New Words 2019
The following words were added to the Oxford and/or Merriam-Webster dictionaries over the course of 2019.
Bottle episode (n.) – An inexpensively produced episode of a television series that is typically confined to one setting
Bottom surgery(n.) – A type of gender confirmation surgery in which a person’s genitalia are altered to match their gender identity.
Bundle buggy (n.) – A bag or basket on wheels for carrying shopping; a large shopping bag set on a (collapsible) two-wheeled cart.
Buzzy (adj.) – Causing or characterized by a lot of speculative or excited talk or attention : generating buzz
Frequency illusion (n.) – A quirk of perception whereby a phenomenon to which one is newly alert suddenly seems ubiquitous. See also: Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy, Confirmation Bias, (or Fox News).
Generation Z (n.) – The generation born in the late 1990s & early 2000s.
Gig economy (n) – (coined in 2009) economic activity that involves the use of temporary or freelance workers to perform jobs.
Go-Cup (n.) – A plastic or paper cup used especially for taking a beverage off the premises of a bar, restaurant, etc.
Goldilocks (adj.) – Having or producing an optimal balance usually between two extremes (e.g. not too hot, not too cold – just right).
Hophead (n.) – A beer enthusiast.
Screen time (n.) – Your time spent in front of a screen.
Swole (adj.) – Extremely muscular; having a physique enhanced by bodybuilding exercises.
Treasure trail (n.) – a narrow line of body hair leading from the navel down to the genital region.
Unplug (v.) – Setting down your device and removing yourself from the online world.