

Jan 01

Feel Good Story of the Year 2015

Canadians Unite to Oust Repressive Regime


Just when we thought nothing could trump 2014’s feel good story (i.e. the demise of King Joffrey, the absolute most unlikable character on HBO’s hit television ,“Game of Thrones” series), our real-life Canadian conservative Prime Sinister, Stephen Harper is dethroned.  Smart* Canadians everywhere say, “Hey stupid! It’s not about which party leader is best qualified to run the country without the assistance of his (or her) elected members of parliament, it’s about who is going to listen to, and dare we say, heed the advice of our riding’s elected representative.”


* Smart Canadians believe democracy in general and parliamentary democracy in particular should not endorse the suppression of information and transparency via scientific gag orders, gagged party back-benchers and cabinet ministers, restrictions on media, prorogued parliaments, eliminating the long form census, a voter suppression scandal, supreme court challenges, and fear mongering, etc.