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Cool Lists

An eclectic collection of unique lists to educate and entertain (the listless).


Cool Lists

Colonial Bloom and Gloom – who or what is responsible for the state of our nations?

Songs for the Billboredmusic-1357927_640Flotscrum picks its Songs of the Year (1950-present)


Meddling with the Olympics – a deeper dive into Olympic medal standings


Respectator Sports – Flotscrum ranks spectator sports by their overall levels of action/excitement


Around the World in 80 Places – drone it make you feel worldly?

Twenty-twone Rebound!music-1357927_640


No Pain, Big Gain! – weighing in on the heavy cost of fast food

Lyrics to Live Bymusic-1357927_640


HIStory Books


How Fast is Fast Enough – if there is always something faster?

Yechnology Bytes in the Key of La La!music-1357927_640