While our politicians and regulators dodge issues and we dodge falling bridges, tunnels and the odd satellite we learn that:
- there is an estimated infrastructure deficit of $123 Billion in Canadian towns and cities today (more than double the $60B that it was estimated to be in 2003); and
- experts predict Canada could face a shortfall of up to one million skilled tradespeople by 2020.
That’s right folks! The western world wrings its hands and twiddles its thumbs while worrying about finding the megabucks it will take to send junior (and juniette) to university so they can compete with billions of Asian and European graduates who can also “just phone it in” on their shiny new smart phones at a much lower rate of pay (that cannot be taxed in this country). Meanwhile our over educated but unskilled populace is unqualified for those jobs that will never be able to be handled at a call centre or sweat shop in the developing world. Read more here.