Ten Fortune 500 drug companies profited about $36 billion in 2002 – more than the combined profits of the remaining 490 businesses. Those 10 U.S. drug companies spent 14% on research and development, compared to 31% on marketing and administration. The Prescription Drug industry has the biggest lobbying group in Washington D.C. (675 lobbyists at a cost of over $91 million) and spends huge amounts of money on political campaign contributions ($85 million in 1999-2000). According to Families USA, in the year 2000, 6 months after Vioxx went on sale, Merck & Co. netted $40.36 billion in sales. Of that amount 17% was profit, 15% was spent on advertising, marketing and administration and 6% was directed to research and development ~ so much for the myth that drugs are expensive because of the high price of Research and Development.
Runner Up: Moscow boasts more millionaires than any other city in the world.