

Jan 01

My “Iacocca bin Lyin” award is… an indistinguishable photo finish.

It was just too close to call.   I can see Enron, Nortel and Worldcom in a pack of others including our own Canadian Gun Registry.  There is just no accounting for how much more on this front will have to occur before our leaders (and/or their managers) shed (or shred) their blind abeyance to Lee Iacocca’s doctrine of, “keep the bean counters out of it, and let the managers manage.

News Flash: Courtesy of his shrewd, albeit coincidental or extremely lucky sale of about $100,000,000 worth of his company’s stock just prior to it’s collapse, John Roth, ex-CEO of Nortel is now comfortably retired in his palatial home north of Toronto, while his ex-employees and stockholders are mostly retiring to homelessness.