
“I think; therefore, I’m damned.”
“Moronics: noun (from the root just look around you at all those morons); 1) A fusion of the faculties of psychology, marketing and economics specifically focusing on how many new and often useless features are required to be added to electronic gadgets such as cell phones or nose hair trimmers in order to get consumers to throw out last year’s model and buy the new one; 2) Persons with an insatiable desire to be (joined at the) hip with new electronic technology designed to monitor their behavior and/or movement.”
“[As you are lining up to replace your smart thing with that latest new improved feature] try to remember that fleecing sheers are also cutting edge technology.”
“I am feeling older than I should because I thought I was younger than I was.”
“Don’t fear the gun, dodge the bullet.”
“I came, I saw, kerplunk.”