Fashion Designers in England celebrate the 50th birthday of everyone’s favorite material girl by unveiling(?) a line of Burka Barbie dolls for auction. What can anyone hope to achieve by unveiling a veil. This could be a veiled threat – but to whom?
(Hurting) Headitor’s note: It should be noted that Mattel [the company that owns the Barbie brand] has not announced plans to market this line to the masses (catholic or otherwise). Experts (that would be me and the voices in my head) speculate that this may be their Politically Correct way of ”aveiling” themselves of some free publicity and market tests; or perhaps they were just reluctant to eat into the prophets expected from their official new line of “Totally Tattoo Barbie” dolls that was released in April 2009. Mattel’s promotional material read, “Customize the fashions and apply the fun temporary tattoos on you too“