Category Archive: Wreckollection

Jan 01

Predictions for the Year 2020

Stock Markets plummet as Big Drug loses billions when people stop buying their common cold management products. Their cancer research is redirected towards a cure for the common cold in order to stave off a global economic crisis that comes of a cure for cancer as opposed to a trillion dollar industry dedicated to developing and selling drugs to manage the disease (and the side-effects of said drugs).

The Squad suggests Donald DrummKopf might be better suited to go back to his German homeland where he can try making the 3rd Reich Great Again. Finally something that both Democrats and his neo-Nazi fans can agree on.

On the heels of last year’s (we thought) highly experimental exercise in political correctness, Bill Nye (the science guy) takes another step towards completely eliminating stereotypes when he dons a bikini and wins the Miss America Pageant. He is later disqualified when judges determine his heels were in poor taste because: 1) the Dodder didn’t hit on him; and 2) they made “little people” feel small.

America’s War on Drugs makes an about-face when their coast guard stops focusing on inbound smugglers for the Drug Cartels and starts boarding outbound pleasure craft owned by Big Drug companies. They confiscate enough bails of money destined for offshore bank accounts to pay down their national debt.

The Dodder follows Kim Jong-un’s lead by demanding that all professional sporting events that he attends be played in empty stadiums with no fans and no journalists.

Food prices skyrocket as it becomes more profitable to sell crops to museums as art. Meanwhile, hungry kids everywhere are reported to be raiding grandma’s wax fruit bowl.

Space X runs into more flak surrounding it’s plan to blanket the heavens with up to 12,000 new internet satellites when their Falcon X delivery rocket bumps into a satellite and explodes. They blame their Falcon guidance algorithm for not taking into account all the new obstacles that seem to be materializing out of thin air these days.

The President of France abandons his attempt to reform pension rules when the birth rate in France trends to zero because everyone is protesting on the streets as opposed to making babies at the office.

The Dodder accuses scientists at Penn State University of patent infringement on his own well documented oily non-shit sticking schtick.

The Dodder solves the global epidemic of child inactivity (and obesity) when he invades Sweden and sentences them and their parents to interment camps where they will be chained to their seats and force fed a steady diet of American movies and fast food 24/7.  By year’s end he and all North American’s can finally say they have the bodies of a 17 year-old Swede (a.k.a. Greta Thunberg).

All of Tesla’s competitors in China start producing exact duplicates of their electric cars.  Although some will suspect that the presence of a Huawei in every employees pocket had something to do with the leaked trade secrets, I have insider (my bottle) information that it was actually a low tech sale of information by Tesla employees who needed the cash to afford last year’s first cars that rolled of the line.

Canada’s Prime Minister is now pushing a New Deal with high hopes that he will be able to pay down the national debt and salvage some  political capital by putting some pot in every chicken consumed by Canadians.

Jan 01

Epilogue 2019

That’s all I got. It’s hard to make a silk purse out of a sow’s year. Regardless, although my bottle is just about empty, my glass is still half full so, I think, all in all, things were looking up in 2019. Although it will likely be remembered globally as the year of the protests, that is far better than being remembered as the year of all those revolting old boys and events that have been triggering said protests.




Jan 01

2018 Year in Review

The Chinese called it the Year of the Dog.  The United Nations dubbed 2018 the International Year of [absolutely nothing].  It was the year that Hot Wheels and the movie 2001 a Space Odyssey turned 50.   The Grocery Bag  turned 100 years old in 2018 which also marked the 100th anniversary of:

  • the introduction of food rationing in the U.K & Canada

  • the end of World War I (20 million died over 4.4 yrs)

  • the outbreak of Spanish flu pandemic (50 -100 million died over 3 yrs)

  • the Romanov family execution/murder (Czar Nicholas II, his wife & 5 children)

  • the right for Canadian women to vote in federal elections

  • the right for British women (over 30 years old) to vote

  • the Panasonic Corporation (then a producer of light bulb sockets)

  • Iceland’s Independence (from Denmark)

  • Ripley’s Believe It or Not! (then called Champs & Chumps)

  • Lincoln Logs (Toy-Cabin Construction sets)

No you did not misread. For the first time since 1959, the UN did not dedicate the year to anything on an international front (nothing, nada). What did they know? Surely 2018 was good for something…or was it? Off the top of my head, although a lot of people and stories resurfaced again and again in the headlines of the world (this guy’s wall, that guy’s Brexit, or those other guys with their historic summits), I can`t recall a single one that actually delivered any kind of tangible results one way or the other.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Hold on to your hip, knee, and/or shoulder replacements everyone, this is bound to be another difficult journey on the rocksie road that is memory lane 2018.

Jan 01

Story of the Year 2018

“We’ve got to wake up & smell reality!”

No, it wasn’t any of those stinking news stories about walls, borders,  blockheads, rocket heads, or heads of state that we were being bludgeoned with day in and day out. It was the environmental elephant in the room that was absent for most of the year until the news feeds of the world warmed up to the idea and granted it a brief Stan Lee-like cameo appearance one day in October (before continuing their contrived assaults on our space with more of the same old bluster and hot air emissions).

Related Story: According to a WWF report, global wildlife populations have fallen by 58% since 1970 with African elephants being especially vulnerable after having “suffered huge declines in recent years.”  Genius! As long as the climate naysayers continue to do nothing about anything, the environmental elephant in the room (and by extension climate change) could disappear in our lifetime (if not in time for the next election).

Jan 01

Newsmaker of the Year

Elon Musk

Elon seemed to be the only serial headliner who was making news as opposed to noise in 2018 and, at least “some” of those stories were centered on what he was doing today to push the envelope with real and progressive actions intent on a better future for mankind (excuse me too) personkind. Following our Story of the Year, who can blame him if one of his bigger news launches might have been his first step on a plan to flee earth for what might soon be a better life on a more habitable planet called Mars.

Jan 01

Person of the Year 2018

Mamoudou Gassama (a.k.a. French Spiderman)

A Malian migrant in Paris who risked his life to save a strangers child while citizen bystanders watched, filmed and cheered him on. His exceptional heroics seemed to fly in the face of: 1) the image many nationalists are trumpeting of the refugee bogeymen that are invading civilization as we know it; and 2) the idea of walls being the answer.  The French President thanked Mr. Gassama with a medal and citizenship.  The City of Paris has offered him a job with their Fire Department.


Animal of the Year: King Coon (a.k.a. the #MPRracoon)

Anxious locals and the world watched while this migrant racoon scales the outside of a 25 story (305 ft) skyscraper in St. Paul, Minnesota.   Earlier in the year, another (or perhaps the same) racoon climbed up (and then back down from) 700 feet on a construction crane in Toronto.

Jan 01

Sleeper Story of the Year 2018

Alberta’s Premier calls for bids to build new oil refinery

Finally! Someone that actually (or accidentally) sees the stupidity of worrying about fighting everyone everywhere for the “opportunity” to make it easier to give away our raw materials for chump change by comparison to what they will sell it back to us for once it has been refined.  Here’s hoping she (and the feds) follow through and this becomes the first of many refineries and other raw material processing plants that generate employment for Canadians as opposed to all those other countries.


Runner-up: High Demand for Legal Marijuana in Canada leads to shortages everywhere”

Could this dream come true for the Canadian munchie market come down to a future global hunger nightmare when Canadian farmers turn on to marijuana as a happier, more profitable alternative to a lot of more nutritious cash crops that Canada has traditionally pushed abroad?

Jan 01

Feelgood Story of the Year 2018

Thai Cave Rescue

It took an international team of 100 divers from Thailand and 15 other countries 18 days to find and then perform the herculean task of retrieving 13 members of a Thai soccer team aged 11 to 17 who were trapped 4km underground in a flooded cave system.  The remarkable courage, cooperation and fortitude of both the rescuers (one of whom would make the ultimate sacrifice) and the rescued made this a very rare “good” news story that stands out in a year that seemed dedicated to bad news, bad behavior, conflict and caveman politics as opposed to cooperation of any kind on the international front.


Runner-up:  “Science and international cooperation trump hole in ozone.”   

NASA reveals first direct proof that the hole in the earth’s ozone layer is recovering as a result of 1985’s international treaty to ban CFC chemicals.


Honourable Mention:Robocop kicks some ass in America

The US Federal Communications Commission fined a Miami telemarketer a record $120M for making 96,758,223 unsolicited robocalls in an attempt to sell holidays and timeshare property.

Jan 01

Statistic of the Year 2018

High Cost of Canadian Interprovincial Trade Barriers

“The self-inflicted cost is staggering. Economists Trevor Tombe and Lukas Albrecht have estimated that full free trade within Canada would add between $50 billion and $130 billion to our GDP each year, or $7,500 per household. To put that number in perspective, $50 billion is twice what the federal government spends on defense. By comparison, a free-trade agreement with China has been projected by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce to increase Canada’s GDP by only $7.8 billion by 2030.”

Source: A 150-year-old lesson Trudeau should heed in dealing with Trump’s tariffs  by Howard Anglin for CBC News

Jan 01

Innovation of the Year 2018

A battery of environmentally friendly battery designs emanating from MIT.

Researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed new battery technology that will allow intermittent power sources such as wind and solar to finally deliver reliable baseload electricity. Its design is cost-effective, reliable, safe and scalable and it will never overheat, catch fire or explode.  Later in the year another team at MIT unveils a design that converts carbon dioxide captured from power plants into a solid mineral carbonate as it discharges.


Honourable Mention: Vertical Farming breakthrough

Researchers at Guelph University in Canada are using special combinations lighting in combination with hydroponic farming techniques to deliver a safe, scalable vertical farming platform for any environment.  Originally intended to support mars missions and already boasting a large scale pilot to in the deserts of Kuwait, the sky might not be the limit for this new farming technology.

    See the rest of the field at:

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