Still on the Americans’ blacklist for not assisting them in their liberation of Iraq, not supporting their North American Missile Shield plan and not doling out gobs of money to bolster our borders against the threat of global terrorism, Canada quietly averts a global pandemic when its scientists notice an unlabelled weapon of mass destruction has been mailed around the world by… an American lab.
“Canadian authorities may have helped avert a possible influenza pandemic by discovering that laboratories around the globe had been sent unlabelled samples of a flu virus considered a top candidate to spark the next pandemic, the World Health Organization suggested Tuesday. Between 4,700 and 5,700 laboratories in 18 countries, including 20 Canadian labs, have been told to destroy the samples of H2N2, which were distributed by the College of American Pathologists beginning last October.”
“…H2N2 is the influenza subtype that caused the 1957 Asian flu pandemic, which killed an estimated one million to four million people around the globe. The virus hasn’t circulated in humans since 1968; no one born after that time would have any immunity to the strain…”
…excerpts from a Canadian Press article dated April 12, 2005