

Jan 01

“Goof of Mexico” or Miner setback #1

An oil rig with a litany of regulatory speeding tickets explodes in the Gulf of Mexico.  British Petroleum and their experts dig deep into their brain trust and lessons learned to come up with a plan to put out the fire by blowing the rig up all over again.  Alas, here was one case where two negatives did not make a positive and,  had they let the thing burn it might have saved a whole lot of spilled milk.   British Petroleum pulls out all stops over the next 4 ½ months to stop the mother of all oil spills.


Related Statistic:  An estimated 4.9 million barrels of crude oil was unleashed on the surrounding ecosystems.  At 160 litres per barrel and a 46% yield once refined to produce gasoline for our cars, that translates into 360.6 million litres of gasoline at the pumps (or roughly 3 times the average (112million litre) daily gasoline consumption of Canadian drivers).