Category Archive: Wreckollection

Jan 01

Predictions for the Year 2023

2023 marks a year free of Russian President Putin’s usual acts of “naked aggression”. Experts say it is because, his body politic (and jowls) have relaxed to the point where he can no longer go shirtless without his population wondering why he is looking so overly well fed while everyone else’s cupboards are bare.

Vladmir Putin announces that although none of his special forces were killed by Ukrainians, their families should brace themselves for a shit ton of closed coffins containing his special army’s unfortunate victims of a special Ukrainian strain of Covid-19.

A new reality show called “Who Wants to be a Russian General” fails horribly, partly because that is what Russian Generals are expected to do, but mostly because they are unable to find a single contestant.  Putin claims a victory of sorts given that at least no-one shot down his idea for the show; however, the show producers’ pitch for a second season “goes out the window.”

Banks everywhere report unprecedented profits after they raise their Money for Nothing banking fees while at the same time reducing the amount of cash per hostage that anyone can withdraw on any given day. The WITHDRAW button on their ATMs is replaced with two new innovative service options: TAKE HOSTAGES; and SET SELF ON FIRE.

Indonesia relegates the United States to (a distant) 2nd place on the national incarceration rates leader board when the majority of its lustful citizens are willing to risk (or perhaps because they prefer) 1 year in prison over a life sentence in wedlock.

The U.S. Supreme Court passes a new law requiring book publishers and Hollywood Studios to put cloths on all animals (especially mice).

Claiming Hollywood gunfights, beatings, and gore should be adequate to convey emotion on the big screen, the U.S. Supreme Court outlaws the use of cuss words of any kind in movies or on TV.  Mimes rejoice but Samuel L. Jackson kills himself when he realizes he will never work in that town again.

The 2023 Academy Awards slap on some new security measures. Bouncers, armed with animal control catch poles, line the stage just in case any of the artists get off their escort’s leash. Republican members of The Academy boycott the event on the grounds that everyone’s newly mandated Hannibal Lector psycho restraint mask is an affront to their god given right to deliver their best performance when expressing their feelings. Amber Heard walks away with the first ever Award for Best Hissy Fit by a Member of the Audience when she wriggles out of her diaper and shits on her beau’s chair.

Fossil fuel companies and other soulless corporations that are polluting the planet, their shareholders, and the uber rich 1%  that have been profiting from them get with the green energy program after all of the governments everywhere inform them that they will be responsible for insuring and underwriting all of the costs associated with climate change. Some initially balk until their accountants inform them that most if not all of their beach front businesses, homes, and forested country estates have long been deemed uninsurable by Insurance Companies (a.k.a. the Godfathers of Capitalism) and; therefore; will be toast if they don’t have the tax-payers to fall back on.

Rich landowners everywhere (those that cannot afford to rocket off to another world, and/or purchase yachts of biblical (ark sized) proportion, begin to move inland and sell, sell, sell their waterfront property while buy, buy, buying everything that they can find that is 200 feet above sea level with access to a stable source of fresh water (which rules out most of the USA).

The organizers of the Canadian Freedom Convoy and the US Capital Riots are deported to their choice of the Russia or Shanghai, China to live out their lives in an environment where elections don’t matter and their freedom to occupy a neighboring country’s border, shutdown commerce, and overthrow the ruling government will be free of the heavy handed authoritarian tyranny of the Canadian and US authorities.

Forget about blue-chip, a whole new level of stock ratings called “rock-hard” is born when Valentia Energy announces that they have added a new pulse setting on their eCoin bladder control implant that allows the user to combat both erectile disfunction and premature ejaculation. Viagra stocks sag to rock-bottom.

Bar owners (but not their men’s rooms) are awash with a tsunami of rock-hard beer sales when everyone discovers that the e-coin can also reduce trips to the urinal after that first couple beers.

A freedom convoy of autonomous smart cars from all over Europe converged on the city of Utrecht in the Netherlands on news of last year’s unconstitutional lockdown of a 4-yr old’s car keys.

The U.S. Securities Commission tracks last year’s unusual spike in  purchases of Baby Formula Company stocks back to Donald Trump and five other of Republican Supreme Court Justices.  They are found guilty of insider trading, influence peddling, and milking women’s rights for profit.  They are sentenced to breast pumps for life.

The NRA goes bankrupt when its members are asked to foot the bill for all the helpful school safety ideas they have put forward in lieu of making it harder for lunatics to purchase firearms that fire 3 rounds per second (that’s 60 times faster than the Brown Bess musket that fired 3 rounds per minute back in 1791 when the 2nd Amendment was framed).

The end of populism and voting for the prettiest candidate when Canadians, tired of waiting for election reforms, elect to cast their votes for the least liked candidate who is likely to have the fewest (and preferably zero) friends.  Suddenly, for the first time in the recorded (and secret) history of parliamentary politics, cronyism is nowhere to found and only the tax payers profit.

The US Supreme Court outlaws Islam, Christianity and any other faith that does not specifically worship Donald J. Trump as its supremely intelligent godhead.

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau responds to his Liberal Party’s attempt to keep his flashy sock feet out of his mouth by giving him a time out on Twitter by starting his own social media platform which he calls, “Truth North Wrong and Me.”  Donald Trump immediately launches a lawsuit on the grounds that there can only be one Me in the world of Social Media platforms. Elon Musk disagrees and kicks Donald off of Twitter, again.

After paying $40 billion for a company that has never recorded a profit, and then driving share values to rock bottom Elon Musk admits be does not have a head for business. Alas he manages to double down on his propensity for picking losers when he hires Ex-British PM Liz Truss to take over the helm and steer Twitter back into the black. It takes less than a week for her to shepherd the company into the black abyss.

After Russian citizens are invited to take an all expenses paid 5 day vacation on their choice of any of the yachts seized from Putin, his family, and oligarch friends; or anywhere in the world at their choice of properties seized from same, Putin’s iron grip on Russia evaporates and he finds himself hanging upside down in Red Square surrounded by the wives and mothers of solders lost during his invasion of Ukraine.

Authoritarian politicians everywhere put out a hit on all unmarried Ukrainian men and Iranian women for fear that they might marry and procreate a new species of fearless, anti-authoritarian, super-soldiers. All other heads of state and their handlers (outside of  Ukraine) support the action for fear that said offspring would also become super heads of state that would be both unbeatable in an election and uncontrollable thereafter.


Jan 01

Vital Statistics 2022


 Vital Statistics 2022 2021 2020 2012
a Canadian dollar is worth $0.73US $0.79US $0.79US $  1.00US
an ounce of Gold is worth $1,824US $1.830US $1,899US $1,664US
a Bitcoin is worth $16,520US $46,820US $29,259US $13.51US
S&P/TSX Composite Index 19,384 21,223 17,433 12,433
your share of the National Debt $33,802 $31,423 $17,433  $18,056
the average Housing Price in Ottawa is $656,023 $682,096 $540,500 $351,792
a domestic Postage Stamp costs $1.07 $1.07 $1.07 $0.59
a local call on a Bell pay phone $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50
a liter of Pepsi costs $3.79 $2.79 $2.79 $2.49
a liter of water costs $2.59 $2.49 $2.39 $2.29
a liter of milk costs (purchased in a four liter bag) $1.42 $1.17 $1.13 $1.25
a liter of gasoline costs $1.46 $1.33 $1.04 $1.14
a loaf of bread costs $3.99 $3.59 $3.49 $3.39
a paperback novel costs $12.99 $12.99 $12.99 $10.99
a weekly (Time) magazine costs $8.99 $8.99 $8.99 $6.99
a comic book costs $5.50 $5.50 $5.25 $2.99
a daily newspaper costs $3.00 $2.38 $2.38 $1.19
a regular bus ride costs $3.75 $3.65 $3.60 $3.30
a medium cup of coffee costs $1.83 $1.83 $1.79 $1.52
a basic cable television package $24.99 $24.99 $24.99 $37.81
a first run movie rental costs $6.99 $4.99 $4.99 $5.99
an adult’s movie theatre ticket costs $12.99 $13.50 $12.99 $10.99
a children’s movie theatre ticket costs $8.50 $9.25 $9.50 $7.99
Minimum wage (Ontario) $15.50/hr $14.35/hr $14.25/hr $10.25/hr
an adult men’s haircut $24.00 $21.00 $21.00 $18.00
a medium combination pizza $22.00 $21.75 $19.95 $17.25
a roll of toilet paper (based on price of a pack of 8) $1.48 $1.33 $1.13 $  1.00US

2022 2021 2020
Births this year 133,990,136 140,086,055 140,469,885
Deaths (Covid-19 Deaths) this year  67,095,983(1,225,106)   58,811,482(3,511,231) 58,972,622(1,941,761)
Net Annual population growth 66,894,154 81,274,573 81,497,263
Current World Population 8,008,590,852 7,917,257,610 7,835,983,035

Bonus – Other Vital Stat Meters at a Glance:

Jan 01

Epilogue 2022

So there you have it.  Earth is now home to over 8 billion bipedal parasites, but for the first time since Flotscrum records began some 22 years ago, more earthlings are dying than are being born.  We can probably thank Rah! Rah! Ass Putin, an absence of safety inspections on Russian windows, TRGS (Terminal Russian General Syndrome), and the fact that Russian women don’t want to have children with mindless pussies that would blindly swallow so much shit emanating from their little leaders ass.  Whatever the reason, and again thanks to more and more countries Putin more distance between their economies and Putin’s poison fossil fuels there may yet be hope for this planet.

Have a Happier New Year Everyone!

Jan 01

2021 Year in Review

The Chinese called it the Year of the Ox. The United Nations dubbed 2021 the International Year of Peace and Trust. It was the year that email  and the microprocessor turned 50. Tuberculosis vaccinations and insulin turned 100 years old in 2021 which also marked the 100th anniversary of:

I’d like to say we’ve come a long way now, but when you consider that 100 years after Hitler and Mussolini turned their fascist thugs loose on their political enemies, that is exactly what Donnie Despot did right from the get go in 2021 when he encouraged his “redhats” to storm the Capitol.  And don’t get me started on how far we’ve fallen in the realm of vaccinations acceptance.

Regardless, we’re not here to dwell on ancient history and those little people who cannot get over it. My voices have graciously agreed to come out of lockdown again this year in order to swap stories about our shared experiences and drink whatever it takes to unmask the truth and/or make sense of the nonsense that was the year 2021.

If you have not already done so, please doff your tinfoil tops and don your head lamps because I have a feeling this year’s rabbit hole could be pretty dark.

Jan 01

Story of the Year 2021

Republican Mob Storms the US Capitol

Having failed in all attempts to convince the courts or any Federal or State Republican politicians to throw out the vote, the Dodder encourages a crowd of his (perhaps extremely) right minded zealots to storm congress to defend their, if not democratic, then republican right to ignore law and order in order to “patriotically” defend his divine right to dictate what is right, real, and good for everyone.

Jan 01

Newsmaker of the Year 2021

Mother Nature

Mother Nature continued to trend toward the extreme over the past year. Arctic Temperatures in Texas. Mediterranean temperatures in the Arctic. Record  rainfalls and flooding in Canada’s wettest province. Record Heatwaves (July 2021 was the “world’s” hottest month on record). Oh, and don’t forget the Record droughts, the killer tornadoes appearing later (in December?!) and touching down for longer than ever before, and the host of other natural disasters super-spreading across the globe.  Alas, Earth’s ultimate influencer, is still  no match for the ongoing cacophony of gorilla dust being raised by the climate denial movement with their army of online influencers, trolls, and lobbyists who will continue to punch well above their weight class until the day they climb (or are flooded) out of their parents’ basements, caves and/or arseholes into what may well be their first (and last) taste of life in the “real” world. Until that day, there is Noah telling what it’s going to take to drown those guys out.

Related stories:

Experts confirm that an arctic town in Siberia now holds, at 38C (100F), the highest temperature ever recorded in the Arctic.

Brazil, land of the free to cut, burn and lay waste to the Amazon rain forests (a.k.a. the Lungs of Earth) was reporting that their Covid-19 death toll is being exacerbated by a lack of oxygen.

Jan 01

Person of the Year 2021

Bridger Walker

In a world and a year where everyone else seemed obsessed with their personal well-being, aggrandizement, and/or likes, this 6-year old from Cheyenne, Wyoming didn’t think twice about putting himself in harm’s way to protect his sister from a vicious dog.

Jan 01

Feelgood Story of the Year 2021

Derek Chauvin Guilty Verdict

Justice is served when the ex-Minneapolis police officer is found guilty on all three charges in the George Floyd murder case. It might have felt better if the judge had ordered the court bailiff to kneel on Derek’s neck until the verdict came back from the jury, but all in all everyone but Derek (and people like him) felt good about the outcome.

Jan 01

Sleeper Story of the Year 2021

Wall Street Introduces Water Futures

For the first time, Wall Street traders are now able to trade in the future value of water, the way they have with other agricultural and mineral commodities. Thirsty for profits, it appears that at least they have realized where real value (and risks) lie because we can’t drink oil, gold, or bitcoins – a point that is being made abundantly clear as Water riots continue spilling onto the streets of Iran as authorities are doing whatever they can to drown out the protestors thirst for whatever is fueling their “Death to Khomeini!” chants.

Runner up:

An Evergrander Existential Threat for China

Although the Cold War between China and the US continued to escalate with relations hovering on the brink of absolute zero,  the real story was actually a massive meltdown that is leading to internal upheaval for Communist China as capitalism continues to eat it from the inside out on an Evergrande(r) scale. Stay tuned.


Jan 01

Innovation of the Year 2021

The ‘Big Jim’ Iron-Air Battery by Form Energy Inc.

An inexpensive battery to meet peak demand when the wind isn’t blowing or the sun isn’t shining. This new and highly efficient battery chemistry is based on one of the most abundant metals in the Earth: iron. It discharges electrons by reacting ambient oxygen with iron, creating rust. Inbound electrical current turns the rust back into iron, releasing oxygen, and recharging the battery.

See the rest of the field at:

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