

Jan 01

Memory Lane at Our House 2004

Ma finally got her shi_ inner self together.

Pa was rear-ended by a Doctor, and is happy (but not gay) to have been given a clean bill of health and the promise of living happily ever after (especially in the knowledge that it was done before our Supreme Court and Parliamentarians were able to pass legislation that would have required him to marry the guy).

Thing 1 tells us his most memorable event was a trip with his grade 2 class to the La Fleche cavern without Mom or Dad and he wasn’t even (too) afraid.  When asked if he remembered any important news stories from the past year, he responded:

”If you like wine you can take it to a restaurant and pay a little bit of money to have them open it for you…and they will even let you take whatever is left home with you.”

Thing 2 tells me that he will remember 2004 most for being the first time he ever saw, “The Simpsons.”  Powerful stuff when you consider that it was also the year that he went 8 days without his favorite toy while it (Ma) was in the hospital. He tells me that he thinks the news story of the year was:

“The Christmas tsunami wave and the big snow in Greenville(?).  It (Greenville) is someplace between Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. The snow was deeper than two minivans!”

Quote of the Year:

“No. I don’t want any candy.  I think I feel like a drink.”

… Thing 2, Feb 21, 2004