The Chinese called it the Year of the Goat. The United Nations dubbed 2015 the International Year of Soils. It was the year that Ford’s Mustang and Sugar Bear turned 50. Albert Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity turned 100 years old in 2015 which also marked the 100th anniversary of:
- the neon tube advertising sign
- Pyrex Glassware
- the Raggedy Ann doll
- the US Coast Guard
- Typhoid Mary’s arrest
- the 1st military use of poison gas (chlorine, by Germany) in WW I
- the poem “In Flanders Fields”
- Babe Ruth’s 1st home run
- the sinking of the SS Lusitania by German submarine; 1198 lives lost
- the 1st device to record telephone conversations (Edison’s telescribe)
- the 1st all-metal aircraft (Junkers J-1) test flown at Dessau, Germany
- the 1st black world heavyweight boxing champion (Jack Johnson)
- the resurrection of the Ku Klux Klan (America’s 1st terrorist org.)
- the Ottoman Empire’s Armenian Genocide
The bad news: It was not the best of years. A lot of people died for no apparent reason in 2015 unless, of course, God really did will it.
The Good news: On the brighter side, mankind has survived yet another predicted apocalypse – a.k.a. the Blood Moon Prophesy. What’s more is that no-one is predicting the world’s demise in 2016. I see nothing looming from the Christian, Muslim, Atheist or garden variety Nut-Job camps. Speaking of Nut-jobs…