

Jan 01

Story of the Year 2023

“Palestinian terrorists save Israel’s embattled President Netanyahu.”

While Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was droning on, Hamas and a loose federation of other terror groups answerable only to “someone”  inexplicably attack Israel even as their hawkish archenemy, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government are reeling on the ropes from ongoing popular “Israeli” protests in  the street demanding he and his far right government stand down on judicial reforms linked to the expansion of Israeli settlements and further annexation of Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories.  Brilliant! Netanyahu’s government dodged a bullet as the ten-month protest ended and now everyone in Palestine is dodging bullets and bombs.

In a related story:  Shortly after“someone” gave Hamas terrorists from Palestine the green light to invade Israel, the President of Iran (and de facto Puppeteer in Chief of Hamas) travelled to Moscow where he was congratulated by Putin for his country’s role in ensuring that relations between their countries “are developing very well” and “Thanks to his support, we have gained good momentum over the past year.”