

Jan 01

Story of the Year 2018

“We’ve got to wake up & smell reality!”

No, it wasn’t any of those stinking news stories about walls, borders,  blockheads, rocket heads, or heads of state that we were being bludgeoned with day in and day out. It was the environmental elephant in the room that was absent for most of the year until the news feeds of the world warmed up to the idea and granted it a brief Stan Lee-like cameo appearance one day in October (before continuing their contrived assaults on our space with more of the same old bluster and hot air emissions).

Related Story: According to a WWF report, global wildlife populations have fallen by 58% since 1970 with African elephants being especially vulnerable after having “suffered huge declines in recent years.”  Genius! As long as the climate naysayers continue to do nothing about anything, the environmental elephant in the room (and by extension climate change) could disappear in our lifetime (if not in time for the next election).