Category Archive: 2001

Jan 01

2001 Year-End Review

Another year, another reference to Nostradamus’ predictions of Armageddon falls short – but mankind can take solace in the knowledge that hope springs eternal, if not in the minds of mankind as a whole, then at least in the minds of the doomsday cults.

Jan 01

2001 Story of the Year – “Drug Profiteers Lose Big in Game of Supply and Demand”

Canadian Minister of Health, John Rock, puts the welfare of the country ahead of concerns for Drug company patents/profits when he purchases Athrax vaccines from generic companies at substantially less than Bayer would have sold it too us (had they had any in stock).  Despite the immense negative backlash from  Canadian opposition parties, The Establishment and “dah media” against such a political faux pas, it pales by comparison to what Rock’s counterpart in the U.S. has to undergo when American citizens learn that he did not investigate similar opportunities in light of their situation.  The Americans subsequently demand and get the same price from Bayer that the Canadians got from the generic suppliers and the Canadians promise to buy all future orders from Bayer, on the condition that they get the same price that it is being offered to the Americans.

In a related story we hear that, despite all of the hype and horror surrounding the Anthrax attack in U.S. substantially more people were killed and/or sickened by the company that makes the cure for Anthrax. The Pharmaceutical giant, Bayer recalled it’s anti-cholesterol drug, Baycol after it had been linked to 52 deaths.

… Have you had your flu shot yet?

Jan 01

Headlines you won’t see in those mainstream Year-end Reviews 2001

(Hurting) Headitor’s note:  Its late, its New Years Eve, and I’SATIREd, sauced please accept that some (or all) of my wreckollections of the year gone by might be a bit scotchy.  You should double-check my fracts with some more staid and reputable news sources before using any of the stories that I have dismembered from last year in a serious conversation.

Jan 01

“Were the Amish right after all?”

We continue our love hate relationship with IT.  I’m sure IT had noble origins; however, there is no denying that IT has already been blamed for everything from employment and unemployment to an increased life expectancy and, in the same breath, an increased likelihood of global destruction.  If that is not example enough, try this on for size:

Try as they will two consumers (we’ll call them Ma & Pa to maintain anonymity), cannot buy a new minivan with manual windows.  Even the Sport Utility Vehicles  (Jeep Cherokee and the Ford Explorer to name only two) of the 4-wheel drive, off-road rough-set don’t list manual windows or locks as options let alone standard features.

Jan 01

“The buck stops here … no there, no wait a minute!”

Lamenting historically low exchange rates on the Canadian dollar and publicly demanding that the government do something to bolster the perceived value of the Canadian Loonie and our economy on the World stage, Ottawa’s main newspaper decides to raise the price of their daily from 50 to 75 cents (an inflation factor of 50%) on the very week that the most influential financiers from around the world converge on Ottawa for the G20 Finance Summit.

Jan 01

“Deficit Attention Disorder in Ottawa”

Dah media” who, in their anticipation (or instigation) of trouble during the above-mentioned summit meetings, sent roughly one media person for every two activists that were expected to travel to Ottawa.

Jan 01

“Over-time, yours truly finds time and a half is “under par” when ¾ of the cheque goes to Shawinnigan”

The Minister of Finance, the media and the free world lament the plight of the declining Canadian dollar, a probable return to deficit financing and global recession. Despite public efforts to attribute this, not so sudden, economic turn-around to a guy called Bin Laden, all agree that a more sinister force may be (or,  more likely, may not) be at work here in Ottawa. On a potentially related note, Greggle “Bin LaZy” Scruminski doesn’t work a single hour of over-time for the first time in twenty years.  Coincidence…I think not.

Jan 01

“Canadian Man of the Year Award Prompts Preston Manning to Consider a Comeback”

Time magazine votes a relative nobody named John Manley their Canadian of the Year (I’m guessing, because his was the only name their word search found when they entered the word “Man”).  Meanwhile, as all official Canadian political parties have openly questioned their respective leaders’ authority (and/or capacity) to head their party, we now have substantial evidence of what most Canadians have suspected for some time now – politicians really don’t use their heads most of the time.

Jan 01

My “About Face of the Year” (or the “some neighbours never use their own shovel”) award goes to… the City of Toronto

Less than a year after calling in the Army to plow their streets subsequent to a relatively normal Canadian winter snowfall, Toronto sends their snow removal teams to Buffalo, New York. Not surprisingly, the US National Guard was also called in to clear the streets of Buffalo, but this reporter is not sure whether that was before or after they received the aid from Toronto.

Jan 01

My “No Wonder”award goes to… the North American Music Industry

Even after they forced Napster to close shop, people still wouldn’t buy their one hit wonder CD’s (no wonder).

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