Category Archive: 2006

Jan 01

Statistic of the Year 2006

Canada spends $62,588,441 removing 15,000 Lebanese with dual Canadian citizenship from Lebanon.  Months later as many as 7000 return to Lebanon.

Jan 01

Revelation of the Year 2006

Google records your computer’s IP address, tracks all of the internet sites you visit and keeps this information until 2038 (much longer than other web browsers).  Google has also pioneered a mechanism in its free Gmail service whereby they can scan your email, understand its content and provide contextual advertisements based on what you have written.

Honorable Mention:   Scientists claim that the routine use of acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol) is a leading cause of liver damage.  Kind of makes your head ache, doesn’t it?

Jan 01

My “Most Boobs on an Award Show” (or “What is it about Booze and Nova Scotia”) award goes to… the Juno Awards held in Halifax Nova Scotia.

Although the 2006 Juno Awards master of ceremonies, Pamela Anderson thought the boos were actually a quaint Nova Scotian method of ordering drinks (and/or expressing awe for her perfect set of… airbags), the press swallowed the Music Industry’s line that the rolling catcalls were directed at Pamela Sue’s anti-seal hunt comments from the previous night.   Nova Scotian, insiders who incidentally love their booze and prefer boobs to seal hunters (regardless of what the same sexers say) are aghast that no-one could understand (or admit) that they were actually expressing their contempt for the music that was being served up as being worth mention let alone an award).

Related Story:  In an attempt to sway public opinion to the musician’s side, Sir Paul McCartney took his wife out on the ice for a photo-op that turned sour when she was attacked by a baby seal.  Greenpeace apologists say the cute animal probably mistook her wooden leg for a club.  Later in the year, Heather would say “I don’t need this or you anymore” thus sealing Paul’s fate in divorce court (and answering his musical question, “will you still need me, will your still feed me when I’m 64”).

Jan 01

My Too Stupid to Evolve award goes to… Google (and most any other web browser) users.

Especially stupid are the Google users who have issues with telemarketers and/or how much information their governments have on them. See my Revelation of the Year.

Jan 01

My Money-Maker of the Year award goes to… the Bush Administration

The Bush Administration passes legislation that will allow the U.S. Deficit to surpass its previously designated ceiling by $1.6 trillion.   Their new limit now sits at $9 trillion.  When President Bush took office five years ago, the national debt was at $5.6 trillion; since then, big budget surpluses have collapsed into huge deficits, and the debt has shot up nearly 50 percent.  The U.S. National Debt has continued to increase an average of $1.74 billion per day since September 30, 2005!

On a happier note, for anyone with Halliburton stock, the company’s revenues are estimated at $12.5 billion per year since the war (oops its not officially considered a war so let’s call it the “investment” of Iraq) began and their stock hit an all-time high of $83.97 per share in 2006 (up from $9 per share in 2002 when the Bush administration began planning its invasion (doh! mega dough!) investment of IRAQ.

Jan 01

My “Damage Control” Award goes to… U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney

When faced with the prospect of having to answer for the skyrocketing U.S. national deficit and his own connections with Haliburton, he commits the “(5 time) Draft Deferee” cum Board of Director’s version of falling on his sword – he accidentally shoots his lawyer.

Jan 01

My “Truth is Out There” award goes to… the Islamic Fundamentalists

Honorable mention must go to the ones who release two CNN reporters after those reporters agree to convert to Islam on international television.   Sadly none of our national news agencies pick up on this ironic slip from the forces of evil who champion a religion of peace that has been for all intents and purposes spread at sword point.  Fortunately, for our CNN media buddies, the bible does not mete out the death penalty for Christians who change faith.

Jan 01

My “Blind Faith meets Blind Justice” award goes to… Lebanese Army and Police officials

Lebanese officials are at a loss as to how to distinguish Hezbollah terrorists from their general population.   News flash:  A Fajr-3 rocket with a range of 45km is required to reach Haifa, Israel from Lebanon.  Given that the Fajr-3 is 17 feet long, they might start by looking for the guys with the 17 foot bulge in their pants.

Jan 01

My “Theory of a Deadman” award goes to… a dieing record industry

…and all those new bands who exhaust their creative song writing juices coming up with a band name and then crank out the same old, same old based upon the CSI Television formula of “if I write about a city I will have an endless supply of material to draw upon.”  Take for example the following examples of what just might be the most overplayed songs of 2006:

Beverly Hills by Weezer

Santa Monica by Theory of a Deadman

Pretty Vegas by INXS

Jan 01

New Words (invented by yours truly) 2006

Moronics:  noun (from the root just look around you at all those morons)

1) A fusion of the faculties of psychology, marketing and economics specifically focusing on how many new and often useless features are required to be added to electronic gadgets such as cell phones or nose hair trimmers in order to get consumers to throw out last year’s model and buy the new one; 2) Persons with an insatiable desire to be (joined at the) hip with new electronic technology designed to monitor their behavior and/or movement.

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