

Jan 01

Predictions for the Year 2016

A tastefully clothed Easter Bunny graces the cover of the first ever nudeless Playboy magazine.  The following month, the cover depicts a spartanly armoured, but dead, Energizer Bunny being carried back to the Playboy mansion on his drum.

Apple Inc. unveils its latest round of innovation with an announcement that last year’s small fee for annual upgrades will now be much larger.   

Muslims relocated to the West sue for divorce and demand half of everything based on the precedent set by divorce law which has already deemed that the inability of a wife to change the qualities that allegedly attracted them to their husbands represents irreconcilable difference and grounds for divorce.

Frenchmen demand compensation in the form of American military aid on the grounds that ever since Nikita, their only bona fide action hero,  left for Hollywood, they have been both defenceless and terrified.

Ex-FIFA president Sepp Blatter is hired by Volkswagen in an attempt to salvage their reputation.  He immediately changes the name of their troubled VW Golf brand to the VW Ypres and bribes the EPA to look the other way so he can finally release a successful German gas attack on the West.

Millions of Muslims fleeing the death and terror of Hajj, flood into Europe.  Sadly most die enroute to Germany due to asphyxiation from the Volkswagen buses they are crammed into.

A new men’s endurance event called childbirth is introduced as a demonstrator sport at the 2016 Summer Olympics. It draws rave reviews from a record female viewing audience that eclipses the combined audiences of all other events combined.

Terrorism is eradicated when the death penalty is replaced by a life sentence of simulated childbirth proving there are some things that not even 72 virgins can inspire in impressionable young lunatics.  The Muslim world experiences a renaissance of its golden age when the same deterrent also leads to a greater respect for women’s rights.

Donald Trump wigs out when he loses the US Presidential election to Hillary Clinton.  He immediately fires his campaign advisor, an unemployed Canadian Prime Sinister, for the complete failure of his, “She doesn’t have the balls to be president. Nice hair though.” attack ads.