluted it beyond hope), the Doh!nald managed to drain the expected tsunami of republican victories. No-one can say for sure how good (or bad) he and/or the Republican Party are feeling about that; but since me and my voices are writing this history that makes him and them by definition the losers.

Jan 01

Feelgood Story of the Year 2021

Derek Chauvin Guilty Verdict

Justice is served when the ex-Minneapolis police officer is found guilty on all three charges in the George Floyd murder case. It might have felt better if the judge had ordered the court bailiff to kneel on Derek’s neck until the verdict came back from the jury, but all in all everyone but Derek (and people like him) felt good about the outcome.

Jan 01

Feelgood Story of the Year 2020

Feelgood Story of the Year: America’s Election results

In a queer case of reverse karma, the election’s “big loser” can still boast that he was a big wiener in 2020 as I expect he will walk away with the liars share of all of my other awards for “the year that wasn’t.” Yes, everyone is a winner, when even “The Loser” can claim to have undeniably won a consolation award for filing (and losing) more lawsuits claiming he is not in reality a loser than any other President (or human) on earth.

Hurting Headitor’s note: Although every drug company and their dogs managed to develop a Covid-19 vaccine in record time (perhaps because Covid-19 was killing off all their cash cow-for-life markets), that story would feel better if they had used their latent ingenuity to cure rather than manage some of the other (decades old) preexisting conditions of epidemic proportion that conspired to make Covid-19 so lethal. Coincidentally, preliminary indications are that all of the new vaccines could require multiple injections, rinse and repeat year over year for the rest of the world’s life.



Jan 01

Feelgood Story of the Year 2019

Feelgood Story of the Year: Cure for from the Common Cold

Doctors in England use the common cold virus to successfully combat and destroy cancer cells in human patients. One patient is completely cured while 14 others show marked improvement. None of the patients experience the usual side-effects of the common cold (nor any other side-effects that require additional drugs).

Runner Up: In a touching children’s story that does not involve priests, politicians, or perverts, new technology for the blind is unveiled when GiveVision’s digital goggles are used by a young girl to read her first book by sight rather than touch

Jan 01

Feelgood Story of the Year 2018

Thai Cave Rescue

It took an international team of 100 divers from Thailand and 15 other countries 18 days to find and then perform the herculean task of retrieving 13 members of a Thai soccer team aged 11 to 17 who were trapped 4km underground in a flooded cave system.  The remarkable courage, cooperation and fortitude of both the rescuers (one of whom would make the ultimate sacrifice) and the rescued made this a very rare “good” news story that stands out in a year that seemed dedicated to bad news, bad behavior, conflict and caveman politics as opposed to cooperation of any kind on the international front.


Runner-up:  “Science and international cooperation trump hole in ozone.”   

NASA reveals first direct proof that the hole in the earth’s ozone layer is recovering as a result of 1985’s international treaty to ban CFC chemicals.


Honourable Mention:Robocop kicks some ass in America

The US Federal Communications Commission fined a Miami telemarketer a record $120M for making 96,758,223 unsolicited robocalls in an attempt to sell holidays and timeshare property.

Jan 01

Feel Good Story of the Year 2016

Feel Good Story of the YearPenny Oleksiak

This (previously) unknown 16 year-old Canadian swimmer won Olympic gold, silver and (2) bronze medals the old fashioned way – as an unpaid, unsponsored amateur that just loves her sport.

 Runner Up: No elephants were hung over the course of an International Year of Pulses that has “bean” more about brain-dead leaders and their flatlining followers.  Better still, the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus retired all of their elephants from service on May 2nd of the year.