Feelgood Story of the Year 2022
“Doh!mocrazy in the USA”
Despite the fact that everyone was predicting that any person (or primate) with a pulse on the Republican ticket was going to crush their Democratic rival in last year’s midterm elections, many of the Republican wingnuts that were endorsed, if not handpicked by The Doh!nald were rejected by voters. Although the Republicans still managed to capture a majority in Congress, and re-stock their “swamp” with no less than 126 election deniers across Senate, Congress, and some Governor’s mansions; the good news lies in the fact that “Nobody who denied the legitimacy of the 2020 election has won a 2022 race to run future elections in a swing state.” In short, although he failed in his bid to “drain the swamp” (and might have even polluted it beyond hope), the Doh!nald managed to drain the expected tsunami of republican victories. No-one can say for sure how good (or bad) he and/or the Republican Party are feeling about that; but since me and my voices are writing this history that makes him and them by definition the losers.