

Jan 01

Statistic of the Year 2005

Including the September 11 terrorist attacks, the number of Americans killed by international terrorists since 1960 is roughly the same number as were killed by lightning strikes over the same period.  It is also roughly equivalent to the number killed by peanut allergies or the number killed by collisions with deer.  Since 2001 the Americans have spent 100s of billions of dollars (and Canada $8-10 billion) on counter terrorist measures.  Meanwhile, 36,000 Americans are killed by the flu each year.  Sadly, the American Government cannot afford to foot the bill for a flu vaccine stock. 140,000 people per month die of diarrhea, in developing countries and malaria carries off 165,000 people per month.

Runner up: Canada’s Gomery Commission investigating the $150 million Liberal sponsorship scandal cost’s taxpayers $72 million dollars which is almost  5 times what it cost the Americans ($15 million) to complete their 18 month 9/11 Commission investigating the events surrounding the Terrorist Attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.


Vital statistics                 

 Canadian Gomery Commission       

American 9/11 Commission

Duration   22 months     18    months
Documents reviewed 946 exhibits       2.5 million pages
Public Hearings 131 days     19    days
Persons Interviewed 183 (in 2 provinces) 1,200 (in 10 countries)
Witnesses Testifying 183    160
Final Report 681 pages(still preliminary)    550 pages
Price Tag $72 million                          $15 million