Category Archive: Wreckollection

Jan 01

2017 Year in Review

The Chinese called it the Year of the Rooster.  The United Nations dubbed 2017 the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development.  It was the year that the Super Bowl and the Big Mac turned 50.  Girl Guide Cookies turned 100 years old in 2017 which also marked the 100th anniversary of:

  • the Russian Revolution

  • the WWI battles of Vimy Ridge and Passchendaele

  • America’s entry into WWI

  • England’s Balfour Declaration (supporting a home for Jewish people in Palestine)

  • the National Hockey League (NHL)

  • the toggle light switch

  • the Converse All Stars basketball shoe

  • the Pulitzer Prize

  • the Kikkoman Corporation (soy sauce, etc.)

  • Aqua Velva aftershave

  • the Mitsubishi Model A (the first series production automobile manufactured in Japan)

  • Japanese Anime cartoons

  • the arrest and execution of Mata Hari in France

  • the 1st US congresswoman (Jeannette Rankin, Montana)

  • the 1st commercial jazz recording(“Dixie Jazz Band One Step”)

  • Lions Clubs International

  • the introduction of Canada’s 1st income tax (as a “temporary” measure)

  • the right for women to vote in Canada

  • the right for women to vote in New York State

  • the Halifax Explosion (1,963 dead, 9,000 injured)

It was the year of the Dodder, the hackers, and the usual terrorist stuff we don’t care about because, if we did, the terrorists would just keep doing it and we would just become more numbed to their stupidity… until it effects the price of gas, at which point, holy gas gauge Batman thems fighting words.


Jan 01

Story of the Year 2017

Snakes on a Plane

This story from Newsweek magazine best summed up the state of their nation after American voters entrusted Donald Trump to “drain the swamp” in Washington of corruption and cronyism. It may also explain why so many other stories were bumped from the front pages of the world and my ensuing flights of fancy. Rich!

Jan 01

Newsmaker of the Year 2017


Because nothing manufactured more news that was (and was not) news better. Welcome to tomorrow where the medium is not only the message but also the news source.

Jan 01

(megalo)Man(iac) of the Year 2017

Syrian President Bashar Hafez al-Assad

In Syria (and Moscow), denial is a river in Egypt. Last years’ megalomaniac of the year award winner continues to cling to power (and this award).  There’s no sarin how many more gas attacks and crimes against humanity even his sociopathic Russian enabler can Syriasly support.

Related Story: “Sociopathic We”

Don’t fuel yourself, there is a little sociopath in everyone. Although the world has come to accept state terror, gas attacks and other crimes against humanity as just another day at the office, trivial attacks on even the most minor player in the world of petroleum production still drives us crazy at the pumps.

Jan 01

Sleeper Story of the Year 2017

“New Cold War Heats Up with Game of Drones”

Both the Americans and the Chinese are testing swarming mini-drones that share one distributed brain.  Experts fear the Chinese may be ahead of the curve given their dominance in today’s commercial drone markets, but drone sell American ingenuity short when it comes to small mindedness.

Jan 01

Statistic of the Year 2017

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) levels in our atmosphere are sky high and climbing.

Even as The Dodder struggles to turn back time and recreate old markets to keep the American Coal Mining industry on life support, studies emanating from labs in 51 countries encircling the planet indicate that CO2 levels in the atmosphere encircling same planet are surging upwards.

Numbers released for the previous year 2016 marked the “the largest increase we have ever seen in the 30 years” of WHO global atmosphere watch measurements.  Only time (and an American 5th Grader) will tell whether 2017’s devastating forest fire records and the tremendous influx of hot air emanating from the Woeful Office will fuel a new record high.

Jan 01

Innovation of the Year 2017

Free Wikipedia access to Iraq & Afghanistan

The leading mobile phone service providers in Iraq and, six months later, Afghanistan announce they will extend free Wikipedia Zero access to their subscribers. Could free access to “fact checked” education be the answer to blind faith fundamentalism and fanatics around the world? Is the pen truly mightier than the sword. Can education trump walls? Will smart phones outperform smart drones in the war on terror?  Time will tell.

See the rest of the field at: Time Magazine Best Inventions of 2017



Jan 01

Movie of the Year 2017

The Hitman’s Bodyguard

Action that just keeps on coming with a just enough comedy to make it surreal. Fun (but only for that part of the family that is hip to the fact that motherf#@..! is just a quaint figure of speech).

Honorable Mention:

Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle: One for the whole family.

Cries from Syria:  A documentary that actually explains the inexplicable


 What everyone else’s Top Movies at the Box Office 2017


Jan 01

Song of the Year 2017

Better Me by Montgomery Gentry

Because a better world starts with a better me and, when it comes to opinions about what really is a year’s best song, that has always been all about “me to”.

Click or Tap here to have a listen.

Honorable mention:         

One More Light  by Linkin Park

Click or Tap here to have a listen.

Rich and Miserable by Kenny Chesney

Click or Tap here to have a listen.

Flotscrum’s Twenty-Twone Alternative for the Billbored for the Year 2017

Jan 01

Book of the Year 2017

No Winner

Nothing really stood out.

Honorable mention:  The Strange Death of Europe by Douglas Murray

This is a feel good story gone bad. It tells the story of how Europe threw it’s doors open to a tsunami of Muslim “refugees (?)” without really thinking things through.  Anyone who does not kowtow to the inflexibility of their new wards is branded a racist and told to go live somewhere elsewhere (by their new wards).

What the other guys liked: Most Popular Books of 2017

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