

Jan 01

Innovation of the Year 2015

SUSIBA2: Rice That Fights Global Warming


More than half the global population relies on rice as a regular part of their diet. But rice paddies have a downside for the planet too: They produce as much as 17 percent of the world’s total methane emissions. SUSIBA2 is a genetically modified rice plant that emits almost no methane. Instead of sending carbon to the roots to feed the bacteria that produce methane, the plant directs it toward the grain and leaves increasing the starch level and yield. “It’s a win-win”.

Honourable mention

Robotic Hand by Open Bionics: This 3D-printed robotic hand that can be made faster and more cheaply than current alternatives was this year’s UK winner of the James Dyson Award.

Ref: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-34044453?ocid=global_bbccom_email_25082015_technology


See the rest of the field at: http://www.popsci.com/100-greatest-innovations-2015