

Jan 01

My “Too Stupid To Evolve” (or “The Only Thing Public About Public Inquiries is the Funding”) award goes to… the Gomery Commission.

While approaching the $60,000,000 point of their public inquiry into evidence of political money laundering under the Adscam scandal, the Gomery Commission stops beating around the bush (i.e. interviewing anyone looking for an all expenses paid trip to the Gomery Commision in Ottawa who could claim to be friends of friends who knew someone who might have once met another person advertising the fact that they knew or received money from a liberal or someone related to a liberal) and calls upon the Ad company executives to testify.  Upon hearing damning testimony that many feel should close the book on the case, Gomery attempts to levy a publication ban on the public inquiry.

Related Story:  The Air India trial ends, 19 months and $130 million after it began with a non-guilty verdict for two Sikhs charged with conspiracy and murder in the 1985 Air India bombing that killed 329 people.  Unemployed and a few temporarily employed politicians are quick to demand a new federally funded inquiry.