“Shock Doctrine” by Naomi Klein
A real eye opener that became more poignant as the events of this year progressed. Synopsis: ‘In order to push through profoundly unpopular economic policies that enrich the few and impoverish the many, there needs to be some kind of collective crisis or disaster – either real or manufactured. A crisis that opens up a “window of opportunity” when people and societies will be too disoriented to protect their own interests…’ Despite what sounds like a dry and boring subject this is actually an excellent and easy read for the average person on the street. Regardless of political lean, you should read this book even if it is the only book you ever read. There will definitely be some revelations (at least one per chapter) as it describes the underbelly of some of the most newsworthy global disasters of our time and how they were used by hook and by crook to further the economists’ dreams of a free market utopia that is, well…you be the judge.