

Jan 01

My “damned if you do and damned if you don’t” or “to Arar is human (but it takes a government to really screw up)” award goes to… PM Jean Crétien, et al.

One week after Canada negotiates the release of a Canadian national, Maher Arar, from Syria, news breaks that the last suspected terrorist claiming Canadian citizenship (aptly called “Al Canadi” – The Canadian – by his pistol toting pals) who our Prime Minister went to bat for and had released by Pakistani authorities in 1996, was killed in an Al Queda shoot-out with Pakistani soldiers.  As fate would have it, “The Canadian” actually escaped and it was his son who was killed in the shootout. Another of his sons is languishing at Guantonamo Bay, Cuba.  And it was yet a third son who, upon release from Guantonamo Bay by the Americans, claimed foul when Canada refused his re-entry into Canada.