MacLean Magazine’s Warren Buffet Interview by KENNETH WHYTE | October 15, 2007 |
Warren Buffet talks about his announcement in 2006 that he would give away 85 per cent of his roughly $50-billion fortune to charities. In a year that was rife with stories that ranged between the bizarre, irrelevant and/or darker side of the people and the news, this one really stands out as one of the few pick-me-up pieces that I can remember. The following excerpt is one of his nuggets of wisdom from that interview that we should all aspire to live by (even though some of us might not have a couple billion dollars burning a hole in our pockets):
K.W.: “You decided you didn’t want to leave it all to your kids. You have a line about that?”
W.B.: “Yeah, I want to leave them enough so they can do anything but not enough so they can do nothing.”