Tag Archive: Conspiracy

Jan 01

Conspiracy of the Year 2007

None come to mind.

…but just because I am not as paranoid as I used to be, that doesn’t mean they are not still out to get me.  It might also be attributed to the fact that we are dealing with a stupider breed of conspirators that are prone to getting caught while their hands are still in the cookie jars.

Jan 01

Conspiracy of the Year (or Righteous Indignation is a One Way Street) 2006

Holy Jihad batman, even with all of the attempts of all ah the governments everywhere to keep the truth about Islam off the record; they are managing to out themselves.  France, Europe’s country with the largest Muslim minority population continues to blame “Youths” for the rash of firebombed cars in predominantly Muslim communities.  Canadian Police announce they have cracked a terrorist cell comprised of persons of, “South Asian descent …in their teens or early 20’s.”  Across the pond in London, British Police foiled a plot by 21 “very evil people” who intended to detonate liquid explosives aboard several transatlantic flights to the United States.   Meanwhile the Religion of Peace (once everyone in the world submits) opens the year by responding to a Danish cartoon with riots, bombings and murders.  They respond to a Papal admonition with more of the same.  Elsewhere (in a remote province of Canada?) an Islamic paramilitary organization based in Lebanon crosses the Israeli border under the cover of an unprovoked missile barrage to ambush, kill and kidnap Israeli soldiers. When this leads to the same response right back at them, the Islamic world and, moreover, the United Nations cry foul; even as they continue to ignore white Arabic jihad in Darfur (Sudan) and surrounding countries that continue to wrack up a genocidal death toll on black “Muslims” in proportions that dwarf all but the Jewish Holocaust of Nazi Germany.

Related story: Age of terror, Age of Illusions by Robert Sibley

Jan 01

Conspiracy of the Year 2004:

“Guy bashing takes its toll with Hisicanes Frances ($9 billion), Charley ($14 billion), and Ivan ($18 billion)”  

Doh! Can’t we do anything right? Ivan Mother Nature can’t resist taking a chip shot at “man”kind’s waning self-esteem.  Hurricanes Frances, Charley, and Ivan are suddenly the bad guys. Whatever happened to naming hurricanes after women (or, at least, taking turns).  Alas, I guess it’s a sign of the times.  Move over Histerectomy, Mentruation and Guynacology.  Here comes the Hisicane.

Jan 01

Conspiracy of the Year – 2001

Not long after (quietly) announcing an agreement to open new production facilities in China and then tabling overly optimistic revenue expectations, several key Nortel managers cash in their stock options at a very profitable and overly inflated premium prior to reporting actual profits.  The ensuing sell-off prompts the Toronto Stock Exchange to cancel trading at least once and Nortel ultimately lays off roughly 40,000 employees and cripples the stock portfolios of a lot more Canadians, most of them pensioners or soon to be retired – which is exactly what those Nortel managers are today; although their nest eggs are apt to be a little more intact than ours.

Runner Up:  In an attempt to distance himself from the Shawinigate scandal, Prime Minister Jean Cretien eliminates the middle-man by identifying Shawinigan in the return address labels on most Canadian income tax returns.

Jan 01

Conspiracy of the Year – 2000:

The super city.  Do they reduce costs by eliminating tiers of government or are they actually intended to re-introduce taxation without representation.  Wasn’t the Romanian President, Nicolai Ceaucesceau shot by his electorate after he forced all Romanians into Urban super cities?

Honorable mention:  Harry Potter.  The only book that schoolchildren are inclined to read (those that the school systems have not already rendered illiterate with literary gems by Margaret Atwood and/or “A Passage to India”) is branded as evil by many school systems and church groups.