

Jan 01

My “Burned by the Candle at Both Ends” award goes to… the Canada Pension Fund.

While lamenting the funds poor investment returns due to a strong Canadian Dollar, it lets slip the fact that twice as much of our Canada Pension fund is invested in foreign stocks than is invested in Canadian Companies.  The article did not express any concern that fewer Canadian companies could mean fewer jobs for the fewer Canadians who will be called upon to shore up the Baby Boom retirement bash.  Forget about strength, it just sounds a little “loonie” to underwrite the offshore interests that will be competing globally with what few companies are left in Canada to underwrite our own well-being in retirement.  Apparently our children’s well-being is not the only segment of society at the mercy of offshore business practice.  On the other hand, if our suspenders go bust, we can always fall back on cheap (albeit potentially toxic) dog food to get by.