Category Archive: 2002

Jan 01

2002 Year-end Review

As the whimper sun sets on another year, it’s time to pop another cork and drink in the memories of the old year – unless of course you are/were drinking to forget in which case please also forget everything I am about to tell you.

The United Nations declared 2002 the International Year of the Mountain, but you and I both know that it will actually go down in history, at least Canadian history, as the International year of the … (another word that starts with the letters mo).  For those of you that have not figured it out yet, I have subtly embedded clues throughout the body of this review.  For those of you who don’t read so well and/or after a little too much on the intake are still a little slow on the uptake, I have typed those clues very s-l-o-w-l-y.

Jan 01

Story of the Year 2002

“From Homeland Defense to Homemaker Defense – another oxymoron from the Bush regime”

In the wake of, a veritable smorgasbord of fraud served up by Martha Stewart and the rest of Corporate America, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission hires ex-CIA chief William Webster to head up a special audit oversight committee designed to police corporate accountants in the interests of “full disclosure.”   CIA?!?… Full Disclosure???

News Flash! December 2002: William Webster is forced to resign from his new post when news leaks that among his other job qualifications (a.k.a. aliases), he neglected to fully disclose the fact that he had also served as a U.S. Technologies board member and he headed the auditing committee of that firm. On Thursday December 19, U.S. Technologies Inc.’s Chief Executive Officer was charged with cheating investors out of $13.8 million dollars that they put into the company.

Jan 01

Most Ridiculous Headline of the Year 2002

“Suppressed report says ratification of Kyoto will scare away American investors.”


A “secret” survey indicates that two-thirds of Wall Street’s equity managers think that ratification of the Kyoto Protocol will hurt the Canadian economy and dampen U.S. investment in the Canadian Energy sector.

Umm! So we wait until they run out of gas and come crawling back on our terms.  Of course, the oil companies could throw us a curve and exercise their options on any patents that may have come into their possession for solar powered cars but then that would imply that they have sunshine – I think not.  So all we have to worry about now is whether there is any truth to the rumors that, over time, they have stockpiled and suppressed patents to cars that could run on water.  Ooops, I almost forgot, Canada has all the water too.

Jan 01

Sleeper Story of the Year 2002

“Pact allows U.S. troops into Canada during emergency”


Dateline Tue, 10 Dec 2002: U.S. troops could find themselves on Canadian territory helping police and firefighters deal with emergencies under a new pact signed by the two countries. The new accord says that soldiers from either country could cross the border, but would then be under the command of the host country.  The Canadian Minister of Defense stated “The pact puts Canada in a position to work with the United States on plans to defend North America, plans the United States would otherwise be developing without us.”   U.S. forces would only cross the border if Canada requested them, and they would be under Canadian operational command.

(Hurting) Headitor’s note:  Could this, one day become the American’s Kyota Jail Free card?

Jan 01

Headlines you won’t see in those mainstream Year-end Reviews 2002

(Hurting) Headitor’s note:  Its late, its New Years Eve, and I’SATIREd, sauced please accept that some (or all) of my wreckollections of the year gone by might be a bit scotchy.  You should double-check my fracts with some more staid and reputable news sources before using any of the stories that I have dismembered from last year in a serious conversation.

Jan 01

“There is profit to made in numb-skulls”

While the rest of the business world reels on the heels of, well … reality, economic disaster, scandals and/or all of the above, the Ontario Liquor Control Board (and I suspect other Liquor Boards across the country) reports record profits.  Western fundamentalists are quick to cite this as a sign from god that, despite the teachings of Mohammed against drinking and other excesses, here lies the one true profit.

Jan 01

“Americans fear Gas Attacks from Canada”

An international incident comes to a peaceful conclusion when a Quebec motorist is finally returned to his family after filling up on cheap American Gas.  The American Secretary of State admits that it was a simple translation issue caused when their border guards mistook the suspect’s rants on “unending Canadian gas tax” to be threats of “impending Canadian gas attacks.”

Jan 01

“Eurodollar is Launched while Our ol’ Dollar Continues it’s slide”

Despite sporting what we are told is one of the more robust economies in the world, the rest of the world is either not taking our dollar (or more likely the people who expect us to take “them” seriously), seriously.  At 63.6 cents US, our dollar continues to lag behind that of the other G-8 countries.  The “smart” money is not predicting much by way of a rebound until our ruling fathers (and mothers) “wise” up and stop spending Canadian dollars on image consultants given to the task of re-inventing their personalities. Only then is it likely that someone will get those same consultants to re-invent our dollar in a light that is more on the serious side – perhaps by calling it something other than “the loonie.”



Jan 01

“Red lights in Quebec’s Distinct Society”

Quebec motorists are now allowed to turn right on a red light.  Depending on how things “turn” out, Quebec might consider further legislation that would encourage them to stop on a red light.

Jan 01

The “Funny about Friends ” (or “best situation comedy act”) award goes to… US President and Canada’s PM

The comedy duo of Jean Cretien and George Bush jr. replace the sitcom “Friends” as the year’s funniest show after the Canadian Prime Minister defends his aide’s slur on the American President’s mental aptitude by “simply” stating,  “Hey, he’s my friend”  – “more on” this later.

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