Tag Archive: 2008 Year in Review

Jan 01

New Year Resolutions for 2009

I will get out of the house on my own one night every week in order to stop bugging Ma’s butt and in order to generate some new stories to tell her (even if I have to make them up).

Ma will tame Thing Shrew of his attitude or die trying.

Thing 1 (and I) will join an archery club and he will try to be a little more sociable in the real world.

Thing 2 will pick his own things up off of the floor even though it may cause a reduction in demand for his highly lucrative back massage operation.  He will also try to talk a little more and talk back a lot less.

Jan 01

New Year Renovations 2009

It’s that elusive makeover for our kitchen, or else… a life supply of body wax for my Neanderthal pelt.

Jan 01

Epilogue 2008

So there you have it. If you still don’t believe the end of days is truly upon us, what with the Swiss bankers lying down with Black Holes and the re-emergence of bone fide pirate states, the final harbinger of doom has to be the emergence of Newfoundland as a Have Province while Ontario finds itself in a position where it must “bank” on handouts from the rest of Canada.  The world has clearly flipped polarity. In closing, and at the risk of causing the year to completely implode under the weight of so many International Year monikers, I will dub 2008 the year of the Pirate (and/or the International Year of Words ending in the long vowel e sound as in Ponzi, Piracy, Gimme, and proroguy).

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