

Jan 01

My “Play it again Sam (and again and again and …)” award goes to… the Great North-Eastern Blackout of 2003.

No-one knows what happened despite the fact that it has happened before.  In 1965 the cause of what is now North America’s second biggest power failure, was quickly isolated and experts said it should never have happened but, now that the cause has been documented, it definitely would never happen again (Headitors Note: Unless they want it to?).  More recently the great state of California deregulated electricity amid promises that privatization would usher in price efficiency – not gouging.  After prices rocketed skyward by 300% what will go down in history as only the second case (the Boston Tea Party was the first) of widespread American civil disobedience occurred in San Diego.  As a result of these riots the California government stepped in and placed a lower cap on the price of electricity.  Shortly, thereafter, rolling blackouts and brownouts (not experienced prior to deregulation) became more common than earthquakes in California. Flash forward: Ontario deregulated it’s electrical utility in 2002, but after price hikes and public outcry the Provincial government was forced to step in and set lower price caps.  Then comes the great blackout of 2003 and it’s aftershocks (rolling black-outs and the threat thereof).