Anyone remember how everyone and their guru was predicting that technology was going to shorten our work-week, give us more free time and simplify our lives? Technically (in the be careful what you wish for sense) they are batting 2 out of 3, as those who lost their full-time jobs to automation, were quickly joined by the automators when their Hi-Tech firms downsized and moved to China. Finally, the announcement that everyone will be using Smart Meters by the end of the decade delivers on prediction #3. Simply stated, anyone who is at home between the hours 7 in the morning and 5 at night (which is pretty much anyone not working in China), will be charged twice as much for the electricity that they use. Furthermore homemakers are asked to refrain from using washers, driers, dishwashers, air-conditioners, furnaces until after 10 o’clock at night. Yes, technology is delivering on its promise for tomorrow. We are straight, clean and simply going to be living in an Amish paradise.
Jan 01