Category Archive: 2013

Jan 01

New Year Resolutions 2014

Pa will try to convince someone that, Worry is like a rocking chair: it gives you something to do but never gets you anywhere.”


Ma will do her own thing while trusting the other Things to do the right thing for themselves.


Thing 1 will try again to cash in on his free trip to a rock concert anywhere in North America (or at least Sudbury).


Thing 2 will build a house.

Jan 01

New Year Renovations 2014

Okay, now we really need to do something about that kitchen.  It’s not because there is anything wrong with the current one, the problem is that the current one is working so well we need more room for our well fed wide bodies.


Jan 01

Epilogue 2013

Vom!  Seems like there have been a lot more Canadian memories than usual bleeding from my old brain pan.  This must mean: 1) that Canada is probably going to fall a few rungs down the UN happy ladder in 2014; and/or 2) I am getting so old as to give a schmeat. Regardless, notwithstanding my  predictions for the New Year, and with a little help from our elected officials (or the folks that elect them), things can only get better.