The Lung Flute
There was lots of ink in the area of breakthroughs (with potential) of the green kind that I can only pretend to understand (when I am pickled), but I have to give the nod this year to a quasi-medicinal invention that has an immediate and affordable household application. A couple of puffs on the Lung Flute promise to clear the lungs of all of that pesky mucus that is quite often the most annoying part of your common cold and countless other more chronic and debilitating conditions.
Honourable mention: X-Flex a new, blast proof wallpaper that is possibly stronger than the wall it is designed to protect. Unfortunately, given the nature of things today, I suspect this might be the most game-ready and immediate of all of the potential life saving innovations that were introduced in 2009.
Canadian Runner Up: The Province of Ontario announces that it will begin teaching students in Grades 4 through 12 the basics of managing their money.