Category Archive: 2002

Jan 01

Song of the Year – 2002

Again, nothing stands out but, whatever it was, I’m pretty sure it was sung by a “fat lady” what with the departure, or imminent departure, of so many world and/or corporate leaders including all Canadian Political Party leaders, Sadaam Insane, et al.

Honorable mention:  “Dreamer” by Ozzy Osbourne.  An exceptionally good melody with oh so appropriate lyrics that lead me to believe that the man just might be a pretty astute individual despite his stage persona.  Warning! One good song does not an album make, so don’t run out and buy the album because I’m pretty sure that there is more on his album that could offend even the hard of hearing.

Jan 01

Cartoon of the Year – 2002

A picture of four pots labeled Defense, Environment, Education and Healthcare that that are bubbling over on the back of a stove with the caption,  “I think we need a bigger backburner.”

Jan 01

Joke of the Year – 2002

This review?

Jan 01

Best Advice for the Loveworn – 2002

“If love is blind, marriage is a real eye-opener.” – Red Green.

Jan 01

Predictions for the year 2003

The Canadian dollar surprises everyone when it rebounds to a point where it is once again accepted at par to Canadian Tire money.


World Wrestling Federation promoter, Vince McMahon, sues the U.S. Government for stealing the WWF’s patented strategy of calling upon good guys to become bad guys and bad guys to become good.  White House Lawyers defend themselves on the grounds that it cannot be the same thing when the WWF uses this strategy to capture the public’s attention, while the American Government prefers to use it in order to divert the public’s attention. “Besides,” they claim, “we have been using this approach to further our foreign policy long before the WWF came into being.

Flashforward:  Based on the old adage, “if you can’t beat em – join em,” McMahon forms a partnership with the White House.  In return for recruiting new good guys who are willing to turn bad on demand for the state department, he is given unlimited rights to market action figurines of all past, present and future players in the game of U.S. foreign policy.


Canadian Boot Camps evolve to Stomach Cramps.  Suddenly Canadian soldiers find they are spending more time snaking along on their bellies as opposed to marching.  When asked for an explanation, our Minister of Defense responds that throughout the annals of history it has been recognized that great armies have always marched on their stomachs;  therefore, these new steps have nothing to do with the cost or the state of our army’s footwear.


Though still nowhere near the biggest or best equipped army in the free world, Canada takes a “baby step” towards military legitimacy when it commissions Procter & Gamble to construct the world’s biggest diapers for it’s 2nd hand submarine fleet.


The United Nations (on the advice of the Americans) levy an ultimatum on Canada.  Their message,  “Let our inspectors in to confirm you are not, in fact, stockpiling boots of “fast guy traction” or face the mother of all bombings.  This on the “heels” of our government’s reluctance to “boot” all suspected terrorist organizations and their affiliates out of the country on the grounds that our army is shoeless. Asked if this was nothing more than a face saving exercise for the U.S. whose alternative would have been to attack Iraq and face the heat of criticism for not also attacking a much more dangerous enemy in North Korea; or, more poignantly, as a response to what was said by certain Canadian officials about the American president’s intelligence quotient, a White House spokesperson indicated that it was more on the lines of the proximity of Canada as a clear and present danger.

Flash:  Canada (perhaps in the knowledge that the inspector’s are bound to find the palatial walk in closets that were constructed in the Prime Minister’s residence by his equally diabolical predecessor for stockpiles of this kind), calls their bluff and declares war on the Americans first.  Military analysts claim it is likely related to a growing belief among Canadians that our soldiers are less likely to be bombed by the Americans if they are their enemy.

Outcome:  The Americans make a major strategic blunder when they concentrate all of their effort on bombing the electric power stations in the industrial heartland of Ontario in hopes of bringing Canada to its knees.  What they hadn’t counted on was the fact the since the Ontario Government’s deregulation of Ontario Hydro in 2002, there was nothing their bombs could do that would screw conditions up more than we had already become accustomed to.  Furthermore, that deregulation had led to massive sales of our electricity to the US, and by destroying Ontario’s Hydro stations, the Americans quickly dealt a crippling blow to their own effort.  This, coupled with the fact that, with one of the greatest military maneuvers of all time, a fleet of Canadian submarines (remember them?) turned their giant diapers inside out, saturated them with shit and floated undetected up the Hudson River to capture New York City.  The Americans were forced to sue for peace on our terms.


American scientists invent a cure for the common cold. In an unprecedented show of inter-national good faith (usually accorded only to third world countries oozing with raw materials), they give the drug to their Canadian neighbors to the north for it’s first ever round of mass inoculations.  Two weeks later there are no reports of colds anywhere in Canada. Celebrations are, however, cut short when the entire population of Canada contracts and dies from a new mystery virus dubbed the Coincidence-i-think-not-cia epidemic.

Jan 01

Memory Lane at Our House 2002

Thing 1 (6 years old) learned to read (in french) but he tells me that his discovery of Yu-gi-oh! and, moreover, the discovery that a television show of the same name was playing on one of the few french channels that we get without cable were his most memorable events in 2002.  This coupled with the presence of a new Nintendo game has effectively made him trilingual – English, French and Japanese (the last language being courtesy of Pokemon, Digimon, Yi-gi-oh and Nintendo).


In a rare sound bite from Thing 2 (5 years old), I was informed that his most memorable moment of 2002 was seeing the longest train ever, just after a house passed us on the highway and just before seeing a bridge lift up to let the boats go through when we were “going to a hotel somewhere.”  For the record, Thing 2 doesn’t go on vacations – he goes to hotels, so if you see us coming to town, you needn’t hide nor worry that we will be imposing on your hospitality (but feel free to jack your house up and have it trucked away because the boys always get a charge out of that).


Ma’s most memorable moment was her relapse almost exactly one year to the day that she last contracted her problem (Seeing the truckload of pills her doctors have prescribed for her, it’s a wonder she remembers anything at all).


Pa‘s most memorable moment of 2002 was when Ma’s bedside “meaner” got the better of us.  One morning before work I noticed that Thing 1 was limping with a splinter in his foot.  Ma informed me to just get downstairs and shave because she was going to look after Thing 1.  I was half way through my whiskers when my ears were accosted by a din from above that was something akin to a maniacal kamikaze sushi chef attacking an annoying Scottish bagpipe.  So what do I do? I do what any concerned alpha male would do in similar circumstances. I put my safety razor down and pulled out my electric razor to drown out the ambiance (because all good hunter-gatherers know better than to come between a mother and her cub).  Well this worked famously for a few minutes until the alarm and go’ dams rose to a crescendo in what could only be described as an armageddin.  Thing 1’s conscientious objections had graduated from passive to “massive” resistance and calls of, “Help! She’s trying to kill me!”  This, punctuated with a bevy of Ma’s frustrated four letter superlatives that would make Ozzy Osbourne blush galvanized me into action (well, that and the fact that I had run out of visible body hair).  I lumbered up the stairs to see what was going on, but things initially were a little out of focus when  I, or rather my freshly shaven chin, met the back of Ma’s hand in the hallway followed by some loosely disguised insinuation that Thing 1 must be his father’s son.   Arriving in the bedroom, I took everything in with a glance.  Laid out at the foot of the bed was an array of intimidating sharp implements that would have scared Jack the Ripper straight, while cringing in the corner under a heap of pillows was my first born, sobbing and pointing at the Skull and Crossbones symbol on the Hydrogen Peroxide bottle that Ma had attacked his foot with. Now everyone knows that the second thing any kid learns (after the word ma) is that they should avoid this symbol like poison because this symbol kills.  This had not occurred to Ma who, in all fairness, was involved in just one more battle in her ongoing war to get the boys out the door in time for school.  As you already know, everyone lived, and is now armed with the knowledge that: 1) “if it don’t kill you, it’ll make you stronger” and 2):

for Ma:  All men are wimps.

for Thing 1:   You don’t cross mommy in the morning.

for Pa:    Canadian Peace-keepers are probably not paid enough and/or could benefit with from some preliminary training here at our house on any given morning.

for Thing 2 (who was wolfing down some Halloween goodies before breakfast):   He can always count on Thing 1 for a diversion.


Jan 01

New Year Resolutions 2003

Thing 1 is going to get dressed and undressed faster.  His time spent on Nintendo will be inversely proportional to the amount of time we, and his teachers, wait for him to get in and out the door (assuming he ever does go outdoors now that he has Nintendo).


Thing 2 is going to learn to stop slipping his hand down his pants (a la Michael Jackson meets Napoleon).


Ma (alias Doctor Granny) will learn to take better care of herself since no-one else can – we’re too afraid to get that close.


Pa will get a new pair of glasses (because, one pair is not enough to provide the lubrication required to put an interesting spin on an otherwise uneventful year).

Jan 01

New Year Renovations 2003

This year I am told the boy’s “closets will be coming out” (not that I anticipate the need for any preemptive strikes on this particular front).  I am also told that we may be sprucing up the appearance of the front of our house with a pair of new picture windows (which means the boys and I will have to spruce up our acts by wearing a little more cloths around the house – or else I will have to replace the Maple that we removed from the front of the house with a couple of large spruce trees).

Jan 01

Epilogue 2002

So there you have it, the year 2002 will go down in history as the year of the Mo_____  (Go ahead, fill in the blank – you must have guessed by now … or are you one of them there, “Id 10 Ts” I’ve been hearing so much about over the past year).

I hope all of you managed to have a good time in 2002 or, at bare minimum, saved enough brain cells so as not to be suckered into politics.

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