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Date registered: January 6, 2016

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Jan 01

Quote of the Year 2023

“a real war has been unleashed against Russia by the West’s untamed ambitions…”

— Russian President Putin’s speech at Victory Day parade (shortly after the Kremlin’s forces rained unreal cruise missiles down on fictitious Ukrainian targets)


Jan 01

Other Awards 2023

Our “Dog’s Breakfast” award goes to Bailey, the dog

It’s not all fun and Cocaine Bears in British Columbia for some unfortunate pets. If its owner’s dogged belief that drugs are the key to happiness was true, the tail should have been literally wagging this dog. In fact, Bailey’s tail wasn’t wagging at all when [mis]treated on many occasions to a diet of opioids, cocaine, and amphetamines.

Our “Not all fruitcakes are American” award goes to Brazilian Rioters

Almost 2 years to the day after Trump zealots stormed Congress in an attempt to overturn the results of their presidential election, outgoing Brazilian [ex-president] Bolsonaro zealots stormed their Congress on January 8, in an attempt to further the cause of their own fruitcake.

… but some American fruitcakes are unapologetic and happy to export their fruitcake revolution abroad

Our “Boring Achievements” award goes to Elon Musk

Not quite on par with his promise to connect cities with highspeed tunnels, Elon’s first cut in Las Vegas comes full circle back to Las Vegas.  Was this exactly what investors should have expected when the world’s least boring inventor pitched his ambition to run a boring company, or a minor case of “Bugs” in the system?

Our “Here’s Your Sign, Stupid!” award goes to this Colorado Man 

There weren’t any No Parking signs in the lobby of this Colorado police station, so this genius exercised his god given right to be stupid. Pretty sure he will lose his rights and freedom to drive motor vehicles for a while unless he gunned the engine on impact in which case the NRA could come to his defence.

Our “Loose Screw” award goes to Canadian Motor Vehicles Act

A British Columbia family dodged a bullet when no one was hurt after a heavy calibre bolt drilled through their windshield.  If found, the driver of the transport trailer truck that was responsible could face an unsecured cargo fine of $288. In Ontario the fine would be $110.

Meanwhile in Australia, authorities experience a minor meltdown when a truck loses a radioactive capsule somewhere along a 846 mile (1362km) highway. The fine for failing to safely handle radioactive substances in Australia is $1000 AUD ($870CAD).“

Our “I Cannot Not Tell a Lie” award goes to Donald Trump

Perhaps realizing that every time his lips move, he is incapable of getting the facts straight and/or that everything he says will somehow incriminate him, Mr. “If you’re innocent, why are you taking the 5th amendment” was russian to trample his cherished right to free speech.  Donald invoked his right not to serve as a witness in a criminal case in which he is a defendant not once but 400 times during a deposition.  It was probably the right decision given that the first words out of his mouth, “This is the greatest witch-hunt in the history of our country” proved false. Be careful of that witch you say when you and 19 of your colleagues have yet to be convicted and executed by hanging as was the case during the Salem witch hunt. 

Our “Toxic Misogyny” award goes to the Iranian Government

Sick and tired of all the teenage drama, Iranian authorities opt to teach all those rebellious schoolgirls their place by using toxic gasses. Hundreds of Iranian schoolgirls fall ill.

Our “Red Green Wake up and Smell the Coffee” award goes to this guy

Our “Sticker Shock” award goes to grocery labels.

As big grocery continued to leach onto our wallets and stick it to us at the checkout over the course of 2023, we also learned that their sticker price might not be the only thing killing us. A new study tells us that grocers might be extracting an even higher price as toxic chemicals used on some of those stickers could be doing some leaching of their own through packaging, and into the meat, seafood, produce and other foods.

Our “Oxymoron” award goes to Military Intelligence at the Pentagon

It was a case of telephone, telegraph, tell a known braggart and egocentric manchild (no not that one) your top secrets (no not those ones), when the brainiacs in the Pentagon allowed a 21-year-old airman with what appeared to be a history of insubordination and wingnuttedness unfettered access to top secret military information that he shared with like-minded individuals and/or just for likes in various internet chat-rooms. Apparently, they took (or mistook) all the red flags suggesting he was potential wingnut as an endorsement for top-secret clearance (but only because he was in the air force).

Our “Denial is a River in Egypt” award goes to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis

Earlier this year the Nile is main street Fort Lauderdale as record rainfalls foreshadow what much of Florida is destined to look like. Later DeSantis dives all in on climate denial when he approves flooding Florida classrooms with Climate Denial videos of dubious origin.

Our “Afraid of Americans award goes to other Americans

On April 13 a 16-year-old black teenager was shot twice after ringing the doorbell to the wrong house in Kansas City. Two days later, a 20-year-old white woman is shot dead she when pulls into the wrong driveway in upstate New York. Couple that with 650 mass shootings last year at a rate of almost two per day and the apparent irreconcilable differences between Democrats and Republicans where each seems terrified of what the other stands for and we have to wonder where they find the time to be so afraid of who may or may not cross their borders?

Our “Lost Luggage” award goes to Toronto International Airport

Anyone who has ever flown, shrugs off news that $15 Million in gold disappeared from an airport.

Our “Frozen Stiff” award goes to the Dickie Berg

A photographer from Dildo, Newfoundland got up one day and took a picture of this natural monument to how hard life on the North Atlantic can really be.

Our “She Did Nothing but Wine” award goes to Lillian Ip

Lillian, an Australian woman who was lost in the outback for five days without water survived on a single bottle of wine.  Yet another argument for proponents of the belief that red wine (when sipped in moderation) has measurable life-giving powers.

Our “I Didn’t Do It” award goes to Vladimir Putin

Be it exploding dams in Ukraine, exploding aircraft carrying Russian mercenary generals he is afraid of, or any number of other dubious diabolical deeds, Vlad can always be counted on to falsely flag blame onto Ukraine, the Nazis, NATO, Americans that didn’t vote his guy, anyone else who comes to mind, and/or all of the above.

Our “Slow Boat to China” award goes to the Port of Vancouver

The good news is Vancouver was not ranked last in a ranking of the 348 busiest container ports on the planet alas it was ranked 347th.

Our “Don’t Bring a Nuke to a Bombshell Fight” award goes to Barbie

In Hollywood’s battle of the bombshells, everyone’s favorite mass-produced blonde bombshell blew Oppenheimer, the father of all bombshells of mass-destruction, away at the box-office.

Our “Special Delivery” award goes to Ukraine

For a series of bomb and drone strikes in the heart of Moscow. Vladimir “Hey Ukraine We Just thought We’d Drop in and Bomb the Shit Out of Your Country” Putin accuses Ukraine of an unprovoked attack on his peace-loving Capital.

Our “First Lady” award goes to Sophie GrégoireTrudeau

The Canadian Prime Minister’s wife was the first Canadian to kick Justin “Office Because of My Last Name” to the curb.  Experts in my head believe she won’t be the last; however, only his Liberal Party has the option to follow suit before the next federal election.

Our “Head Case” award goes to an Australian Woman

An Australian doctor was surprised to find a worm living in the 64-year-old woman’s brain after she had been complaining for months about “stomach pain, a cough and night sweats, which evolved into forgetfulness and depression.” Yes dear, of course I’d like to know what’s on your mind…but not at the dinner table please.”

Our “Back to the Wall” award goes to US President Joe Biden

After campaigning against Donald Trump’s Mexican Border Wall, Joe Biden finds he can stonewall the need no more in the face of an ongoing influx illegal border crossings. Even with his back to the wall, Joe is not likely to become any more dangerous, but at least there will be less danger of him falling.

Our “Right Stuff” award goes to the Queen of Canada Cult

Followers of Romana Didulo, a far-right QAnon conspiracy theorist, are defending their right to be extreme by threatening a public execution of elected officials and other members in and around the small Saskatchewan community of Richmond that the cult now calls home (or rather their “Kingdom of Canada”).


 Our “I know you are, but what am I” award goes to Donald Trump

Shortly after being slapped with a Gag Order, America’s Poster-Boy-in-Chief for Chronic Constipation lashed out against the trial Judge and Prosecutor on the courthouse steps calling them “corrupt” while calling the [fraud] case against him a “fraud and a sham.”

Our “Crocodile Tears” award goes to an Australian Rancher

When Colin Deveraux found himself face to face with, and in the jaws of an eleven-foot saltwater crocodile, he wasn’t seeing eye to eye with said reptile’s choice à la carte, so he latched onto the creature’s eyelid and bit back. When the surprised diner let go, Mr. Deveraux got his rump roast out of there in the blink of an eye.

Our “No More Pandaring” award goes to China

China drops the gloves and signals the end of soft diplomacy with America when it repossesses it’s Pandas.

Our “Canary in the Shoal Mine” award goes to Tuvalu

Over 11,000 people living on the south Pacific island of Tuvalu, (Polynesian for we would have called it Canary Island but that name was already taken) are getting that sinking feeling as the stakes (and sea level) continue to rise with global warming.

Our “Free the Inmates, Jail the Guards” award goes to COPS

In a year that saw local governments and police forces everywhere protecting the “bad boy, bad boys” of fossil fuels from the protests of concerned citizens, last year’s COPS28 Climate Conference was hosted by the United Arab Emirates with a COPS President who was firmly aligned with their oil interests.  COPS28 was also polluted by no less than 2,456 fossil fuel lobbyists (not 2, not 3, but 4 times more than that count was at the previous year’s conference).  I admit that the voices in my head, none of whom are rocket surgeons, rarely agree on anything, but this is the one exception.  We all agree the planet is doomed when, after 28 years of greasy, empty promises, its UN organizers who aspire to reduce practically invisible greenhouse particulates over a time span measured in decades seem to be unable to reduce and/or eliminate the very visible contingent of fossil fuel lobbyists (that has just continued to grow at an alarming year over year rate) from their RSVP invitations.

Our “Candies from a Stranger” award goes to Meta

Click bait? Eye candy? What’s the difference.  Facebook and Instagram never Meta child they weren’t willing to entice, follow, ensnare, and/or gather information on via their version of eye-candy.  Apparently, their parent company does not “like” that its business model has Meta a deluge of hundreds of lawsuits in the US filed by families, young people, school districts, and now the 33 State Attorneys General.

Our “Lipstick on a Pig” award goes to fashion consumers.

The sales of beauty and skincare products saw an 18% increase despite last year’s higher prices and hard economic times.  Some experts say this is a common phenomenon that applies to fashion consumers that are addicted to consumption and their tendency to go hog wild on lipstick and other cosmetics in lieu of higher priced clothing, handbags, and jewelry when times are tough.

Our “Litter Tinkle” award goes to the Borrough of Decorum, England

A 69-year-old Englishman with a weakened prostate made waves (perhaps before, but definitely) after a by-laws officer gave him a littering ticket for taking a discrete roadside wee.   

Our “Tastes Like Piss” award goes to this Chinese beer

Whether he was pissed or just pissed-off, this Chinese worker created quite a stir when he streamed a video of himself taking a wee break into a tank of Tsingtao beer.

Our “New Sexual Category” award goes to Hans Niemann

The American chess grandmaster failed to win a $100 million defamation lawsuit after allegations that he cheated in a high-level match last year; however, he still categorically denies using a vibrating anal sex toy to get signals from an accomplice in order to pull some inspired chess moves out of his ass. All parties involved agree they are happy to have it all behind them now.

Jan 01

Headlines You Won’t See in Mainstream Year-End Reviews 2023

“Can I borrow the gun? OK, but only if you reload it and have it back by nap time.”

The School Shooting Season in America opened on January 6th when a 6-year-old boy in Virginia took his mother’s gun to school and intentionally shot his teacher.  Assuming that America’s new school year commenced on January 3rd that’s a full 3-day humanitarian pause that some might claim is evidence that baby steps have been taken towards greater gun safety in America; alas… less than two weeks later in Indiana a man was arrested after his toddler was seen roaming the halls of their apartment building in his “I’m a big boy now” nappy with a loaded gun.  [Hurting H]editor’s note: Due to the gunchkin’s fresh young age, authorities were not able to release any other details such to his name, party affiliation, or whether or not his nappy was also loaded.

Related Statistic:  There have been at least 82 school shootings in the United States as of December 17, more than in any year since 2008, when CNN began tracking shootings. Thirty of those were on college campuses and the remaining 52 were on K-12 school grounds. The incidents have left at least 39 people dead and 89 injured, according to CNN’s analysis of events reported by the Gun Violence Archive, Education Week and Everytown for Gun Safety.

There have been more than 654 mass shootings across the US so far this year, according to the Gun Violence Archive, which defines a mass shooting as an incident in which four or more people are injured or killed.

“For He’s a Pretty Good Cello”

Swiss courts found 4 Swiss bankers guilty of a lack of due diligence for their role in allowing Sergei Roldugin, a Russian cellist with no apparent other source of income, to deposit over $30million into their banks over a 2-year period. The cellist nicknamed “Putin’s wallet” is a childhood friend of Vladimir Putin and happens to be godfather to Putin’s oldest daughter.  The four bankers had their licenses suspended for 2 years and were collectively fined a total of US$825,000.  Bottom line: Putin may be the picture of stoicism when it comes to Russian lives, battles, and/or wars lost, but now that even Switzerland has taken a side, there is the very real possibility that he could lose his money and that my friends has got to be his greatest nightmare. Could this be the beginning of the end for Putin?


“Canadian jail bird apprehended for taking shit in prison.”

Canadian prison guards apprehend one enterprising pigeon carrying a little backpack full of shit (in this case meth capsules) into their prison. Alas said jail bird refused to turn stool pigeon and authorities were unable to identify its accomplices. Regardless, it’s one small step for mankind in the war on pigeon shit (and now we know how those angry birds manage to pack enough shit to carpet bomb everyone’s freshly washed car).

“Cloudy with no chance of extinction at precisely 7:27PM EST”

Or so the weather forecast for Thursday January 26th might have read had NASA opted to risk mass global hysteria in the minds of everyone everywhere who has ever doubted the ability of weather people to get anything right.  In fact, we dodged another “big bang” as said rocket scientists were bang on with their forecast of the exact time a rogue asteroid would pass between Earth and it’s ring of telecommunications satellites


Sorry you can’t wear a mask in this state.”

One for their win column, when Florida’s anti-masker psyche might have actually saved lives at a local nightclub. Yes, this large man made the small boo-boo while exercising his right to bear arms in Florida by drawing attention to himself by wearing a mask. He was probably also in violation of a universal nightclub dress code that tends to quash a man’s right to bare shoulders and arms a la the muscle(?) shirt look.


“International incidents balloon out of proportion.”

The Americans weren’t clowning around when they finally decided to shoot down what they called a Chinese spy balloon off their Carolina coast. After investigating the wreckage, the Pentagon determined that the spy balloon did not collect information. (Hey Bozo! Did you check the cloud?) Apparently, they had so much fun with that one, they organized a (hunting) party and invited their fighter pilots to blow up balloons all over the place.


“Hey, we didn’t gouge anyone. They were clearly already bleeding when they got here.”

Canadian women found themselves out (and out of money) for blood after a CBC marketplace investigation uncovered their a ‘pink tax’ on menstrual pain medication at Shoppers Drug Mart that contained exactly the same ingredients as regular headache medications and pain killers that were cheaper.

“Putin suffers side-effects from his special operation.”

Vladimir Putin woke up seeing double and bordering on depression after learning that his special operation in Ukraine has led to Finland joining NATO and thereby doubling the extent the border he has to defend from any “real” enemy attack.


“Ok kiddies, maybe that cow didn’t actually jump over the moon.”

At the risk of milking an udder tragedy to pile on more evidence re the immediate, if not long-term effects of all that global warming crap, we see just how explosive the issue of bovine methane really is when 18,000 cows die after a Texas dairy farm explodes.

“The Terminator is nigh (with some striking differences)”

Hollywood actors and writers strike demanding protection from being sent home and replaced by chatbots and other rising stars in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Meanwhile, a major sticking point in the Canadian Civil Service strike was apparently their fear that they will be ordered to leave home and go back to work.  In Hollywood it’s now a case of “I won’t be back”  (unless you muzzle those bots).  In Canada, federal employees had to come back to their workplace to picket for their right to work from home.

“Furry furor found fake.”

As thinking adults were grappling with the potential dangers AI, it was the mindless cat video and extreme right shock jockey movement that was causing everyone else to lose wish they had a litter box to lose their shit in.  That’s right folks, last year’s furry furor was litter more than a hoax perpetrated by litter minds on the internet.

“There’s a storm coming, best get your ass to an Ankara. No! Not that one!”

 This story took couch surfing to a new high as Ankara, Turkey weathered a serious windstorm. According to preliminary reports at the time of this video it was sofa so good situation as no people (or couches) were seriously injured; however, it’s owners might need to invest in a stabler, more grounded sofa, if not a session or two on their therapist’s couch.


“Beautiful dreamers spawn nightmare.”

Hey, it’s hard to makeup headlines that write themselves.  Apparently, diamonds are not the only things that are forever in (or on) the eyes of our fairer sex. CBC Marketplace exposed the multi-billion-dollar cosmetic industry for a soul (and global life) sucking animal hell bent on keeping our cheeks flush with forever chemicals so everyone can cry pretty when their bottled fairy tale comes to an end.  Remember people, especially those of you who aspire to stay drop dead gorgeous forever, beauty is only skin deep (and not perpetual), but ugly goes right to the bone (forever).  While love often starts with a heart and a diamond and ends with a club and a spade, the chemicals in your love potions can and will live on forever.

“Something to be pried off from down under.”

A 51-year-old Australian who was attacked by a salt-water crocodile while swimming, managed to keep his head when he pried the jaws of his assailant open just enough head for safety. Although some crocodile tears may have been shed, no endangered species were harmed in the incident (so he aWOKE without being charged… or cancelled for his troubles).

“She won the race despite her head start at the end.”

You don’t need a horse to participate in this steep ole chase in England. Just about any Jack or Jill can do it. A British Columbia woman (who forgot to tuck as she) rolled across the finish line ahead of everyone else became the head cheese of this this year’s event.

“Witch whackjob needs sex appeal now?”

After being found guilty of sexually abusing E. Jean Carrol, America’s Most Appealing Degenerate said he would appeal the verdict which he called fake news and a witch hunt while doubling down and calling the defendant a whackjob. [Hurting H]editor’s note: Of course everyone knows that (his word) must be the absolute truth of the matter until she (and everyone else on the planet) either sees the virtue of his argument and/or is proven innocent (again, and again, and again, and…).

In a related story, New York City announced it was seeing some progress in their war on rats witch they attribute to a newly appointed “rat czar.”


“Hey old sport, it might be time to clean the house of the old boy’s running this rag.”

We’re not sure what’s cooking in the corner office of Sports Illustrated but they might want to light a fire under whoever came up with this year’s anything but hot swimsuit issue.  At 81-years-young, Martha Stewart made waves when she became the oldest Covergirl to ever grace the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue. Could be that the old boys upstairs need a hearing aid because her daughter and many of her past employees, cell mates, and business associates never called her Queen Beach.

In a related story: Speaking of old wrecks, this old girl almost floated to the top of our Best Picture leader board.


“Forget all that Pamplona bull, now boatloads of tourists in Spain are dodging a different kind of raging bull.”

Roving gangs of killer whales have been running at the boats off the coast of Spain to provide tourists yet another, much bigger adrenaline rush (with teeth).


“Technical ups and downs fuel escalating angst in South Korea.”

Korean shoppers prove they might be unready to navigate rapid changes of the technical kind when a glitch(?) in their escalator unhorses even the nimblest squid gamer.


“Mob Rules after John Gotti III attempts to whack Floyd Merriweather.”

Floyd Mayweather’s exhibition fight with John Gotti III (a grandson of the former NY Crime boss) ends in a mass brawl, America’s second favourite (mass) pastime.

“Because I want to be able to tell my offed spring I was there when things got really hot”

There is no denying that many (if not all) people are too stupid to evolve when we observe a mass (there’s that word again) gathering of humans hotly hoping to “be there” when earth experience’s it’s hottest day on record.  I’m lemming you know now that they were disappointed; however, at the present pace of global COPS achievements they will have more and more chances in the future (and a much shorter march – if any – ahead of them).


“The American Way is becoming all the rage abroad too.”

America is experiencing global competition at all levels of learning from The mass university shooting (14 dead) in the Czech Republic, and the mass school shooting in Serbia (7 dead) to a mass stabbing (6 dead) in a Chinese kindergarten.  But wait! There’s more! A pair of rough, tough, manly Australian policemen chose the American Way when they went to a retirement home and exercised extreme force by taser to subdue an 95-year-old woman (with a walker).


“Although dead and buried even Elvis might have been all shook up.”

Seismologists claim that Swifties literally shook the earth when Taylor Swift performed “Shake It Off” in Seatle.

“Dude, Where’s My Jet?”

An unpiloted U.S. Marine fighter jet flies over 100km after its pilot bails out.  Clearly this was one naval captain that was not prepared to go down with his ship let alone know or care where it went down.


“Rapper Fails to beat rap after trying to make hip hopper hop.”

A Canadian rapper was sentenced to 10 years, after he wounded an American Hip Hop star in the foot while shooting at the ground and demanding she dance. Who needs chatbot when stories like this one already write themselves?


“Pasty Putin Projects Passion per Prigozhin’s Passing”

It took not one (Take 1) but two takes before Putin mastered his emotions enough to properly inform his people of a tragic air accident that took the life of the leader of Russia’s Vagner Group of mercenaries.  Yevgeny Prigozhin was not only the only general that the Russian people recognized as a hero; he will also be remembered as the only Russian general to have mutinied against Putin’s special military operation as well as the only Russian general who did not accidentally die after falling from a window.


“He not only looked bats, man; he went all in to look like a Batman villain!”

Tearing, or perhaps stealing (indictment to follow) a page from Batman villain Two-Face’s police record, America’s Bad Loser-in-Chief poses for a mugshot that exposes his two faces (if not his best side) of bad. Yes, there is such a thing as bad (his mugshot), even if there is no such thing as bad publicity (his t-shirt).


“Loose Lips Sink [Champion] Ship”

It was the kiss that sucked (the taste of victory right out of her) when the President of the Spanish Soccer Federation, forgot the rules when laid the lips to Spain’s leading scorer after their women won the World Cup.  What part of soccer is a non-contact sport did a person in his position not understand?  Reminder: It’s OK to publicly rip your top off after scoring a goal in a net you can drive an 18-wheeler through (sideways)…if you are a guy.  It’s also OK if you jump into the arms of and dry hump a teammate after scoring a goal. Everything else about “the beautiful game” is hands off – unless you are a goal tender then you, and only you, can touch the ball.


“Burning Man put out by heavy rains.”

While hundreds of thousands of people were being put out of their homes by wildfires all over the planet, another 72,000 were all put out over the heavy rains, flooding and lots of mud at the annual Burning Man festival in a treeless Nevada desert.


“Small construction crew digs a hole deep enough to reach China.”

Chinese authorities were excited, if not climbing wall, after a local man and woman dug a shortcut through the Great Wall of China.  Sounds big, but this hole was dwarfed by a new government sanctioned Great Hole of China.

“Please keep your seatbelts securely fastened (and maybe take a nap) until the aircraft comes to a complete stop at the terminal.”

We’re sorry about the long-winded headline, but in our defence, this one is more about the wind than the airplane. For you readers who are tempted to cut to the next headline, just imagine how explosive the headline might have been if the pilot gave up so easily.


“Sick of passenger complaints Air Canada hurls them from the plane.”

Two passengers who refused to sit in the vomit-smeared seats they were assigned to, were expelled from the aircraft and told their names would also be thrown up on a no-fly list.

“Our sticks and stones may break your bones, but your fashion can really hurt us.”

Chinese authorities who have, on occasion, relied on the odd stick and/or tank to keep their people in line, are beginning to fabricate a new law, cloaked in vagueness, that will make it illegal for anyone to wear fashions that “undermine the spirit or hurt the feelings of the Chinese nation.”

“Is the truth really out there?”

According to this giant question mark photographed by the James Webb Space Telescope the answer is somewhere between who knows and WTF (are you guys doing down there).


 “If California is right, Big Oil’s smoking hot profits could soon go up in smoke?”

 California has filed a lawsuit saying the oil industry is guilty of climate deception.  “Climate change is real”, said no-one who works for Big Oil (or the Canadian Oilfields), ever. They might now be thinking, if only we had stopped there. California appears to be challenging an absence of any evidence tobackO[il’s] claim that climate change is, at best, bad science and, at worst, an evil cabal of every scientist in the world (not working for Big Oil) conspiring to tank the West’s economy while at the same time destroying the Country Music Industry by vilifying big, manly, man trucks.

“You can trust me, old-timer, I’m from the Alberta Government”

Alberta, the province where trust funds go to die, threatens to withdraw from the Canada Pension Plan on the grounds that they will get a better return for their constituents. Hopefully they have learned from past failures in an Alberta Heritage Fund that has seen little or no growth since 1987 while similar funds in Alaska and Sweden have grown exponentially by comparison.  But hey, given that the financial wizards behind their bid have already performed a miracle of epic if not biblical proportion by growing the amount of the current CPP fund that would be given to them if they withdraw to a staggering 50% of the current CPP fund total. (Mathematician’s Note:  Alberta’s population accounts for 15% of the Canadians currently covered by CPP). Good luck old timers.

“Really fast cars suck”

No, it’s not because there are speed cameras popping up faster than even the fastest car. It’s because the world’s fastest cars are using a vacuum sucking system to generate greater downforce, cornering stability, and speed.


“U.S. Repugnicans out themselves as enthusiastic card-carrying members of the WOKE Cancel Culture.”

Shortly after the Republican Party’s favorite Fire-Man-in-Chief with nothing nice to say about anyone or anything that is not extremely devoted to his divine right of deities is slapped with a gag order, The Republican’s fire their Speaker of the House for averting a complete government shutdown by making nice with the Democrats.  The Repugnicans then struggle to come up with a Speaker from their Party that has nothing nice to say about anyone or anything that is not in agreement with their wildest and most extreme beliefs.  Oh well, as the old adage (a.k.a. general truth) goes, if you have nothing nice (or true?) to say, who needs a speaker?


“The not-so fine art of being a tacky stuffed shirt.”

Although his heirs were less than appreciative when Bunga Bunga Billionaire Silvio Berlusconi hung his art collection on them, the collection itself was even less appreciative. The 25,000-piece portfolio that one expert artistically framed as being largely, “poor quality works of little to no value” is costing them almost a US$1 million a year to store.

“It’s not the cough that carries you off…”

…it’s the coffin they carry you off in.  Especially if you trusted certain brands of cough syrups from India and Indonesia to cure that cough. Most if not all North American brands seem safe; moreover, a U.S FDA drug advisory panel has unanimously agreed that you can safely assume many popular cold remedies such as Sudafed and Dayquil (to name only two) that contain phenylephrine will not kill your cough and/or sore throat either.

“Sure, Artificial Intelligence is all fun and games… until someone looks at it sideways.”

In November, a South Korean robotics technician died after a new robotic arm that he was inspecting mistook his head for a vegetable, grabbed it, and crushed his chest and face against a conveyor belt.  Eight months earlier, another South Korean “suffered serious injuries after getting trapped by a robot while working at an automobile parts manufacturing plant.”  Are these just armed robotic weapons of mass production, exercising their right to bear arms or something more sinister that everyone everywhere might want to chat abot around (and with) what’re cooler heads.


“Dressed for success in our race to oblivion.”

Recognizing that the end of life on this planet is nigh and it’ll be more of a sprint than a marathon to end of days,  Adidas fashion designers in search of a faster way to make money unveil a $650 disposable running shoe with a useful life 26 miles/42.195 km (i.e., one marathon).   Not to be outdone, designers at Nike just do it with a pair of disposable $80 Jordan walking shoes for infants with a useful(?) life of 2 or three months depending on your infants growth rate (and desire to walk).

Thanks for the rescue but can you please now rescue us from the rescuers.”

 The grass may or may not be greener on the other side of the hill, but for 41 men trapped under a mountain for 17 days, the air in India must have suddenly seemed fresher than it has ever been (once they were rescued a second time from a crowd of well-wishers, politicians and company officials who seemed intent on hugging the air from the lungs of those poor wretches as they emerged for their first taste of fresher air).  Miraculously, no lives were lost during the collapse, the rescue, and/or the photo ops.

“Watch out for that fork in the road.”

At least 10 parked car owners in Michigan didn’t know which way to turn when their vehicles encountered a fork in the road.  No persons of colour were involved and or shot by police during their one-hour chase of a 12-year-old boy on a stolen forklift through the streets of Ann Arbor.

“Just another ElonGate[d] shit show of a year for X”

The richest man in the world musk really hate twitter.  He had a bird when he realized there was no backing out of the deal in 2022 so, this year he unceremoniously buried the bird and X (a mark that is also commonly used to highlight errors) now marks the spot.  Perhaps, fearing his message was falling on dense ears, Elon followed up with a litany of other mistakes throughout the year to ensure the bird does go down and stays down…forever.

“The Hunter and the Hunted, witch hunting party has the best lawyers?”

While the biggest child ever to occupy the Oval Office in White House was not running out of reasons to hate being hauled into to court to answer for his alternate facts of law (and witch hunts), Hunter, the man-child of the current U.S. President in the Oval Office was also facing criminal charges. In the meantime, Repugnican house leaders were busy hunting for reasons to impeach Hunter’s dad. Regardless of the outcome of any or all ensuing trials or elections, both sides of the political divide seem to be holding their noses and accepting that they, the people, are going to be sentenced to 4 more years of spoilage and/or decay in the Oval Office.


“Can Slow and Steady Really Win the Face?”

 Is snail slime the key to ageless beauty, or is it just more snake oil from the cover-up kings of cosmetics?  No-one nose for sure but my voices agree that technically it might not apply as snake oil, given that snails are  mollusks rather than reptiles; coupled with the fact that things would not have gotten nearly so ugly on that ill-fated Hollywood film flight if, as opposed to snakes, its escaped escargot resulted in Snails on a Plane.

Military grade breast enhancements for the front

Topless no more, the fairer fighting contingent of the U.S. Army is looking forward to top up their equipment with a new flame-resistant Tactical Brassiere.



“Putin’s Patriotic Polish Profiteers Picket”

Although hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers (and/or casualties), rockets, and drones cannot bring the Ukraine to its knees, a couple dozen disgruntled Polish truckers decide to exercise their democratic right to blockade the Ukrainian border (without being shot, run over by tanks, and/or provided gainful (oops) painful employment in a Gulag) on the grounds they think that Ukrainian truckers are profiting more than they are from the war.

Jan 01

New Words 2023

The following words were added to the Oxford and/or Merriam-Webster dictionaries over the course of 2023.

Beast mode (n.): an extremely aggressive or energetic style or manner that someone (such as an athlete) adopts temporarily (as to overpower an opponent in a fight or competition).

Beige flag (n.): a character trait that indicates that a partner or potential partner is boring or lacks originality; (also) a trait or habit, esp. of a partner or potential partner, viewed as extremely characteristic, but not distinctly good or bad

Bussin’ (adj.): Extremely good, excellent; delicious, tasty

Cape (v.): To act as a defender or supporter.

Dap (n.): A casual gesture of greeting, acknowledgement, or affirmation, typically involving slapping palms, bumping fists, or snapping fingers.

Doomscroll (v.): To spend excessive time online scrolling through news or other content that makes one feel sad, anxious, angry, etc.

Edgelord (n.): Someone who makes wildly dark and exaggerated statements (as on an internet forum) with the intent of shocking others.

Final girl (n.): A stock female character who survives to defeat or evade the attacker after the other characters have been killed, and who is typically portrayed as intelligent, serious, cautious, and chaste.

Forever chemical (n.): A toxic substance and especially a synthetic chemical (as of the per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances group) that persists and accumulates in the environment.

Generative AI (n.): Artificial intelligence capable of generating new content (such as images or text) in response to a submitted prompt (such as a query) by learning from a large reference database of examples.

Heat dome (n.): A persistent high-pressure weather system over a particular geographic area, which traps a mass of hot air below it.

Jag (n.): Scottish term for “a hypodermic injection, esp. a vaccination.

Jorts (n.): Shorts made of denim or jean: jean shorts.

Kayfabe (n.): The tacit agreement between professional wrestlers and their fans to pretend that overtly staged wrestling events, stories, characters, etc., are genuine; tacit agreement to behave as if something is real, sincere, or genuine when it is not; the playacting involved in maintaining kayfabe.

Keep cup (n.): A reusable cup.

Nerf (v.): to reduce the effectiveness of (something, such as a character, attribute, or weapon) in a video game; to make (something) less useful or effective; to lightly bump.

Nurdle (n.): A plastic pellet that is usually less than 0.2 inch (0.5 centimeter) in diameter or length, that is the raw material from which plastic products are manufactured, and that is a common pollutant of global waters and beaches

Parasocial (adj.): Designating a relationship characterized by the one-sided, unreciprocated sense of intimacy felt by a viewer, fan, or follower for a well-known or prominent figure, in which the follower or fan comes to feel (falsely) that they know the celebrity as a friend.

Porch pirate (n.): A person who steals parcels that have been delivered and left unattended outside the intended recipient’s home, business, etc.”

Rage quit (v.): To suddenly stop participating or engaging in (something) in a fit of anger and frustration; to quit (something) in anger.

Rizz (n.): Romantic appeal or charm (i.e. charisma)

Shithousery (n.): Something regarded as despicable, unacceptable, or bad.

Swiftie (n.): An enthusiastic fan of the singer Taylor Swift.

Tallywacker (n.): The penis; a stupid, annoying, or otherwise objectionable person (esp. a man).

Textspeak (n.): Language regarded as characteristic of text messaging and other forms of electronic communication, often consisting of abbreviations, acronyms, emoticons or emojis, etc.”

NGL (abbr.): Not gonna lie.

TFW (abbr.): That feeling when.

TTYL (abbr.): Talk to you later

Thirst trap (n.): A photograph (such as a selfie) or video shared for the purpose of attracting attention or desire; someone or something that attracts attention or strong desire.

UAP (n.): Unidentified aerial phenomenon (a mysterious flying object in the sky that is sometimes assumed to be a spaceship from another planet).

Zhuzh (n.): a small improvement, adjustment, or addition that completes the overall look, taste, etc. of something; verb : to improve in flavor or appearance by way of a small improvement, adjustment, or addition — often used with up

Jan 01

Predictions for the Year 2024

COPS29 orders that the term “worst of the century” be dropped from the lexicon of all climate event headlines as they deem it to be, at best, redundant and, at worst, a given.

Fossil fuel companies and their political cronies are pissed when by-laws officers from the Borrough of Decorum (yeah, those guys) are hired to police their carbon emissions.

Almost every school kid in America (regardless of grade level) drops out and joins the army to have at least a fighting chance of not getting shot.

Realizing that theme-parks are raking it in on their death defying drops and rollercoasters, Airlines unveil a new in-flight surcharge based on what they call their Barfort scale for air turbulence. It is applied using an algorithm that combines the number of deployed air sickness bags multiplied by the decibel level of applause received after a safe landing.

American weather forecasts become more reliable as their new norm becomes, “Smoky with the absolute probability of a mass shooting. It’ll be raining bullets folks, so don’t forget your Kevlar.”

Prince Edward Island spins last year’s photo of a dead white shark on their beach to advertise their beaches as the safest in the world using the tagline, “Our waters so safe, the sharks are starving to death.”

Republican hawks and warmongers are beside themselves and demand that last year’s winner of the battle of the bombshells must be Cancelled and removed from all libraries and screens everywhere on the grounds that, when it comes to battles, anything pink is, at best, commie and, at worst, transgender and therefore cannot be tolerated. Other Birthers led by Donald Trump, claim Barbie should be disqualified unless she shows them her vagina.

A new global law that forces weapon makers everywhere to cease and desist their production of any weapon that is not bright pink ends war as we know it. Attempts to quash the law in America fail as there is nothing in the 2nd amendment that says they have the right to bear arms that are painted cool and manly colours. American gun enthusiasts and especially the thugs and homophobes rush to voluntarily surrender their firearms. Those that don’t demand that their state legislators rescind all open carry legislation.

Despite years of constantly foreshadowing his identification as a transgender, the World’s Most Pathetic Walks Like a Duck and Quacks Like a Duck Defendant-in-Chief comes out of his/her/its/their closet and down the escalator in fugly drag to officially announce that he/she/it/they have officially changed her/their name to Donna de Vile. Only his/her/their/its homophobic followers are surprised.


A judge in Georgia finds the Defendant-in-Chief of the Free to Do and Say Whatever He Wants (and his supporting menagerie of clowns) not guilty of racketeering. After hearing a mountain of evidence proving them to clearly unhinged and anything but organized, no sane judge or individual could ever convict him/them on a charge that normally targets organized crime.

Climate Deniers on both sides of the border claim victory over global warming when they disappear Death Valley, California, and Lytton, British Columbia through a combination of roadblocks, stolen sensors, and forced relocation.

Environmentalists find what they think is a new debris field that dwarfs the great south pacific plastics patch.  On closer inspection it turns out to be remnants of all North Korea’s rocket tests and failed satellite launches.

Donald Trump Exercises? Yes indeed. Insiders claim that on the strength of his gains last year from exercising his constitutional right to remain silent (but only in court) to not incriminate himself, Donald Trump wins all court cases against him by exercising his divine (billionaires’) constitutional right to a life of liberty to continue his pursuit of happiness by becoming President for life.

America spirals into complete chaos as, buoyed by the example of their newly elected president and role model, everyone lies about their net worth to become defacto billionaires to claim their constitutional right to lie and their freedom to do whatever makes them happy.

After their latest and most terrifying spate of ongoing internal soul(?) searching, the U.S. Repugnican Party finally digs up a Speaker of the House that will satisfy all their fractious factions.  All agree, that Achmed the Dead Terrorist is the only candidate they can trust to deliver their main party line. The fact that his state of decay trumps that of all the other decomposing fossils that are likely to form the American body politic in the immediate future just adds grave-y.

Silvio Berlusconi’s heirs make a killing when they auction all his “wrong stuff” for the Louvre off to art connoisseurs of the nouveau rich (if you trust their own evaluations of personal wealth) Make Loos and Man Caves Great Again movement.

Inflation (both economic and obesitomic) disappears when Food and Drug associations around the world step up testing and honest reporting against all claims on processed foods and drugs.  The corresponding deflation of demand for those products leads to fire sale price reductions everywhere and a stronger appetite for real foods.

Drug companies get a hall pass for fraudulent cough syrup claims on the grounds of a certain “no harm no fowl” legal precedent set during some other liar’s high-profile case that trumps all liability for fraud.

Flying high on the success of last year’s disposable shoes for infants, Nike comes up with the brand-new idea of branding new-born babies with their swoosh tattoo. Hospitals don’t question the practice and just do it (perhaps on the grounds it can’t be any worse than a circumcision and unlike circumcisions this procedure is more politically correct because it can be applied to all sexes and religions).

When Florida’s favourite climate denier Gov. Ron d’Atlantis offers refugees from the sinking island of Tuvalu safe haven they take a Hard Pass.

COPS 29 trumpets progress when representatives from every country on the planet (excepting Alberta) unanimously agree there is an “urgent” need to reduce the number of fossil fuel lobbyists attending their Climate Conference… to level of 80% of last years’ delegations by 2050.

On the very eve of American elections, both Donald (It’s Not a Crime if I Don’t Think It’s a Crime) Trump and Joe (I Think It Would Be a Crime if Anyone Younger Than the Pope Occupies the Oval Office) Biden are sent to prison on trumped up charges.  The Pope is appointed Acting President of the Unites States of America until a viable octogenarian alternative can be dug up by either Party.  The Repugnicans were initially opposed to a Catholic President until they realized he also supported abortion.

When Ukraine loses its war after running out of food and ammunition, Russian tanks roll in and mass at the Polish border. When a couple dozen patriotic Polish truckers who were already entrenched there are ordered to maintain their Ukrainian blockade against the Russian threat, they hop into their rigs and run like hell.

Elon Musk wins the Nobel Peace Prize for his complete obliteration of Twitter thereby ridding the world of all the brainless mind-farts contained and trafficked therein.  It marks the end of kneejerk politics, kneejerk conspiracies, and a new Enlightenment for humanity while at the same time resulting in a marked reduction in greenhouse emissions from all those mind-farts and the server farms that supported them.  When asked what he was going to do with the prize money, Elon said, “I didn’t do it for your f@#!ing money! I did it because it was just fundamentally Wrong. Let me reiterate for you emoji heads who cannot spell or read a complete word. Writing, liking, and passing along incomplete mind-farts without context is X.”

All Hollywood movie directors become unemployed and theatre junk food concession sales crash after audiences everywhere cannot find the time to partake in a feature length movie experience that is growing longer with each new release.

YouTube profits soar, usurping the earnings for all Hollywood movies combined, when everyone who wants to Make their Hollywood Movie Experience Great Again tunes into its movie trailers instead.

Jan 01

Vital Statistics 2023

Vital Statistics 2023 2022 2021 2012
a Canadian dollar is worth $0.75US $0.73US $0.79US $ 0.94US
an ounce of Gold is worth $ 2,066US $1,824US $1,899US $1,204US
a Bitcoin is worth $42,550US $16,520US $29,259US $757US
S&P/TSX Composite Index 20,958 19,384 17,433 13,621
your share of the National Debt $30,604 $33,802 $17,433  $  18,133
the average Housing Price in Ottawa $633,138 $656,023 $540,500 $357,348
a domestic Postage Stamp costs $1.07 $1.07 $1.07 $0.63
a local call on a Bell pay phone $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50
a liter of Pepsi costs $3.79 $3.79 $2.79 $2.49
a liter of water costs $2.79 $2.59 $2.39 $2.39
a liter of milk costs (purchased in a 4 liter bag) $1.47 $1.42 $1.13 $1.35
a liter of gasoline costs $1.35 $1.47 $1.04 $1.27
a loaf of bread costs $4.39 $3.99 $3.49 $3.49
a paperback novel costs $13.99 $12.99 $12.99 $10.99
a weekly (Time) magazine costs $10.99 $8.99 $8.99 $6.99
a comic book costs $5.85 $5.50 $5.25 $2.99
a daily newspaper costs $3.05 $3.00 $2.38 $1.43
a regular bus ride costs $3.75 $3.75 $3.60 $3.40
a medium cup of coffee costs $1.83 $1.83 $1.79 $1.52
a basic cable television package $24.99 $24.99 $24.99 $38.67
a first run movie rental costs $7.90 $6.99 $4.99 $4.99
an adult’s movie theatre ticket costs $14.25 $12.99 $12.99 $10.99
a children’s movie theatre ticket costs $10.00 $8.50 $9.50 $7.99
Minimum wage (Ontario) $16.55/hr $15.50/hr $14.25/hr $10.25/hr
an adult men’s haircut $25.00 $24.00 $21.00 $18.00
a medium combination pizza $24.00 $22.00 $19.95 $16.25
a roll of toilet paper (based on a pack of 8) $1.75 $1.48 $1.13

2023 2022 2021
Births this year 134,280,255 133,990,136 140,086,055
Deaths (Covid-19 Deaths) this year   60,760,395 237,357   67,095,983(1,225,106)  58,811,482(3,511,231)
Net Annual population growth   73,519,859   66,894,154   81,274,573
Current World Population 8,082,415,468 8,008,590,852 7,917,257,610

Bonus – Other Vital Stat Meters at a Glance:

Jan 01

Epilogue 2023

And there you have it, our best cut at making some slick verse from the sow’s year that was 2023.  Now if you will excuse us, we’ll take a couple days to sleep it off in anticipation the billions and billions of WOKE Chinese (and Chinese rabbits) who will be hopping mad and hurrying to harey us with hate over that last turn of phrase.


Have a Happier New Year Everyone!

Jan 01

2022 Year in Review

The Chinese called it the Year of the Tiger. The United Nations dubbed 2022 the International Year of Glass and the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture. It was the year that the Commercial Video Games industry [Pong] and the Egg McMuffin turned 50. Commercials (a 10 minute radio spot advertising a new NY apartment complex) turned 100 years old in 2022 which also marked the 100th anniversary of:

That’s right folks! In spite of the best efforts of antivaxxers, xenophobes, extreme right radicals, and Vladimir Putin, most of the rest of us seem have come a long way over the past 100 years.

I thought I might just forget about the [SPOILER ALERT!] permacrisis that was 2022 and enjoy a normal New Year’s Eve for a change, but the voices in my head escaped to remind me that it is important that we never forget and/or ignore even the worst years of our lives so as to learn, rinse, and never repeat them again. That said, we took a shot (lots of them actually) at dredging up last year’s most important history lessons.

As always, we’ll do our best to dismember the events through the lens of a glass half full (if not fuller). To that end, and in anticipation that our cups may, at times, runneth over while we enthusiastically attempt to achieve said goal, we asked Santa for and received this spanking new spill proof keyboard we are currently hammered on.

Grab your plungers and buckle up your hip waders folks, it’s time again to plunge down memories drain.

Jan 01

Story of the Year 2022

 “Putin pulls a Hitler”

The world’s most dangerous psychopathic narcissist tears a page from Hitler’s playbook and invades the free state of Ukraine perhaps believing, like Hitler, that the rest of Europe (and the world) would sit back and tut.  Might have worked too but for the facts that: 1) Putin’s army was not nearly as formidable as Hitler’s; and 2) the Ukrainians kicked their ass. So far, most of Europe and the rest of the world (that is not also run by authoritarian megalomaniacs) chose to align with the right side of history and/or Winston Churchill’s dictate, “those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” On the other hand, Putin, all those old school Russian patriots, his state controlled news agencies, and a host of Fox News pundits who are continuing to enable him seem to have forgotten what happened when Hitler, yesteryear’s most dangerous psychopathic narcissist, invaded mother Russia with an army that was vastly more powerful than Putin’s.

So that happened. A megalomaniac’s attempt to turn back time and make the USSR great again (or rather to make his Russian speaking neighbors not so great again) blows up in everyone’s face. Not the least being his own and those of his own people. The good news: when Russia is called upon to pay reparations, its people will be for the most part unaffected given that all their money has always been in Putin’s pockets anyway.

Jan 01

Newsmaker(s) of the Year 2022

The Ukrainian People 

The Ukrainians represent a beacon of hope and an example for the rest of us. The next time you find yourself hard done by and surrendering to whatever real or perceived woes you are dealing with, turn on the news, take look at Ukraine, buck up, and fight back. The Ukrainians are the most courageous Russian speaking people on the planet. That’s right Putin. You and your country of Russian serfs who have surrendered to your yoke of oppression without a fight are spineless pussies by comparison.

Runner Up: Iranian Women

Another courageous group of people who are fighting like hell against an authoritarian, nationalistic, psycopathy in order to change their world for the better.

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