Tag Archive: 2006 Year in Review

Jan 01

“Western Allahstrations Bomb in Muslim Community” (or “Cartoon, Car Bomb, What’s the Difference?”)

Muslim extremists prove they lack any sense of humor (or irony), when they threaten to continue blowing things up if the West doesn’t start taking their threats more seriously.

Jan 01

“Canada Speaks but Conservatives don’t”

Shortly after Canadians elect a Conservative Minority to speak for them in Parliament, the Conservative leader Stephen Harper orders those elected officials to keep quiet unless otherwise authorized by his office.

Jan 01

“When the Leadership Sinks”

Paul Martin announces that since he can’t be Prime Minister he is taking his ball and glove and going home.  Actually, what he really meant was, “The parties over, you can keep your leader ship, I’m going back to my fleet of ships.”   To say no-one seems to want his job would not be wholly accurate since every one (of the party no-ones) announces they will make a bid for the leadership.  Sadly it was not everyone and their dog, since their dog would have been a more marketable party leader (provided that said dog was a French poodle).

Jan 01

“Smart Cards for Dumb People”

Canadians are now required to show ID cards when crossing the border into U.S.   Some claim it to be an unfortunate by-product of heightened U.S. Homeland Security; however, insiders at the White House claim that their past approach of distinguishing Canadians from Americans by simply talking with them in order to determine their heightened level of intelligence (as compared to their cousins south of the border) no longer works.  Canadians are now coming across as just about as stupid if not stupider than their American counterparts.

Related Story:  Conservatives take credit for stemming the flow of Canadian “brain drain” south of the border.

Jan 01

“The day the music (officially) died”

While on the subject of American Pie it is now official.  Even the experts are talking about the lack of quality music in the industry.  MTV, the premier American cable music channel launches MTV Canada on April 18 under a license to broadcast in Canada as a …“Talk Channel.”  I’ve been telling you for years now that there is little if any music worth listening to these days.  Now even the industry is coming around to my way of thinking.  Anyone want to buy an empty iPod?

Jan 01

“Hide and Sikh”

Now that the Gomery Commission has come to a close with the fallguys having been sent to jail for a couple months, the unemployed judges and lawyers cash their paycheques and belly up to the bar once more for another round of hiding from the fact that any witnesses against the Sikh Air India bombers are either dead or prone to becoming so.  That’s right folks, now that the costliest criminal proceedings in Canadian history (estimated at about $130 million) have come to their close, Stephan Harper’s “let’s run this country differently” Conservatives announce there will be a “public inquiry” into the bombing of Air India 182 – how it occurred, why the law has failed to find those responsible and whether it could happen again.

Jan 01

“Hello Mullah, Hello Fatwa we are your boy’s in Camp Ca-nah-dah”

… but don’t take us home my darling Mullah, cause we still prefer the  freedom and living arrangements here and, oh look, the infidels are giving us each a lawyer at their expense – Mullah, Fatwa kindly disregard this letter.  Yes, Canada can finally claim …well, according to Canadian authorities, anything that does not include the words Muslim or Islam when they thwart a plot by 17 young Canadian “startlelists” to blow up the Toronto Stock Exchange and sundry other misdemeanors such as attacking Canada’s Parliament and beheading its Prime Minister.  While the rest of the world is glued to their television sets (albeit for World Cup soccer coverage) Canadians everywhere despair that this may have been their last chance to have actually seen any real parliamentary reform under Stephan Harper’s Conservatives.


Best Related Quote:

“…Muslims fear repercussions over tomorrow’s train bombing.”

                                                                              — Angus Jung

Runners up:


“Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals can believe them.”  

—George Orwell

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.”

 —Albert Einstein

Jan 01

“Lebanese Isreali conflict morphs into the Lebanon Isreally Canadian conflict.”

Canadians everywhere (except Lebanon and Florida) wonder how so many Canadian citizens can invest so much time and Canadian money in a “hot spot” half way around the world and then demand to be immediately removed from harm’s way when their life and/or pursuit of happiness is in jeopardy.

Jan 01

Memory Lane at Our House 2006

Pa forgot more than he remembered over the course of the year, but he will never forget destroying his calf in a tennis match with Thing 1.

Ma will remember 2006 as the year her dad followed in her footsteps with a belly operation.

Thing 1 cannot recollect any overly memorable good or bad experiences over the past year (possibly because be can’t differentiate reality from Game Cubedumb.  His news story of the year was one that reported Japanese fishermen who landed a living fossil thought to be extinct until now (sounds hard to swallow even for a culture that eats raw fish).  Favorite Television Show: One PieceFavorite Movie: Tossup between Eragon and Happy Feet 

Thing 2 tells me that his most memorable moment from 2006 was the opening light show at the IMAX cinema before “Night at the Museum”.  Must have been something given it was also the year he witnessed the Cirque du Soleil, spent a week at a cottage on Sand Lake, joined cubs, buried his pet hamster Gohan, and discovered America’s Funniest Home Video’s and Malcolm in the Middle.  Favorite Show:  Zatch Bell.  Favorite Music:  Crazy Frog

Jan 01

New Year Resolutions 2007

I won’t forget … to look after myself.  Doctor, Dentist, Optometrist and Feet – oh, especially the feet and then, by God, I will get back to an exercise regimen that will resurrect my god-like physique – or at least trade my gaudy Buddha body for something a little more Greek goddy.

Ma will resolve to let the kids do their own homework.

Thing 1 resolves to do more sit-ups than I can and, weather permitting, spend a minimum of 40 minutes per day playing alone or together with his brother in the Great Outdoors or else spend the day alone in his room without electricity, batteries or any of his other social demons.

Thing 2 will stop getting upset every-time games don’t go his way.  He will lose the privilege of playing any games for 1 day when he storms away without finishing, or 2 days when be throws all or part of said game to prevent others from finishing without him.

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