

Jan 01

My “Making de Mockery of Democracy” award goes to… France, Land of the Free Ride, and those “youths” in “sensitive suburbs” who tend to break windows and burn cars.

On learning that the man who had vowed to put an end to the free ride (and riots) won the election, those same minority sharia holders torch some rides and riot in the streets.

Runner Up:  The United States Government’s foreign policy.

For all their posturing in relation to the evils of Hugo Chavez and Venezuela, we learn that despite his popularity (a.k.a. the ability to win a fair election), a referendum tells him that “Hugo” only as far as the current Venezuelan constitution allows and no further – i.e. two terms to 2012.  Meanwhile it’s apparently okay for the not so democratic American darlings in Pakistan and Burma to arrest lawyers and “disappear” monks in pursuit of political perpetuity.